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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Boynton Beach-based Photographers, we can help.

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Beautiful Memory profile image

Beautiful Memory

I am able to create stylistic photos and enhance them with techniques I’ve learned in the last two years of using this camera. I make the images personal and match what stand out about you.

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Hear from
a professional

What’s the secret to taking a great photograph?

I use music. Most of my work comes from thinking what is going to be something that can work with or contrast the subject. I think of things in wavelengths, and also use little techniques that I’ve developed to come up with new ways of approaching a picture.

What questions might you ask a client when starting a new project?

What energy level do you want? I can set the shutter speed on high and create a lot of movement, trying to see how many different things I can capture as fast as possible, or I can go slow and set the aperture on low. This allows the picture to come across as more of a vibe.

What do you love most about your job?

Whatever I do, I will always come up with something different. Something that I didn’t expect to happen. One example might be that I was framing a shot of a restaurant over a bridge and as I was thinking about how it felt, I knew to wait for a while longer and let things settle down. A seagull flew over and just then I was able to snap a picture.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I loved motion graphics when I was in high school, and would study Aharon Robinowitz’s creative cow tutorials on After Effects. I knew I wanted to do that, I was also obsessed with guitar and have since picked up on wavelengths in my environment which creates the dynamic images that I’ve been taking as of recently.

Why should our clients choose you?

I will always surprise you. The toughest thing about art is that you come in with an idea, and while that is a good starting place that is never exactly how it comes out. It is more like a speech. Every one is different than the last. You trust the psychology of who is doing it and know that their expression will create something that will be remembered. My view is that I am in a game when we begin, and I am looking for every way of changing so that 40 minutes looks like 2x the length when you look at what is different in every picture.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

If you need footage edited or pictures color graded, I would be happy to edit them for you over the internet. However, I will have to come to you if you want photo or video work done.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I always wear a mask. I ask that you bring one to the shoot as well, and while you wouldn’t be wearing them in your shoot unless you wanted to for some new reason, I would just ask that you wear it when the shoot is over. There is no need to wear it in between when things are happening. I will bring hand sanitizer in case it is needed.

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The average rating for Bark Photographers in Boynton Beach is 4.79, based on 166 reviews.

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