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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Westmount-based Web Designers, we can help.

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Mark3ting - Digital Marketing Solutions profile image

Mark3ting - Digital Marketing Solutions

Optimizing or launching a social media marketing campaign, redesigning or updating a website, creating an ecommerce strategy, are tasks that a small business owner should not have to do. That's what the experts are for! You worry about managing your business and your customers, I'll take care of making it grow. Contact me today to find out how dozens of businesses have managed to increase their sales and add new customers every day by implementing efficient digital marketing strategies.

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Hear from
a professional

What makes a great website?

A great website is a combination of an attractive design, enough information for the customer to understand what you sell and an efficient way for them to contact you for more information or to make a sale.

On the technical side it should be optimized for Google to find it without you having to pay to promote it!

What questions might you ask a client when starting a new project?

The most frequently asked questions to my new customers are:

- What makes your business unique and what can we highlight in a marketing campaign (unique selling proposition)?
- Are you clear about your ideal client (buyer persona)?
- Do you have clear objectives about what you expect from a marketing campaign (SMART)?
- How are we going to identify if the marketing strategy is working well (KPIs)?
- How much do you want to spend and in how much time?
- Do you have a sales agent or someone dedicated to answer calls and mails that will be received as a result of the promotional campaign?

What do you love most about your job?

What I like most about my job is being able to get to know and understand my clients' business and use my technical knowledge and years of experience to create marketing and sales strategies that bring them immediate results.

My clients become friends who I guide through the years in the development of their businesses.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Being an entrepreneur was always a dream for me. I worked for years in medium and multinational companies and now I apply that knowledge in my own business to help other entrepreneurs to succeed in their projects.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute 80% of the income to the economy and that makes me proud to be part of this tireless and tenacious work force.

Why should our clients choose you?

My unique selling proposition, the reason why I distinguish myself from my competitors is because I provide a personalized service, I am the one who sits face to face with you to understand your business, to understand your needs and to present you a project according to what you need and can afford.

When have you met an artist who sends his representatives to sing or perform in front of his fans? Sure, we all have a team that supports us! But at all times I will be by your side making sure you get the best results.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, a big part of my job is being in front of my computer and meeting with clients and prospects using Zoom, Google Meet, Teams, any platform that allows us to work efficiently via remote.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I always use a mask when I meet in person with my clients and prospects.

I am fully vaccinated and live a healthy lifestyle that helps me take care of my health, my family's health and my clients' health.

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The average rating for Bark Web Designers in Westmount is 5.00, based on 17 reviews.

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