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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Danville-based Life Coaches, we can help.

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Lifehacks Coaching

Hi, I am Barkha Ram I am a Life, Transformation, and Accountability Coach. I help people create an extraordinary life for themselves by helping them discover who they are and what is truly meaningful for them and giving them guidance, tools and techniques to get them to make that vision a reality. I like to say – I help people predict their future by creating it. The Lifehacks Coaching Philosophy: I work from the belief that our personality creates our personal reality. In essence, our actions, thoughts and behavior on daily basis give expression to our reality. So, if you can change or update your actions, thoughts, and behaviors, you can also change your reality! If you get this, I may be the coach for you. I will help you become the creator of your life and not a spectator. I will help you discover your innate potential and your own true magnificence. Our time together will consist of discovering your goals, your dreams, and desires, and what are some of the fears, and challenges that are blocking you from achieving them. As your trusted partner, I will help you make your vision your reality. Together, we will build a powerful custom program that will help you discover your innate potential and your own true magnificence. So, if you are ready to invest in yourself, take the leap of faith and work towards a powerful, unstoppable you.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I worked in technology for 20 plus years and some of those years were in very senior leadership roles. I was extremely successful in my work, but it did not give me any satisfaction. I transformed my life and my career to one of helping people in what I think is the most powerful journey on which one can embark, that of self discovery and true self fulfillment.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I worked in technology for 20 plus years and some of those years were in very senior leadership roles. I was extremely successful in my work, but it did not give me any satisfaction. I was serving someone else’s purpose and living someone else’s dream and calling it my own and so, one day I gave it all up and decided to work on myself instead. My inner journey into my own behaviors was quite a revelation!

It wasn’t easy and it took me almost a decade to redesign my life which is now focused on my life purpose. I want to serve people powerfully as a Life coach. Now, my life is by no means perfect. I still hit hard times and find myself in situations that I mentioned above. But the difference is that I don’t live there anymore. I’ve learned a whole new way of LIVING and have the tools for it. It’s completely and totally possible for you to learn it too.

Why should our clients choose you?

If you worked with me, I will teach you the ABCs
- Taking ACTION on things that matter that you’ve been too afraid to do or procrastinated on
- Feeling BRAVE enough to speak up when you need to set a boundary (and know what to say!)
- Having the COURAGE to ask for support from the right people.
- Having real and loving CONNECTIONS with people who’ve earned that right.
- Building the CONFIDENCE you’ve always admired in others

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

The majority of my work is remote via video-session. Sessions are booked through my website (https://lifehacks-coaching.com/appointments/) and conducted over Google Meets.

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based on 84 reviews

The average rating for Bark Life Coaches in Danville is 4.34, based on 84 reviews.

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