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How much does it cost on average to hire Bathroom Installation and Remodel services in 2025?

The average price of bathroom remodeling in the USA is

How much will I pay for Bathroom Installation and Remodel services?

This depends on the size of your project, how many design elements you change, the quality of materials involved, and plenty more.

How much does Bathroom Remodeling cost in 2025?

The average price of bathroom remodeling in the USA is around $12,000. This depends on the size of your project, how many design elements you change, the quality of materials involved, and plenty more. 

In a recent survey by Statista, 86% of homeowners in the US hired a professional to help with their bathroom remodeling. This demonstrates the rising number of people in the country who understand the importance of this service. Not only can it have an enormously positive impact on your house value, but it also provides a more enjoyable living experience while you’re still there.

Your bathroom’s square footage is a major factor when considering price. We’ve outlined some of the other elements further below. For example, if you find an expert who charges $200 per square foot (which is fairly common) then this comfortably brings your price into the thousands of dollars. 

On this webpage, we’ve given all the details you need about bathroom remodeling prices across the USA. These figures are based on our data and research, but the best way to get a personalized quote is to look for a bathroom expert near you

What is bathroom remodeling?

Bathroom remodeling involves redesigning your existing bathroom. You don’t alter the structure during this process – your walls, doors and windows all stay in the same place. Remodeling focuses on the design and appearance of your bathroom. 

You’ll usually have dozens of bathroom remodelers in your local area, each with their own style. They can advise you on how to maximize the value of your bathroom. This could include:

  • Painting your walls

  • Updating your appliances 

  • Putting in new tiles

  • Switching to the latest ‘fashionable’ materials

  • Changing your lightbulbs

Remodeling your bathroom should give it a fresh appearance and feel. But the functionality and layout stay the same.

You should ask your bathroom remodeler for examples of projects they’ve completed in recent months. This should offer guidance on the latest ‘trends’, as well as what your ideal finished bathroom will look like.

What impacts the price of bathroom remodeling?

Bathroom shower instillation remodeling

Your bathroom remodeling project depends on several factors. Each one of these should be in your mind when you’re budgeting: 

  • Materials involved

  • Quality of tiles

  • Lighting

  • Bathroom size

  • Installer

  • Location

Your hand will not be forced on any of these matters. You can find ways to keep the price down if you amend your expectations for the project. More on this below.

Materials involved

Although you aren’t changing the layout of your bathroom, you might still replace some of the features that’re already there. This could involve materials relating to paint, insulation, glass, stone, china or wood.

When you update the appearance of your bathroom, you might switch between these materials. Each one comes with its own price range. Most paint ranges from $15 to $50 per gallon, while glass often comes to around $15 per square foot.

Within each category, you’ll find types of stone or wood that are more expensive than others. Look around several suppliers and compare durability, to price, to aesthetic appeal. It’s a careful balance that involves research.

Quality of tiles

Your bathroom floor and walls are covered in tiles. If you want to update these, it’ll add a reasonable amount onto the total cost of your project.

You could spend as little as $120 for small, simple projects, or up to $6,000 for high-end tiles in your bathroom. The usual cost lies in the middle of this, at around $2,000.

Pay careful attention to the tiles you select and ask your remodeler for guidance. Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles are known to be very durable and affordable. If you want to remodel your bathroom long-term without breaking the bank, this is worth considering. But it might not create the appearance you were hoping for.

On the other side of the price range, marble tiles and metal tiles are expensive. You’ll need to save up a few thousand more if these are part of your bathroom remodeling. See our table further below for average prices on the main types of bathroom tile.


Lighting comes in all shapes and sizes, and some bulbs are more expensive than others. 

Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs are more expensive than many other variations, although they are designed to last for longer, so this sometimes creates a better return on investment long-term. 

Compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs are usually less expensive than LEDs. And even more affordable than those are incandescent bulbs, and halogen bulbs.

Bathroom remodeling is not just about the design of your light bulbs: it’s also about how they emit light into the area. This has a big impact on your bathroom’s appearance, too. 

Bathroom size

Larger projects usually need more time, materials and thought. This translates into the price you can expect to pay.

It’s extremely rare to find a bathroom in the USA that’s smaller than 40 square feet. Meanwhile, an ‘average’ size is around 60 square feet. You’ll find examples of much larger bathrooms in very big houses.

You should bring in an expert to advise on how large your bathroom is, before the project begins. Are you remodeling the entire thing, or just a section of it? You should also find out whether your professional charges a flat rate regardless of size, or whether it’s priced by the total area. 


You need to choose your bathroom remodeler very carefully. Look at past reviews and see whether customers were satisfied with the price. Ask each company for a no-obligation quotation on the project, and then decide which one fits your needs the best. This can include time frame, price, and your rapport with the professional themselves. This last point is equally important because you’ll have them in your home for a while!


Living costs in your part of the USA has a big impact on prices. For example, data shows that California’s living costs are 30% higher than the national average. This carries over into prices for materials and professionals, too. 

How easily materials can be transported to you also has an impact. If you live in a remote area and are ordering a very rare type of bathroom tile from overseas, your costs will instantly shoot up.

Type of bathroom tileAverage price per square foot

Is bathroom remodeling worth the price?

Bathroom instillation remodeling

A study reported in the New York Times found that most bathroom remodeling projects create a return on investment for the homeowners. But the size of this profit depends largely on how well the job is done, and your location in the country. 

The previous condition of your bathroom is important to think about. Investing in your house is always worthwhile – but is your bathroom the room that needs the most attention? Renovating your kitchen, carrying out a loft conversion, or paying for an extension might also be on your radar. Guidance from a housing expert can provide insight on whether your bathroom is the top priority.

You should also think about the time frame that you’re planning to sell in. You won’t get a return on your costs until you sell your house – so is this in your plans for the next few years? Otherwise, the bathroom remodeling is only being done for your enjoyment as the years pass. While this isn’t unimportant, just be prepared that you won’t cash-in anytime soon.

Needless to say: all these circumstances are unique to every situation, and you’ll need to consider all of them, and more. You should also think about ways to reduce the price of your project. More on this in the section below.

Ways to reduce the price of bathroom remodeling

One of the most important steps is to leave your plumbing alone when you remodel your bathroom. It’s expensive and time-consuming to interfere with this, especially if you then need to hire a plumber near you

It’s essential that you bring in an expert remodeler to help with your project – but not everything needs to be done by them. You could negotiate on price by offering to do parts yourself. This might include: 

  • Change the shower curtain

  • Put in new lightbulbs

  • Paint the walls

  • Install cabinets

  • Replace your showerhead

  • Clean the whole area

You should also be creative about the materials you use. Find a way to avoid the most expensive tiles, while still creating the appearance you’re looking for. This might force you to adjust your expectations, or even reconsider whether the project is worthwhile at all. It depends on your budget. 

When you’re researching bathroom remodelers, make sure you speak to several professionals before making a choice. It’s not advisable to always hire the first one you speak to. Try to negotiate on price with these experts, and then identify which option provides the best value for money. As part of this hiring process, you should create a clear budget at the start, and never drop below this.

What causes someone to remodel their bathroom?

Bathroom remodeling

Independent organization Statista did an in-depth survey on this exact subject. 

The main reason given by homeowners is that they could no longer stand the style of the old bathroom. 48% of the respondents gave this explanation. Meanwhile, 34% said that the old bathroom had deteriorated or broken down, and 31% admitted that they want to increase their property’s resale value.

In order, the next most common explanations included finally having the money to do so (30%), making the bathroom more accommodating (23%), finally having the time (22%), and personalizing a recently bought home (21%).

Lack of sufficient storage, lighting, or ventilation in the old bathroom was another common explanation given.

Reasons to remodel a bathroomPercentage of respondents
Changing style48%
Old bathroom deteriorated34%
Increase house value31%
Having the money30%
Make bathroom more accommodating23%
Having the time22%
Personalizing a new home21%

Does my bathroom need remodeling?

There are signs you should look out for that your bathroom needs remodeling. Common examples include peeling paint, cracks, stains, a bad odor, or missing grout. 

You should get a second opinion. If you don’t want to spend money, a friend or family member’s input could be equally valuable. Put yourself in the shoes of someone buying your house: is the bathroom’s condition a major negative on the property? 

Problems with your bathroom, related to its old age or dysfunctional systems, is another obvious sign. Find out when your bathroom was last remodeled – if it was recently, then perhaps it’s not worth changing it all over again. 

Also think about whether your bathroom’s current condition is causing disruption to your life, and if you plan to sell your house soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is bathroom remodeling different to bathroom renovation?

Yes, these two things are different. Many people use the terms interchangeably, but this is not technically correct.

Bathroom renovation involves altering the layout and structure of your bathroom. New appliances might be added, or older ones removed. This often involves experts who will oversee demolition, alterations to the plumbing, and so on.

Bathroom remodeling doesn’t make structural changes. It thus tends to cost slightly less and involve less time and equipment. 

How long does bathroom remodeling take?

Most bathroom remodeling projects take at least a couple of weeks. This can stretch into several months for the largest scale projects. Make sure you get personalized guidance from your remodeler before work begins, so you can prepare for what lies ahead, and get the right contingencies in place.

Will bathroom remodeling disrupt my daily life?

Yes. Your bathroom will probably be out of bounds while the remodeling takes place. Your expert might need regular access to it, and any updates could prevent you from using the items in there. It’s ideal if you have a second bathroom to use. If that’s not possible, set up a makeshift bathroom, ask a friend to help you, or use facilities at places such as gyms. 

Pros and cons of bathroom remodeling

A major pro of bathroom remodeling is that it increases your property value, when done well. It’ll also make your living experience more enjoyable, because you can benefit from the improved bathroom.

Bathroom remodeling doesn’t need to increase your stress or take up lots of time, when you choose the right expert to support you. That’s where online service comparison websites such as Bark come in. 

A negative of bathroom remodeling is the significant up-front cost. You’ll need to save up several thousands of dollars to pay for the project, and you won’t get this back until you sell your property.

Getting the bathroom remodeled will disrupt your life throughout the period it goes on for. You’ll need to find another way to wash yourself for this time. 

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