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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Wallingford Center-based Web Designers, we can help.

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Expand Web Design,  LLC profile image

Expand Web Design, LLC

New Haven

‘19 Certificate of Excellence

We help businesses make more sales by creating profitable websites that convert leads into sales. Get a brand new website or update your current outdated website. Your website is is the foundation for everything you do online. A visit to your site is often the first impression people have of your business online. Your website links with all other digital marketing you do, social, linking, blogging, advertising.

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a professional

What makes a great website?

The business website landscape is changing rapidly; having a website with basic information just isn't good enough anymore. Your website should be converting visitors into leads and sales on a daily basis.

Your current website could be unintentionally diverting customers from your business.
Is your website...
Distorted on Mobile?
Difficult to Find?

Does your website have the capability to...
Collect Contacts?
Make You Money?
Re-target Visitors?

Depending on how you answered these questions, it may be time to get your free website consult.

Your website may have a form that visitors can fill out for you to get in contact with them, but there is no time like the present to inform your customer. People want to talk now if they have a question about your products or services. Embedding a simple live chat box like you see in the bottom right hand corner of this website will help convert visitors into sales.

A similar option is linking a button to Facebook Messenger for your business page. Again, same principle; you may even get a page like and follow out of having this feature so that they continue to see your content.

Every website needs to have a opt-in form for visitors to exchange their contact for future value. A customer contact list is every business's gold mine. For example, if you are a restaurant, offer a free dessert or appetizer in exchange for a customer's name, email, birthday, and anniversary. Now, you can send an email out each month, inviting all of the birthdays and anniversaries for that month to come celebrate their special day with you!

If it is possible, sell your products or services right on your website. For example, if you are a restaurant, sell gift cards and merchandise right on your website to generate more revenue for your business.

When visitors leave your website, what are the chances they will be back? Do you have a re-targeting campaign set up, advertising your products or services to people who have already seen your website and know who you are? It can take several touches until a customer feels comfortable and trusts you enough to buy from you. With the right re-targeting campaign in place, you will see your sales climb.

Social proof technology is popping up all over the internet. You may have noticed that little pop-up at the bottom of this page that has been letting you know who else has requested a Free Website Consult. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of social proof for your website visitors to trust you enough to give you their information. If they see that there are others who have given you their information, they will be more likely to do the same.

Can you tell how many people are visiting your website and what pages they are spending the most time on? Metrics allow you to track conversions to see what pages of your website are performing best.
If you would like to talk more about how easy and affordable it is to implement these additions to your website, then let's talk! As soon as I receive your request, we will be in touch. If you have any questions, use the chat option in the bottom right corner to start a conversation instantly!

What questions might you ask a client when starting a new project?

1. Who is your ideal customer/target audience?
2. What products and/or services do you want to focus on most this year?
3. What automations would you like your website to handle for you so that you can spend more time on fulfilling your customers needs?
4. What type of message do you want to send your customers when they are on your website?
5. Do you want to sell products on your website? Schedule appointments? Etc. How can your website make your job easier?
6. What ongoing messaging can we incorporate to educate your leads on your products and/or services?

What do you love most about your job?

I love that I get to work with business owners and their teams to deliver the tools they need to get more leads for their business and convert those leads in to customers who continue to come back and send referrals year after year. Marketing and design is my passion, working with my clients fulfills that passion. I enjoy teaching the businesses I work with but even more than that I really love to learn more about the businesses I work with. I learn something new everyday!

What inspired you to start your own business?

Working for myself has been a dream of mine since I was a teenager. Even then I was an entrepreneur and knew that I would never be satisfied in a job role. Working with my clients gives me the ability to work in a team environment while working for myself at the same time. I love to learn everything I can about a business then turn their web presence into a design that reflects what that business stands for.

Why should our clients choose you?

I typically like working with clients local to Connecticut because I think that meeting in person is the best way to understand a businesses needs and really deliver a quality product. So the fact that I am local is just a bonus but it gives my clients the assurance they need to move forward knowing that I am dedicated to their needs and can always set a meeting to discuss changes to the website or marketing campaigns in the future. I also use a software that makes it very easy for my clients to make changes to their website once it is complete, if they would like to do it themselves. They are the sole owners of their domain name, website, and all of its content. I find that clients that I work with on re-designs lost touch with their original web designer. With this solution, no matter what happens going forward you are in full control of your website. But at the same time, if you would prefer me to manage it, that is always an option too. I will not stop until my clients are fully satisfied with the results!

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