We have customers looking for companies like yours and thought you could help.
It’s completely FREE to contact a customer and we’ll give you their full contact details straight away so you can follow up with them.
It’s completely FREE to contact a customer and we'll give you their contact details.
Choose your free leadCurrent requests:
Personal Trainers
Frequency: Once a week, Weight loss, Increase muscle strength, Male
Personal Trainers
Frequency: Several times a week, Body building, Weight loss, Nutrition, Firming and toning, Female
Why are you offering me a free lead?
Individuals and small businesses come to Bark to find the services they need. We are a one-stop services shop and are one of the world’s fastest growing marketplaces and we need more companies like yours in your area.
How did you find me?
Our customers can use Bark to search the web in a smart way to find professionals. They’ll have found you from your website, facebook profile or other online profiles or advertisement. Our team also acts as a concierge for our customers, searching for companies that can fill their needs.
Are there any other costs?
No, we are making this introduction completely free of charge - no commission, no hidden fees and no obligation to buy anything in the future. We want our customers to find what they need and we need you to help! We hope that you enjoy trying out Bark and will then use us to find more customers.
What if I want to continue using Bark?
We normally charge a small fee per introduction, which is based on the estimated value of the job. Once you’ve replied to your first customer you’ll be able to see all other leads available for your business. It’s free to look at leads and you only pay if you want to contact a customer.
You’ll also get access to our powerful online platform, where you can specify exactly what type of leads you’d like to see, customise your online profile so that more customers find you on Bark and receive expert advice and support by telephone and email from our dedicated team.