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How much is therapy in 2024?

The average cost of therapy is
£50 per session

in the UK, with wide variations depending on your location and the therapist you choose.

Want to speak to a therapist but not sure of the cost? Our therapy price guide will help you set your budget so you can get back on the road to good mental health.

Therapy is often a pivotal investment in our wellbeing, but it's also one that requires considerable research, especially when it comes to the cost. If you're navigating the waters of seeking therapy in the UK, it's crucial to understand the financial aspects connected to professional support for mental health. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll outline everything you need to know about private therapy costs as of 2024, ensuring you're well-equipped to make a decision that benefits both your mental health and your wallet.

(Already looking for a trusted local therapist? We'll connect you with therapy providers for free.)

What is a Therapist? 

man getting therapy

A therapist is a health professional who is qualified to help you to overcome emotional distress by talking through your problems. You don’t need to talk about anything you don’t feel comfortable about, but they will encourage you to express yourself as far as possible. It can be a difficult journey, but many people find it's more than worth the cost.

Therapists are there to help with a range of mental health problems including: 

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 

  • Relationship problems

  • Low mood/Low self-esteem

  • Phobias

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder 

Therapists use a range of different techniques to help you overcome your issues, a common one in the UK being Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This is a talking therapy designed to help you change the way you think and behave as a way to overcome your issues. If you're not sure where to start, you can find an experienced therapist on Bark.

How Much Does a Therapist cost?  

woman getting therapy

Private therapy serves as a primary avenue for many people seeking mental health care. In 2024, the average price range for a 50-minute session is £40 to £100. This flexible rate generally reflects various factors such as the experience of the therapist, location, and the type of therapy.

Average cost (per session)£50
Minimum cost (per session)£35
Maximum cost (per session) £100+

For instance, in London, where the cost of living is higher, you might expect to pay more, with the average session fee comfortably sitting in the upper ranges. Conversely, in some areas the cost might be lower to reflect local economics.

Hourly Rates for Therapy

Therapists in the UK typically schedule sessions that run for 50 minutes, which corresponds to the therapy hour. The wide range of prices mentioned above is highly dependent on the factors mentioned earlier.

More seasoned therapists or those specialising in specific areas like trauma or addiction might charge the upper end of the spectrum due (£120+) to their advanced training and experience.

Therapy doesn’t improve your quality of life overnight. It is a process that takes time and patience, so it’s important to know just how much therapy is going to cost you if you are going to commit to regular sessions. 

The price of a therapist is impacted by a number of factors. Let's get into some of those.

What Changes the Cost of Therapy? 

Group therapy

The cost of a therapist can vary depending on different factors. These include: 

  • Group therapy vs. individual therapy

  • Experience

  • Location

Group Therapy vs. Individual Therapy

Individual therapy involves the professional working one-on-one with you, whereas group therapy occurs with other people receiving the same therapy at the same time. Although individual therapy means the therapist can solely focus on you, group therapy has its advantages, in meeting people who share similar problems to you. Group therapy is also less expensive. 

If you’re nervous about starting therapy and would rather talk to someone in a private environment, individual therapy may be a better option. An individual session tends to be around 50 minutes, whereas a group session lasts around 90 minutes to accommodate for everyone.

Group therapy average cost (per session) Individual therapy average cost (per session)
£25 - £30 £40 - £100


The cost of therapy can vary depending on the level of training your therapist has. You should make sure that your therapist has the minimum qualifications to practice. There are different types of qualifications for different types of therapists: 

  • Counsellor: Counsellors don’t need a degree, but they should have a diploma in counselling. 

  • Psychologist: Psychologists need a degree as well as a postgraduate qualification in an area of expertise. For this reason, psychologists tend to be more pricey. 

  • Psychotherapist: Psychotherapists require an undergraduate degree in psychology or a related field as well as a postgraduate qualification.

Type of therapist Average cost (per session)
Counsellor £30 - £40
Psychotherapist £50 - £60
Psychologist £90 - £100


Your location can significantly impact how much you pay for therapy. Here's a breakdown of average prices by location:

  • London and South East: £70-£120 per session

  • North East, North West, and Yorkshire and the Humber: £45-£70 per session

  • East and West Midlands: £50-£80 per session

  • East and West Scotland: £50-£85 per session

  • Northern Ireland, Wales, and South West: £45-£75 per session

Remember, these figures are not set in stone, but they offer a good indication of the cost variations you might expect across the UK.

Can I Get Therapy for Free on the NHS?

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK offers free counseling and therapy services, which are usually accessed via a GP referral. However, there can be long waiting times, a limited choice of therapists, and you might not be guaranteed the modality of therapy you prefer. For immediate, personalised attention, private therapy is often the faster route, albeit at an expense.

Read more about accessing NHS therapy services.

The Cost of Online Vs. In-Person Therapy

online therapy

Online therapy, also known as e-therapy or teletherapy, is becoming increasingly popular due to its convenience and often lower cost compared to traditional in-person sessions. However, the efficacy might vary from person to person, and not all platforms are equal. Prices for online therapy are generally within the same range as in-person therapy, but without the additional travel and time expenses sometimes associated with traditional therapy.

For those who find the digital space more comfortable and accessible, online therapy can be a more cost-effective option that doesn't compromise the quality of care. The British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy (BACP) puts the average cost of online therapy at £40-£50 per session.

Specific Types of Therapy and Their Prices

Different types of therapy also carry different costs. Here's a breakdown of some popular modalities:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT):

    CBT is a widely-used therapy focused on changing patterns of thinking and behaviour and ranges from £45 to £90 per session.

  • Psychoanalysis:

    A highly specialized form of therapy can cost between £70 and £150 per session, reflecting the experience and expertise of the analyst.

  • Group Therapy:

    Typically costs less per person than individual sessions, with fees starting around £25.

  • Couples or Family Therapy:

    These sessions can vary widely, starting at £50 for basic couples therapy to upwards of £150 for specialized care.

How to Save Money on Therapy

woman having therapy

Everyone should be able to access mental health care when they need to, regardless of their financial circumstances. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep costs down: 

  • Ask about price packages - If you are booking multiple sessions with a therapist you can normally get a small discount per session. In most cases, you will need multiple sessions with your therapist before you start seeing results. 

  • Ask if your therapist operates on a sliding scale - A sliding scale means that your therapist is willing to charge less per hour based on your income level. So if you’re a student or on a low-wage, you could get your sessions for a lower price

  • Go online - Therapists sometimes provide their services online, which can be a cheaper alternative to face-to-face sessions. You might find online therapy more comfortable as the session can take place from the comfort of your own home. 

Choosing a Therapist Based on Your Budget

When your mental health is at stake, it’s essential to find a therapist whom you trust and who can provide the care you need. However, budget considerations are also a reality for many. Here are some steps to help align your search with your financial situation:

  • Research Extensively:

    Use therapist databases to search for professionals within your price range.

  • Ask for Free Consultations:

    Many therapists offer free consultations, giving you an opportunity to discuss fees and see if there’s a financial arrangement that suits you.

  • Insurance Coverage:

    Investigate whether your health insurance covers therapy and to what extent.

  • Flexibility:

    Consider alternative therapies or modalities that might be less expensive.

Conclusion: the Price of Good Mental Health

In conclusion, your mental health should not have a price tag, but in the framework of practical costs, it’s vital to be both informed and proactive in finding a therapeutic solution that harmonizes with your financial reality. While the cost of therapy can certainly be a barrier, with the right approach and knowledge of the available options, it’s possible to find support that is both effective and affordable. Remember, in your therapeutic journey, you are investing not only in a service but in the most essential part of your well-being.

If you think a therapist could help you, explore your therapy options with Bark.

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