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Need to find a Life Coach in Lake Butler?

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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Lake Butler-based Life Coaches, we can help.

First time looking for a Life Coach and not sure where to start? Let us do the legwork for you. Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of Life Coaches in Lake Butler to review.  

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G3 Development Group profile image

G3 Development Group

G3 specializes in implementing a strengths-based approach in sales and athletics. We use Strengthsfinder in our Emerge Coaching program, which focuses on strengths development, leadership development, and mindset coaching. G3 Development Group's proprietary coaching method, Emerge Coaching, helps you build self-awareness through strengths (EQ>IQ), effectively trains you to be a leader in your organization through our leadership development programs and prepares you to be in the top tier of your profession with professional peak-performance mindset training. The results of the Emerge Coaching program have been amazing! www.g3developmentgroup.com

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

My motto is "planting seeds of emergence" and that is what I like most. I am given the opportunity to coach and consult people to reach their true potential. The Emerge Coaching platform was designed by collaborating with some of the most influential science-based research authorities in the World with expertise in Clifton Strengths Finder, Leadership Development and Peak Performance Mindset. The program is designed to provide insight long after the coaching experience is over, hence "planting seeds of emergence."

I am motivated by your success!

What inspired you to start your own business?

While getting an MBA in Global Leadership Development, I had interest in taking my successful background in sales team development for a $2B brand to clients outside of my corporate job. It started when I had some customers asking me to start my own company.

Why should our clients choose you?

Unlike most coaches, I have a Master's degree in Global Leadership Development. I am also a certified strengths coach, a accredited sales executive through Sales and Marketing Executives International, and one of only 12 Certified Peak Performance Mindset trainers. Additionally, our business clients average 38% sales increase in year 1, higher employee engagement and higher profitability. I've coached CEO's, mid-level managers looking to move up and Olympic and World Champion athletes.

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