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Find a Commercial Photographer in Santa Monica

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Need to find a Commercial Photographer in Santa Monica?

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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Santa Monica-based Commercial Photographers, we can help.

First time looking for a Commercial Photographer and not sure where to start? Let us do the legwork for you. Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of Commercial Photographers in Santa Monica to review.  

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Jens started taking pictures as a Kindergartener and hasn't left the house without a camera since his uncle gifted him a small Agfamatic (camera) on his tenth birthday. He kept photographing cars, landscapes and people all the way through high school and went through a 3-year training at an advertising studio in the early Nineties, which included 1-2 days per week of college attendance combined with shooting for commercial clients for the rest of the week. Moving to London in 1996, Jens assisted a number of advertising photographers while starting his own photography business, shooting for advertising clients and agencies. He relocated to California in 2009 and has been shooting commercially and also producing fine art work for awards shows and gallery exhibitions. For a list of clients, publications, awards and work samples, please visit his website.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Creating something beautiful that stands out from the crowd. Images too special not to frame and hang on your wall. Collaborating with clients, families and models to achieve the best photograph possible. The greatest feeling comes from seeing one of my photographs in a client's home, in a gallery, at an awards show, in a magazine or on a billboard, being able to share my passion for photography with others.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Having been taking photographs since my pre-teen years, I have always loved the creative side of photography. Spending a large part of my spare time as a child and teenager behind the camera, I loved looking at beautiful images of famous photographers, of subjects as varied as cars and animals, people and architecture, landscapes and still life photographs. Some of my favorites were Jacques Henri Lartigue, British automotive photographer Chris Bailey, William Eggleston, Helmut Newton and Andreas Gursky. After a three-year training to become a professional photographer, I moved to London to widen my creative horizons. From there, working with a number of renowned advertising photographers and on my own projects, I traveled the world on assignments before moving to California.

Why should our clients choose you?

Potential clients should have a look through my website to get inspired for a commissioned shoot. Be it an advertising campaign or a personal portraits, contact me to start a conversation on how we can create that perfect image for you.

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based on 103 reviews

The average rating for Bark Commercial Photographers in Santa Monica is 5.00, based on 103 reviews.

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