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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some West Bromwich-based Interior Designers, we can help.

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L'atelier Kauldhar Ltd profile image

L'atelier Kauldhar Ltd

Welcome to L'atelier Kauldhar, Birmingham's leading holistic interior design studio, designing interiors to transform lives. Our approach to interior design is incredibly unique as we take you on a journey within to create interiors that restore harmony and balance on all aspects of your lives. Serving the United Kingdom and International clients, our interior design services include whole-house renovations of main residences and holiday homes and are available both in-person and online. We also provide online advisory consultations for those choosing to embark on the design journey alone. Our areas of expertise cover interior design, cost management, tendering and procurement, contract administration, project management, staging and styling of residences.

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Hear from
a professional

What’s your interior design process?

My ID process is split into the following 3 stages:

1. Consultation - getting to know the client, the project requirements, design styles and preferences as well as the budget for the works.

2. Design - where the creativity begins. This stage includes both the concept and detailed design phases

3. Management - this is the stage in which the materials, products, furniture, artwork and accessories are procured and undertake cost and project management of the works where the client chooses this option

Which interior design styles can you cater for?

I cater for the modern, contemporary, luxurious/glamorous, elegant, formal, art-deco and industrial designs, styles and often choose to mix them up to create a more unique look.

What do you love most about your job?

Working holistically with my clients and getting to know them. Learning what their concerns are with their current living space(s) and what they truly desire from their finished project. I love the creative process, opening up spaces to enable the optimal flow of energy within my clients' homes and also selecting the materials, furniture, fixtures and fittings. Most of all, I like seeing how everything all comes together to create a unique home for my clients that ultimately restores harmony and balance within all aspects of my clients' lives.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Having worked in the construction industry for the past 2 decades, I have gained a unique set of skills that range from commercial management to interior design and holistic therapies. I wanted to combine this eclectic mix of skills into creating unique sensory experiences for my clients and help design their ideal dream homes that would serve them for their highest good.

Why should our clients choose you?

By choosing my design services, my clients are ensured of a highly personalised 1-2-1 service in which I get to know them, their design preferences and design styles and get to understand the concerns they have with their homes.

Based on the information gathered, I present practical and functional solutions to their issues and ensure that the final project delivered fully meets their brief.

At every stage of the project, I involve my clients in the key decision making processes thus ensuring that they are fully satisfied before moving on to the next stage.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, all my holistic interior design services are available online as e-design services and also in person.

All our interior design services are tailored to our clients' requirements and therefore, a combination of in-person and online interior design services can be tailored to suit the individual clients' unique requirements.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Online appointments are available for those requiring additional safety precautions.

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