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Tanya Bunting Coaching


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‘20 Certificate of Excellence, 2020


Hello and welcome to my Tanya Bunting Coaching, where my core purpose is:

"Inspiring you to SHINE"

I love working with clients of all ages to accelerate progress towards your goals.

Do you have a goal you wish to meet?

Are you keen to access the skills and resources to achieve that goal more easily?

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4 customer reviews

1 December 2019

Tanya is simply outstanding. She is caring, patient, skilled and effective. She has done great work with my daughter and I feel very comfortable trusting her with coaching my child.

10 November 2019

Tanya coached me through a job application for my first teaching role. I struggle to articulate myself in writing so had been worried that I would not be able to put myself across in the best light on paper. But through help from Tanya, not only was I able to find the right words to express what was in my head, but I also better understood what a future employer wants to see in an application. I am now teaching in a school that I love and have the skills I need to complete future applications when the time arises. More...

6 November 2019

Tanya is a passionate and caring therapist. Her desire to help you succeed with your goals is evident from the moment you meet her.

4 November 2019

Difficult situations occur in life. Unwittingly a few had crept upon me. Tanya was marvellous in returning my confidence to journey through life again, happier and calmer! ! Worth its weight in gold to me. Thank you. xxx More...


I love being part of the change that my clients want to make. There's nothing that I like better than sharing that moment when you reach success. As part of your initial complimentary telephone conversation, you can tell me what it is that you want, and I will share how I can help. Clients who work with me often comment on the speed of change as well as the impact of our work on other areas of their life.

After 17 years of School Leadership, I decided to complete the NLP Practitioner Training with Dr. Richard Bandler. Thereafter, I went back to class teaching as I wanted to realise the impact in the classroom. It was AMAZING! I also started working with 1:1 adult clients and was inspired to do more and more client based work because of the positive impact I was having on individual lives. One thing lead to another; over a five year period I trained as a Master Practitioner of NLP and became an NLP Trainer via the Society of NLP. I also trained to Post Graduate standard in Clinical Hypnotherapy and subsequently took up the position of Student Liaison Lead and Co-Trainer at the International College of Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Clients that have already worked with me note my professionalism, skills and expertise.

You have my word that I care enormously about my clients. At the end of the day, your success is my success! I listen to what you want and design a tailor made process to get you there. This includes responding to your unique thought processes and a bespoke trance designed to ensure your individual success. I'll teach you to use self-hypnosis in other areas of your life so that you continue to benefit long after our teamwork has finished. Most importantly, you are in the driving seat. I am the catalyst who enables your success and ensures that you learn new skills and enjoy some fun along the way; not to mention the opportunity to relax, change and recuperate. If you didn't already know, research shows that 20 minutes in trance is equivalent to 3 to 4 hours sleep, so you will always leave me feeling rested and re-energised.

I believe that my clients testimonials say it much better than me, so here's a few snippets from some recent reviews:

"After my first session with Tanya, I felt instantly calmer and more positive."

"Tanya's abilities are abundantly clear and I feel proud to have received her undoubted skills in helping me back on the road to reaching my potential whilst on this earth!"

"I strongly recommend Tanya Bunting Coaching for anyone who is applying for a teaching job. After being unsuccessful at interview, my confidence was knocked. I worried that I might never get a teaching job...I left feeling confident and ready to take on my next interview."

"This lovely lady came over to teach me how to control my pain, after surgery, with Hypnotherapy. WOW, what a way to go; not a bit of pain and not had to take any pain relief since yesterday lunchtime."

"My son suffered from Depersonalisation from 2017. We tried various ways to try and help him but nothing worked. Since seeing Tanya my son has felt so much more positive."

"I got to 7cm on my own at home. I was so calm on the phone that my midwife didn't think that I was in labour until she examined me! I will be forever grateful for the skills that Tanya taught me."

"Before working with Tanya, I suffered from Agoraphobia for six years...She gives you the tools you need to get back in the driving seat of your own life."

"I have always struggled with speaking publicly at important meetings. After one session with Tanya, I was able to completely present an INSET, as well as present to school governors. Not only did I feel empowered but colleagues commented on the difference it has made."

"Working with Tanya has helped me to significantly reduce my antidepressant pills...I am now more aware of my feelings and can control negative thoughts."


Hypnosis is a process that enables us to enter a state called a trance. A trance can be entered via meditation, mindfulness, prayer, guided visualisation, imagination or deep relaxation. You simply close your eyes and go inside. This enables you to focus inside your mind. Whilst you’ll be aware of what’s happening on the outside on another level, your conscious mind can remain deeply focused. Whilst in this dreamlike state, your unconscious mind is susceptible to the suggestions and imagery that your therapist will facilitate to support you to make the changes required to meet your goals. This is why hypnosis is so successful.
One of my teachers, Tina Taylor, Co-founder of the International College of Clinical Hypnotherapy notes, “You know how when you watch a film, your attention gets focused on the screen, and you notice less of what's going on around you? With a really good film, it can go on for maybe three hours and yet the time just flies by.” This is an example of a trance, and we go in and out of trances all the time; for example, when we’re driving, thinking about an upcoming event and imagining the good times we’re going to have.
Hypnotherapy enables you to make positive use of the trances or dream like states that you enter naturally. My role, as your hypnotherapist, is to guide the process so that you maximise the use of those inner resources that you’re not normally aware of. In a nutshell, I talk to your unconscious mind [the one that makes things happen automatically] to programme it so that change happens more spontaneously. Your unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between real life and make believe; if you rehearse it well enough it thinks that change has already occurred, and new behaviours become more automatic.
As Tina says, “It's in the unconscious where most of the important stuff happens. You can't regulate your body processes consciously, or learn to speak that way, and it's the same when it comes to dealing with problems. If we could make them disappear by thinking about them, they would. But that's not how it is. It's by working with the unconscious in an altered state that changes happen.”
Hypnotherapy may sound like a magic wand and to a certain extent it can feel like that! It’s important to be aware that in order for you to reach your full potential, conscious effort is still of paramount importance. The good news is that you will find that your conscious effort occurs with ease and spontaneity.
Significant evidence exists to show that Hypnotherapy is effective in:

• Overcoming addictions, e.g. smoking, alcohol, cocaine
• Alleviating depression, anxiety, fears and phobias
• Managing pain control, e.g. Migraine, Painless Childbirth
• Managing Psych-Sexual Issues including Fertility and Conception
• Weight Control
• Performance anxiety

If you are wondering whether Hypnotherapy is the answer to an issue that you want to solve, contact me directly for an initial [no obligation], complimentary telephone consultation. I will listen to what it is that you want and share how I can help. I look for to speaking with you soon.
