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GLEC SERVICES profile image


west midlands

GLEC SERVICES LTD is a cleaning company that uses natural cleaning products we are passionate about keeping customers residential and commercial property clean and smelling fresh, free from dirt, germs, bacteria and viruses that can spread we talk our job serious as cleaning is a task that is overlooked a lot, with this mindset we task ourselves at GLEC SERVICES LTD to be the best we can be, making sure the task is done and done effectively. we take care of Airbnb, apartments, hostels, care homes, pubs, offices, nurseries, leisure, etc we like to work with clients that appreciate our values with is we only like to use natural cleaning products we do not and will not use harsh chemicals unless it's initially used for extreme deep clean purposes then after we will switch back to using natural cleaning products we offer unique maid services in the Birmingham, Dudley, Walsall, Wolverhampton area please get in touch for peace of mind natural cleaning

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love to turn somewhere that looks dirty, smelly and out of order clean and bright again, I get pleasure from seeing in a place look and smell fresh and I understand that cleaning can be a big chore for a lot of people and even a major stress factor, so I love to be able to clean and maintain customers premises I fell in love with the fact that cleaning is essentially important and necessary to stop bacteria, viruses and diseases from spreading and that I play a part in keeping peoples spaces clean and tidy and germ free so they can live and carry out their work duties in a healthy environment.

What inspired you to start your own business?

when I was 14 I lived with my nan for 2 years and I was exposed to cleaning a house from top to bottom with just a few tools and like a vacuum, a mop, washing up liquid, and a spouge and a few clothes, when I was 16 I got my own flat which taught me discipline and I was very domesticated, I would often go to my friends or families homes and I did not know what part I could play in their lives so I decided to help clean their homes for them and it was always a deep clean, and they where very appreciative and I could see the help and relief and joy it brings to them, I 2007 I gain a BICS level one in cleaning because I felt that was the only thing I could do, as time past I was disgusted by the cleaning standards and hygiene of a lot of business, offices and places in public and I always thought I could do a much better job so in 2018 I decided to take the challenge of setting up a customer orientated cleaning business it was difficult as I have mild dylsixa and I have had many major challannges growing up but I like to see things clean and tidy and I like to take the load off people by cleaning out a space, and organising and putting a clean plan in place for customers especially busy ones.

Why should our clients choose you?

clients should choose me for these four reasons,
1) I have cleaning experiences from the age of 14 but continuous cleaning experiences from the age of 16

2) GLEC SERVICES LTD is a new company only established in 2018 meaning that we are hungry, passionate and driven to impress and keep our clients premises clean as we are new so we do not feel comfortable and relaxed like a lot of big companies so we push harder and we do not overlook our customers requirements and we like to do a proper job, new also means a change in how you do things new opportunities so maybe GLEC SERVICES LTD is the change you are looking for.

3) GLEC SERVICES LTD is a customer orientated business and we are passionate, positive, humble, caring, relatable people, we like to ask questions and know exactly what you need doing, our staff are all lovely guys and girls and we know their value and worth and they will carry out the tasks set ahead for them once you as the client have a clear plan in place, or even if its a one of clean the staff are great at what they do.

4) GLEC SERVICES LTD only like to use natural eco-friendly products the name GLEC stands for Green Leaf Eco Clean, and we stand by that we care for the health of our clients and we see the importance of only using natural products, we do not use chemicals unless its in extreme conditions and we would only use it initially then after we will switch back to using natural products as they are none toxic and it will not cause harm like chemical-based cleaning.

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