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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Mott Haven-based Interior Designers, we can help.

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Vital Design was founded in 1997 and is the premier New York resource for Healthy Home Design. Holistic, natural, eco, sustainable, fair trade, organic, green and more, resulting in truly beautiful home sanctuaries. French playwright Jean Anouilh said, “Things are beautiful if you love them.” I've made a career out of combining the beautiful things my clients love with comfort, warmth, and genuine concern for the world. The results are stunning not only for their physical beauty but also for the transformative effects they have. Vital Design has the unique ability to combine healthy design practices along with the fundamental understanding that home is where the soul is nurtured.

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Hear from
a professional

What’s your interior design process?

The most important aspect (and difference in my design philosophy) is to LISTEN to what my clients want and need.

What do you love most about your job?

The long term relationships I've formed with my wonderful kind, thoughtful clients. Most of my work is 'repeat' clients (new homes), and by referral.

What inspired you to start your own business?

After graduating from New York School of Interior Design I worked for over seven years as the design director with Larry Laslo with famous, high end clientele. However, I am an environmentalist and yogi and wanted to help create more eco/ thoughtful/ fair trade homes so I incorporated Vital Design in 1997, pre-the-green-anything! It started slowly (organically) but now have some famous, high end clientele of my own! Now that more people understand their choices can make a difference in the world, I help empower them to create beautiful homes that 'do no harm'; both to themselves by specifying non toxic and to the planet by specifying fair trade, organic, etc. I call it conscious design.

Why should our clients choose you?

I am not for everyone. I am not a status oriented, flashy, garish designer. My type of design is timeless, elegant, humble (always incorporating a bit of wabi-sabi, the japanese philosophy of perfection in imperfection), real, tactile, warm, art-filled and with the understanding that homes, like ourselves, are always evolving. Nothing is static.

Which interior design styles can you cater for?

Vital Design offers expertise in every area of home design services; from selecting the best paint color to a complete renovation or new construction, inclusive of all economic levels and styles. Environmentally sound principles form the basis of every project.
Vital's established design history provides a wealth of abundant resources of organic, pure, sustainable, and fair trade materials along with the latest in air and water purification technologies. The result is a non-toxic living environment that offers optimal health benefits.

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