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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Bedford-based Personal Trainers, we can help.

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The Balanced Body Coach  profile image

The Balanced Body Coach

You know how it can feel impossible to juggle everything as a busy professional? Work, family, social life, appointments, shopping, cooking, exercise... The list feels endless sometimes right? You have SO much on your plate that prioritising nutrition, exercise, and self care can so easily get put on the back burner. It's okay for awhile because you're a hard worker.... you are selfless, you're a giver who generally enjoys putting others first.... but you just end up feeling BURNT OUT. We can only do this for so long until we're eventually trying to pour from an empty cup. We get resentful, snappy and become a worse version of 'you'.. I know this struggle all too well. Let me tell you a secret however... (actually its what I've devoted my entire career to proving) You DON'T have to choose between prioritising your loved ones and your job OR prioritising yourself - you can actually do both without it seeming like a chore! (And I don't mean starting another 30 day challenge or fad diet) Using our Balanced Body method, we help our clients break out of this 'all-or-nothing' mentality to finally achieve the body they've always wanted WITHOUT having to eliminate all the foods they enjoy, dramatically change their lives OR spend every day in the gym. Our personalised workouts, industry leading 'anti-diet' nutrition coaching and tailored mindset + habit coaching allows you to go from feeling overwhelmed and restricted to feeling empowered, energised, strong and confident. Because let's be honest.... life is too short to live in a mediocre way. **NOTE** You can copy and paste the link below to apply to work with us Directly. https://thebalancedbody.net/thebalancedbody

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

We are an all encompassing health coaching company, so we will help you optimise every aspect of... Well, you, through personalised coaching.

From your training, to your nutrition, to your lifestyle management, to your stress, sleep and habits.

We leave no stone unturned in helping you look and feel your best, and understand how to maintain that shape for good.

What do you love most about your job?

I LOVE connecting with people and forming communities.

Thats a major part of our program, creating an environment where you can excel...... Plus have loads of laughs along the way.

Why should our clients choose you?

This program isn't for everyone and I will ONLY work with people I am 100% certain I can help (reputation matters, you know!)

So this program ISN'T for you if:

- You wan't a shouty, stern coach. What we do is wildly effective, I am just not the type of person who strong arms people into change - you actually have to want this.

- You prefer a 100% strict approach. Our program is all about balance, flexibility and sustainability... 100% strict in my experience never works for long.

- You want to eat a boring, bland diet. I LOVE food, food is a joy. So the nutrition strategies I teach all centre around eating the food you actually WANT.

- You want to workout 7 days a week. Again - BALANCE 😂 This program is all about creating a sustainable lifestyle you'd be happy to do forever (thats the only way you don't spring back after it ends).

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

We are a world-wide online coaching company - currently serving clients in 11 different countries.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

We made the decision to combat covid in our completely remote online training company by investing in thicker laptop screens....

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The average rating for Bark Personal Trainers in Bedford is 4.84, based on 1,378 reviews.

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