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Find a Housekeeper in North Little Rock

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Need to find a Housekeeper in North Little Rock?

We’ll connect you with the best Housekeepers in North Little Rock in minutes. Start your search and get free quotes today! 

Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some North Little Rock-based Housekeepers, we can help.

First time looking for a Housekeeper and not sure where to start? Let us do the legwork for you. Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of Housekeepers in North Little Rock to review.  

There’s no pressure to hire, so you can compare profiles, read previous reviews and ask for more information before you make your decision.

Best of all - it’s completely free!


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Holly Flynn profile image

Holly Flynn

My goal is to provide the best service to my clients at a fair price. I have 5 years of vacation rental cleaning experience. I am punctual and through.

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Hear from
a professional

How long have you been in business?

I have over seven years of professional experience cleaning homes and vacation rentals in central Arkansas area.

Do you bring your own equipment and supplies?

I can provide all cleaning supplies and equipment unless you have preferred products you would like me to use.

What do you love most about your job?

Cleaning your home takes time and I know how busy life can be. I really enjoy freeing up time for my clients and giving them the ability to spend their time doing other things like spending time with their family.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I helped a friend of mine who needed help with her cleaning business occasionally. During that time I realized that there were so many people that really needed a trustworthy house cleaner that offered great service.

Why should our clients choose you?

I offer honest and reliable service. I can provide references if needed.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

I can provide a quote remotely, but it's best if we meet with at the location to be cleaned. This will ensure we are on the same page and that my quote is accurate.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I follow the basic preventative safety measures following the guidance set forth by the U.S. Federal Government, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other health agencies, including:

-Cleaning hands with soap often, for at least 20 seconds.
-Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
-Keeping the recommended 6 feet from people.
-Cleaning frequently touched surfaces.
-Covering cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing tissue in the trash.
-Staying home when sick.

I encourage my customers to let me know in advance of any concerns or they would like me to take special precautions.

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based on 84 reviews

The average rating for Bark Housekeepers in North Little Rock is 4.70, based on 84 reviews.

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