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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Leighton Buzzard-based Personal Trainers, we can help.

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RG Fitness profile image

RG Fitness


‘21 Certificate of Excellence

Hi I'm Rachel and I'm really grateful that you took the time to look at my profile. In this incredibly noisy industry it can be a mind-boggling task trying to pick the right personal trainer for you, so here's a few things about me to help you decide if we're a good fit: 1. I've been through it before. I was once overweight and HATED exercise. But still I lost 3 stone and fell in love with fitness. If I could do it - so can you. 2. Empathy and understanding Every trainer has their own approach. And mine is to empathise and understand. Not judge and criticise. I've battled an eating disorder, fought comfort eating and continually have to manage physical ailments (osteoarthritis) so that I can continue to train without pain or injury. If you have struggles - I've had them too. I know how hard it can be! 3. I'll help you expand your limits Every personal trainer worth their salt will push you to new limits. I am no exception. At your own pace I'll prove to you that you are capable of far more than you ever thought possible. You're going to feel so proud of yourself and your accomplishments before you know it! 4. I can provide references I have more happy past and present clients than I can possibly count. Want to speak to some to check I'm not talking total crap? Let me know, they will be happy for you to reach out to them. Thanks for reading. Qualifications: Personal Trainer Exercise Referral Specialist Advanced Kettlebell Instructor

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

No matter what anyone tells you, the nuts and bolts of weight loss is to create a calorie deficit. It's no more complicated than that.

This is simple.
What's not-so-easy is overcoming your own obstacles, such as lack of time or motivation, struggling with comfort eating or a dislike of exercise.

This is where I stand out from other personal trainers - I focus on you as an individual and help you overcome your hurdles.

What’s the secret to getting the body of your dreams?

Changing your LIFESTYLE! It's not about fast results (although they are possible) it's about creating a new lifestyle that is no longer about bouts of hardcore fitness and dieting, it's about healthy new habits that become your NORM!

What do you love most about your job?

Watching people's faces light up as they experience the changes that occur to their bodies during my programmes.

Seeing the change in people's mindset, confidence and self esteem as they change on the inside as well as the outside.

Having a laugh with my clients.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I VERY RELUCTANTLY joined a gym for the first time in February 2016, I thought I would hate it but I was wrong. I kept seeing the personal trainers in there and thinking I would LOVE to do that, and I would be really good at it too.

3 months later I took the plunge and enrolled on a course to get qualified. I haven't looked back since!

Why should our clients choose you?

Because you will find NO ONE with the same level of passion and enthusiasm, as well as empathy and understanding, as me.

I've been there. I've been overweight. I've been the newbie in the gym who didn't know what she was doing. I've doubted myself. I've looked up to others and wished I could do what they've done. I've yo-yo'd.

I practised, i learned, I failed a bunch of times and EVENTUALLY...I created the healthy lifestyle for myself that many still dream of having.

And all of this means...I can totally relate to you, where ever you are in your journey right now.

You will feel safe, supported and cared-for with me, as well as getting the results you crave!

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The average rating for Bark Personal Trainers in Leighton Buzzard is 5.00, based on 93 reviews.

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