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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Windermere-based Wedding Photographers, we can help.

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Robin Lyndon profile image

Robin Lyndon


‘19 Certificate of Excellence

Hello! :) First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to visit my page/listing. A little about me, I have over 9 years experience in specialising in both commercial and domestic photography and I have been self employed now for a number of years as a full-time freelance photographer. I work both individually and as a team with other like minded and skilled professionals, depending on the requirements of the job! I work with a range of clients from national to local magazines, tourist boards, blue chip companies, small startup companies working to a very strict budget and in my spare time - capturing newly weds dream day! The services I/We offer are: - Corporate - Interior (architectural & property) - Fashion (studio & location) - Landscape - Wedding (& engagement) - Product - Food - Aerial (drone)

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Personally - The diversity, the locations I have the privilege to visit and the people I meet.

Professionally - Having self pride in knowing the customer is happy.

What inspired you to start your own business?

This one's a little long, so if you're somehow interested, get comfy, make a brew and read on... :)

I guess it wasn't so much in what 'inspired me to start my own business' as that was a natural progression. But what inspired me to study at university to become a photographer goes all the way back to when I was a boy (now 30, but I consider myself a young man - just).

Growing up I spent a lot of fun times at my Grandparents house, like most young children. However, this one day at my Grandads house I will remember forever as it is, I guess, what influenced me to become a photographer...

During the 2nd World War my Grandad served in the British Army as a Marine and was involved in the D-Day landings. This one particular day while playing at his house I came across an old tin box which contained dozens of tiny still images taken from an old format camera. These images, I were later to find out, were taken of the remainder of the war. My grandad, after invading the beaches, in France, found the camera which once belonged to a German reporter who must have left it behind in hast!
The images documented his journey from the beaches of France all the way up into Belgium. They ranged from portraiture of people he met, architecture and landscapes passed along the way. I was absolutely fascinated with them and I was forever holding the stills up to the light whenever I visited. This experience, and a few others I won't bore you with, combined with my dad being rewarded with a 20 Year Service SLR Camera, which I never put down at family parties, occasions or holidays, certainly peaked my interest and I knew I wanted to be a photographer!

It wasn't then until I was in my early twenties I had the stills blown up to see them in all their glory, for which I based my final major university project on and it helped me to achieve my BA (Hons) Degree in Digital Media. I guess it all came full circle.

Why should our clients choose you?

I like to think I am very approachable, thorough, I take a great pride in what I do and I can be relied upon to capture the perfect image(s) for the client.

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based on 169 reviews

The average rating for Bark Wedding Photographers in Windermere is 4.97, based on 169 reviews.

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