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Anita Jackson - (PGDipCounselling/Psychotherapy) logo logo

Anita Jackson - (PGDipCounselling/Psychotherapy)

High Barnet, Greater London, Hertfordshire

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‘20 Certificate of Excellence, 2020


If you have worries about your relationship with your husband, wife, your children or any other people in your life, the years are going by, and you feel it is now time to take positive steps to improve your relationship, I will discreetly help.

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1 customer review

22 June 2020

Tracking your partner's phone is a very bold step to take because after getting what you have been searching for, it will make you very sad when you get to see all your partner has been doing behind your back. I know this because i have been in this situation and i was strong enough to get through with it and i don't regret decision to go through with it.
i saw all his
mails,Whatsapp,Email,Gps,Snapchat,instagram,facebook,kik,hangout,viber And Any Other Social Media Accounts he will get it done and even pictures he exchanged with his lover, Here is the hacker that make it possible Contact CLOUDBASEHACK @ G MAIL
100% guarantee of privacy and confidentiality. you will be able to see the deleted messages, and monitor voice call from your phone without touching target device

24 July 2019

I have sought Anita's advice several times over the years and have found her empathy, insights and advice transformative each time. Recommended.

Reviewed on Google Maps


Seeing clients make the changes they want and to achieve the relationships/life they want.

I love people and believe everyone can have the relationships/life they want. I have a background where relationships were very challenging and having made the changes I needed to make and been given the tools to help me, I now love to help others.

I will always give my best, listening to you and looking for the "elephant in the room" .
I have published the book, "Rekindle the Magic in Your Relationship - Making Love Work".
You deserve to have the life you want and I would love to help you achieve that life.
I provide a safe and confidential space.
