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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Palm Beach Gardens-based Life Coaches, we can help.

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Life & Recovery Support Services profile image

Life & Recovery Support Services

Life & Recovery Support Services, while new to Bark, is not new to providing a truly unique and integrative Coaching method. By introducing a simple (although very innovative) system of understanding the function and true purpose of our Emotions, the hidden partner in all our behavior, we finally begin to understand ourselves. This makes creating real and lasting changes in ourselves and our lives, now possible. Whether it's relinquishing an unwanted behavior, developing a new one, learning how to create healthier relationships, overcoming anxiety, navigating a major life transition or just leaning into your own path of personal development or spiritual exploration, this method provides a natural and understandable process for you. One you can apply in your life, long after our work is done. With multiple industry and specialty certifications and a 30+ year, personal and ultimately professional exploration and study into healing and human behavior, I offer an alternative path, to self understanding, healing and personal growth. One which empowers you from the inside out.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I absolutely love empowering my clients with the ability to truly understand and engage their own "mental health". Its an outdated term which hardly represents the fullness of who we are, and requires a degree to even interpret its meaning. Termed in plain English and encompassing the wholeness of our human selves in all that drives and motivates all of us - self navigating our own personal change and growth are now possible for anyone interested.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I've always enjoyed being an entrepreneur, and each of my 3 businesses have taught me great lessons about life but this one is my favorite and the most important of all. Its my purpose today to share with you, a model for a way to live from your own inner guidance system, free to explore yourself and the world and meet any challenges along the way. To live and love fully.

Why should our clients choose you?

If you are interested in achieving a deeper understanding of yourself and want to live in this world from your authentic self, always growing and choosing your own path, I will show you the way.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes. I love and prefer in person, but remote allows us to work together more easily and from anywhere. I also travel anywhere within the US to provide my Sober Companion & Coaching services as well.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I vaccinated for the protection of others and I'm happy to accommodate any masking or distancing preferences for in-person Coaching services.

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based on 25 reviews

The average rating for Bark Life Coaches in Palm Beach Gardens is 5.00, based on 25 reviews.

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