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How much does it cost to hire a Nutritionist and Dietitian? 2023

Average Price
£50 - £70

How much do a Nutritionist and Dietitian cost?

Looking to improve your diet with the help of a nutritionist or a dietitian, but not sure how much it will cost you? Read our handy guide to find out how much the service will cost depending on your needs.

Nutritionist vs. Dietitian - what’s the difference? 

When it comes to all things food, the terms ‘nutritionist’ and ‘dietitian’ are often interchanged. But what is the difference between the two, and more crucially, which one is right for you? Find a Nutritionist near me.


A nutritionist is an individual who is qualified to give information and advice about dietary choices, but not in relation to specific medical conditions. 

Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist but only those who are registered with the AfN can use the title of Registered Nutritionist (ANutr or RNutr).

Nutritionists often work on a freelance basis and some also work alongside dietitians within a clinical setting.


A dietitian is a nutrition professional who is governed and regulated by law. In the UK, dietitians must be registered with the regulatory body HCPC

The role of a dietitian is to provide guidance to individuals in relation to their health concerns. Dietitians often work as part of a clinical team to treat health conditions such as allergies, diabetes, eating disorders, malnutrition and other disorders of the body. They can also work with healthy people to enhance their diet. 

The practice as a whole combines elements of biochemistry, physiology and research methods that relate to the science of nutrition. 

How much do a Nutritionist and Dietitian cost? 

To help you understand the difference in price between Nutritionists and Dietitians, we’ve given a breakdown of average costs below so you can make the right decision for your budget:

Type of serviceHighest average price (per hour) Lowest average price (per hour)

What changes the price of a Nutritionist and Dietitian? 

 The price of a nutritionist or dietitian varies depending on a number of factors, including: 

  • Whether you choose a nutritionist or dietitian 

  • Your location 

  • The number of visits 

Nutritionist or Dietitian, which should I choose?

As they are not qualified to give nutritional advice in relation to certain medical conditions, nutritionists are the cheapest option to access, starting at around £50. Though this is certainly the better option if you are looking to clean up your diet and live a healthier lifestyle.

Starting at £85 on average per hour, dietitians are the most expensive option. Freelance dietitians may offer half or full-day appointments, which range between £300 and £600 a day for the most experienced professionals. 

However, if you have a specific medical condition that requires tailored advice, then the money is well worth it, especially as you can’t put a price on your health. 

Your location 

 It costs between £50 and £70 on average for a single nutritionist appointment. Some nutritionists will offer discounts for block bookings, and even combine their services with personal training too. The most expensive option is to have a day or half-day appointment with a nutritionist, which ranges between £200 and £500 depending on your location.

Location Nutritionist average hourly fee
North East£55
North West£62
South West£68

Number of visits

After your initial consultation, you will need to know how much their entire program is going to cost you. Your nutritionist or dietitian will likely charge per session or offer a discount for a block booking. It’s important there is an end goal in mind, as you want to feel as if you are getting value for money with every visit. 

Other considerations 

 If you are thinking about hiring a nutritionist or a dietitian, there are some factors you will need to consider, which we’ve outlined below:

Allergies or dietary restrictions

Switching up your diet is a huge step, and while it can produce amazing results it does need to be done in accordance with any allergies or dietary issues you have. If you are aware of any food allergies, then you will need to inform your dietitian or nutrition before you allow them to draw up a plan for you. 

Alternatively, if you aren’t sure, a food allergy test costs around £200. You can also consult your doctor who can refer you to an allergy clinic, but this may take longer to arrange than a test you can order through the post. 


When pricing up the cost of a nutritionist or dietitian, it’s always helpful to have a list of goals in mind. For example, are you looking to lose weight, train for a marathon or even looking to reduce inflammation in the body? 

Sharing your goals will help ensure you are on the same page both in terms of what they can offer you and how long it will take to get you there. 

Every nutritionist will focus on a different area of specialism, so it’s important to know what you want to get out of the experience so you can choose the right professional for the job.


Food and lifestyle are closely linked. You need to be honest with your nutritionist or dietitian about how often you eat out, especially if you also eat a lot of takeaway food. They are going to need an honest picture of where you’re at, and any bad habits that could be hampering your progress. 

Often meal prepping will be suggested, and while this does take time to organise it will ensure you stay on track with your nutrition. Whatsmore from a price perspective, meal prepping will save you a lot of money in the long run. Especially compared to those expensive takeaways!


Diet and exercise go hand in hand. In terms of your nutrition plan, the specialist you see will need to factor in how many calories you are realistically burning. After all, if you are someone who is very active then you’ll need to ensure your calorie intake is enough to sustain this, otherwise, you could end up feeling fatigued.

Even light exercise will help you get the most out the money you spend on nutritional advice. However, it’s also important to be honest if you have no inclination to exercise as the plan could be tailored incorrectly for your needs. 

Is it worth hiring a Nutritionist?

As the old saying goes, ‘you are what you eat’. If what you are eating isn’t making you feel healthy and full of energy, then it’s worth consulting a professional in the form of a nutritionist. If your issue is specific to a medical condition, then a dietitian will be better value for money as they are most equipped to tailor your plan to treat the issue. Either way, investing in your diet could help you save money in the long run by avoiding the wrong foods. It will also ensure you feel like the healthiest version of yourself. 

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