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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Warrnambool-based Personal Trainers, we can help.

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Erin Maxwell FITNESS profile image

Erin Maxwell FITNESS

Young, motivated and dedicated personal trainer with a huge passion for the fitness industry. I love my job and I love helping others towards reaching their goals. I have been doing face to face personal training for 5 years full time and have now been doing online coaching also for the past two years. I have a few different packages on offer if you would like to find out more you can check out my website and book a free consult with me. Website: www.erinmaxwellfitness.com.au

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

I listen to their daily life concerns, issues, injuries, everything outside of exercise
so I know how I can best serve them and create programming that will be strictly individualised to them.
I have worked with a wide range of different body types and people in different careers which has allowed me to gain a great insight to what I need to do on my end to help them achieve their goals.

What’s the secret to getting the body of your dreams?

There is no secret
its important to find something that works for you and you only and that you enjoy
If you're forcing yourself through a style of exercise that you hate, you won't stick to it.
I believe weight training is the best form of exercise for overall body composition but that's just 1 opinion and what works for myself and my current clients.

What do you love most about your job?

I love when a client achieves something in their head they thought they ever could. Could be as simple as a push up on their toes and small progress I get feedback from makes my day every day and makes me happy which in return keeps me focused and attentive to each and every person I get to help.
Knowing I have some how changed someones life for the better is an amazing feeling.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I have always been a very career focused person.
I have a huge imagination and can create something out of nothing.
When I first got my qualifications I worked for a few different gyms.
I wasn't able to achieve what I wanted too by working for someone else, there were too many rules and I couldn't do my job the way I know helps my clients.
So I started my own business and grew from there.

Why should our clients choose you?

I am a very confident individual.
This has allowed me to make connections with anyone doesn't matter who you are.
I am a winner and I want to see my clients win, if they aren't making progress I asked damn sure that they will I will do whatever it takes.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

I provide face to face training in Warrnambool Victoria but am on the verge of full capacity.
So I have moved more online with my services.

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