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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Renton-based Cleaning Contractors, we can help.

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Mighty n tidy office cleaners LLC. profile image

Mighty n tidy office cleaners LLC.


‘21 Certificate of Excellence

Greetings! We are a local commercial cleaning company that is based in Renton WA. We service all kinds of businesses in the south side of Seattle, and surrounding areas. Our focus is on janitorial. We pride ourselves on three principles: Consistency - What's important to you is most important to us. Although we are not perfect we consistently work with our clients to keep our cleaning consistent to meet your needs. We try our best to find a cleaner that is the best fit for your needs. Sometimes, that may even be (me) or my son Gabe Communication - Next to a consistent clean week in and week out, communication is extremely important between our client and us. We are always looking for feedback to ensure that we are doing our job. In some instances we may offer some ideas and feedback to streamline our services. Accountability - This is a big one! I've been in this industry over 10 years and (maybe like many occupations) from my experience accountability can represent things such as no shows... and taking shortcuts when cleaning. As a smaller family owned company, we make sure we are on site for our cleans night in and night out. In some cases as co-owners we will be out to clean the accounts , if someone is sick or for other reasons cannot make it to their shift. we also do monthly inspections to make sure that what we promise to service is being done. Affordability - We try our best to work with our clients to find a budget that fit's there need and if we can make it work we will do our best to accommodate!

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Being a business owner has always been a passion. Previous to owning a business I worked in higher education as an educational planner and adviser for over 20 years. As a life long learner it has always been my passion to assist and help individuals and companies to reach their goals. It also helps to like cleaning! But, I also take pride in educating myself and team on using different chemicals for different jobs. Our "motto" is if we are hired to do a job we want to make sure that we come in as experts in our field.my team

What inspired you to start your own business?

As I had mentioned previously, one of my biggest passions has always been to own a successful business and enjoy what I do. My goal is to pass that on to my team and have that reflect positively on our clients. We try our best to accommodate our technicians with a decent hourly pay and the freedom to work around their schedules and/or grow with the company.

Why should our clients choose you?

We are the Real Deal! We will bring consist cleaning, accountability and communicate so that we are all on the same page. We will always try and do our best to work within your budget. Some companies will consistently hire the cheapest labor which typically means high turnover, and of course inconsistent cleaning and no shows.

Whomever you decide to hire, REMEMBER -

- To always check references
- At times, when the cleaning is inconsistent (and it happens) make sure that there is always someone to contact. During my time, I have seen and heard stories where the cleaning is great and the communication is good, but when there are re-occurring issues, it becomes more difficult to get a hold of someone to address issues and that is frustrating!

WE take the approach, that if something is not working we want to address that issue before it becomes a problem for our clients. In fact, in many cases, there are clients that we won't hear anything in weeks or even a month and we will take the initiative to reach out to touch base.

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The average rating for Bark Cleaning Contractors in Renton is 4.89, based on 142 reviews.

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