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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some View Park-Windsor Hills-based Life Coaches, we can help.

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Exalted Woman profile image

Exalted Woman

Hello I am Stacy of Exalted Woman Coaching, We are passionate about being a guide for women to reclaim their confidence, beauty (of who they really are) and their gifts + purpose. Where our mode is to become more of who you are and attract the right things for you. Helping women feel more alive and present and capable of attracting and holding their dreams. Guiding women to align with herself, her life force and her legacy so she can make decisions from a solid place and be equipped for all that it takes for being who she wants to be. I believe when women are at their best they change the world. Looking forward to knowing more about you and walking powerfully with you on this journey.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love being able to walk with people on their journey and I love mentoring women on building stronger relationships and a new transformation with how they relate to themselves. I love when women step back into their power.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I found personal development work 15 years ago in my early college years, it’s helped me navigate some really despairing relationships to now being happily married and really gave me confidence to seek out opportunities in my career that I wouldn’t have had without these tools. With the confidence and tool of what I have learned I as able to land a 6 figure job at the early age of 25, over 10 years ago ... and also navigate hurtful broken relationships to now, following my passions and having an amazing quality of life. It’s been such a gift to me and a few years ago, I when I started sharing what I learned… and teaching it - I have just been so filled up by it!

Why should our clients choose you?

I am one that sees possibility and power. I believe they are the most magnificent expert in their life and I am here to walk with them, remind them of that and bring out what has already been always there! I love as we step into the blind spots and elevate your game in all the ways!

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Currently I am doing virtual only unless you live in Los Angeles we may do a life celebration session with a photo shoot.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

All virtual now over the phone, zoom or what’s app.

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