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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Ozark-based Web Designers, we can help.

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Slapshot Studio profile image

Slapshot Studio


‘19 Certificate of Excellence

We are a collective of storytellers, strategists and designers from around the world. We partner with ambitious leaders to grow remarkable brands and websites that foster community and ignite the imagination. Slapshot Studio was birthed from the understanding that the most effective path to developing a truly remarkable brand experience is to foster authentic, caring relationships along the way. We are more than just producers; we are teachers, with an authentic desire to transfer our collective wisdom to our clients as we journey together through the development process. We are unorthodox, unruly and unabashedly creative. We design experiences and environments. We want to know your desires and aspirations, personally and professionally. We’ll spend time getting to know you and your audience, as if it were our own business. We’ll develop your story and personality in a way that forms a loyal relationship between your brand and your audience. From there we will develop the necessary tools and systems to ensure excellence and consistency. We’ll even discuss deeper elements such as team dynamics, infrastructure, and optimizing your service/product offerings. WE’VE ASSEMBLED A COLLECTIVE OF STORYTELLERS, STRATEGISTS, AND DESIGNERS THAT ARE MOTIVATED TO LEVERAGE THEIR CRAFT TO ELEVATE THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE.

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Hear from
a professional

What makes a great website?

We will help you develop a story, a lasting strategy and a path to connecting with the human spirit. we will take all of these elements and transmute them into a truly extraordinary, timeless brand experience. A website should offer an intuitive and remarkable navigation process (called user-experience or UX) so your visitors can get the information they are seeking quick and easy. Visitors are more likely to make an inquiry if they find the information they were looking for and can easily contact you.

What questions might you ask a client when starting a new project?

We have a questionnaire that we submit to every new client, but here are couple questions you can expect to get from our intake form:

1. Tell us about your company?
2. What is your site about? (Answer only if you have an e existing website.)
3. What makes your site special?
4. In what way will your site help, entertain or inform your readers?
5. In what way does your site add to sites that already exist?
6. In what way is your site better or different than others?
7. What is the reason you want or have a website, besides making money?
8. Who is your ideal customer?
9. What are your main objectives with your website?
10. List up to three reference sites (these are usually competitor sites or site designs you like).

What do you love most about your job?

We enjoy taking ideas and concepts and turning them into a visual representation of your brand.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I have always wanted to be creative and coming from a corporate background, my creativity was often time muted by management. I had to go through a lot of red tape. Now, I am able to let my creativity flow and I can also turn projects around a lot faster.

Why should our clients choose you?

Your clients should choose us because we have a lot of experience and turn out great projects. We are a team of 16 people with writers, developers, editors, social media managers, brand architects, and technology marketing experts.

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