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How much does Scaffolding Hire cost?

Average Price
$80 - $200 per week

What is the price of Scaffolding Hire?

Looking for scaffolding hire? Read our handy guide to find out how much you need to budget for scaffolding hire.

What is Scaffolding Hire?

When your property is undergoing renovation such as building work or painting, you may need to hire scaffolding to reach the higher parts of the building.

Scaffolding is a temporary structure which is constructed outside your property to allow tradespeople to work at height safely. It is typically made up of metal poles and wooden planks and is available in a range of sizes and heights.

When compared to ladders, scaffolding offers a much safer alternative for working at heights. If work is being done above head height, you’ll usually need to hire scaffolding. It provides much more stability than a ladder, as well as providing a platform for tools and building materials.

How much does Scaffolding Hire cost?

Although scaffolding is often essential, it can also be costly. That’s why it’s important to factor it into your budget when you’re planning work on your home.

The cost of scaffolding hire is influenced by many factors. These include the size of scaffolding required and how long you want to hire it. Although there is no fixed rate for scaffolding hire, a breakdown of average daily costs based on local Canadian professionals is given below.

Average cost of Scaffolding Hire
Average cost (weekly)$140
Minimum cost (weekly)$80
Maximum cost (weekly)$200

What changes the price of Scaffolding Hire?

The cost of hiring scaffolding in Canada will depend on several factors including:

  • Location

  • Size

  • Length of hire

  • Ease of access


Scaffolding hire prices will vary depending on where in Canada you are located, with prices varying between provinces. Prices in cities such as Toronto and Vancouver are typically higher than more rural areas.

However, bear in mind that you may be faced with higher delivery charges if the rental company isn’t local. To keep delivery charges to a minimum, it’s best to hire scaffolding from a local rental company.


The size of the scaffolding you require will directly influence its cost. Smaller jobs such as a single tower for gutter repair or a bridge over a porch will be cheaper than larger projects which require scaffolding to cover the whole building.

When you’re considering the size of your scaffolding, you’ll need to include the height that you need to reach as well as the number of working levels required. The more working levels you need, the more walkways will be required, increasing the cost of the scaffolding hire.

Although there is no fixed rate for different sizes of scaffolding, a breakdown of average costs of scaffolding hire based on local Canadian professionals is given below.

Average cost of Scaffolding Hire based on the scaffolding item
Scaffolding itemAverage cost of scaffolding hire (weekly)
Single tower$100
Chimney scaffolding$220
Detached house$300
Townhouse – single wall$150

Length of hire

The cost of scaffolding hire will also depend on how long you want to hire the scaffolding. The longer the duration of hire the more expensive it will be. However, many companies will offer a lower daily or weekly rate for longer hires as the construction and dismantling is the costliest part of the process.

A fixed fee will typically be agreed at the beginning of the rental period, but you can usually extend this where needed for a daily or weekly rate.

Ease of access

The cost of scaffolding hire will be influenced by the accessibility of your site. The cheapest prices will apply where the scaffolding rental company are able to quickly put together the frame. However, if there’s limited access to the site, for example if parts need to be carried through a house, the cost will increase due to the additional time required.

Do I need to hire Scaffolding?  

Before you look at hiring scaffolding, it’s best to check whether your tradesperson includes scaffolding hire in their pricing. Some tradespeople may provide their own scaffolding and this will be factored into the cost of their quote. However, others may require that you source your own scaffolding for your project.

There’s a huge difference between using a ladder and scaffolding when it comes to safety. Scaffolding is much more secure, offering a much higher standard of safety. Although ladders are sometimes used for small, quick jobs, their use is actively discouraged with scaffolding the preferred option.

Scaffolding hire is a cost that you need to budget for when you’re planning renovation work on your property. It provides access to easy-to-reach areas whilst ensuring safety. You can search for scaffolding hire companies and request quotes on Bark. 

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