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StrategyNook LLC profile image

StrategyNook LLC


Hi, I’m Janet A. Johnson founder of StrategyNook LLC a boutique Consulting and Coaching practice with digital marketing and support as part of my service offering. As a Management Consultant, Business and Life Coach and member of the International Coaching Federation, my greatest passion is partnering with clients to realize change and transformation. I help professionals who are at a crossroad in life to create strategies, healthy habits and harmony across their personal and professional lives, so they can fulfill their potential, increase their income, and experience the joy in living the fullest version of themselves. This includes defining and implementing their plans and objectives to fulfill their business, career and personal life goals. I incorporate stress management techniques, which help my clients unlock their full potential and remove barriers to success.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Coaching has become the backbone of my practice because of it’s effectiveness in helping individuals and team members realize breakthroughs and transformations to move forward and fulfill their professional and life potential, and experience the joy in living. Having led my own path to transformation, helping others on their journey feeds my passion for coaching.

What inspired you to start your own business?

After many years of working full time for large corporations, with small coaching and consulting gigs on the side, I needed more freedom to find work-life balance, which was crucial in improving my health and wellbeing. This created a path for independence.

Why should our clients choose you?

My one-on-one coaching is personalized and laser focused on addressing your needs, struggles or challenges, covering areas such as stress management, unlocking new possibilities, personal identity, business strategy and branding, and much more. All this, while creating harmony across your personal and business domains so you can fulfill your potential, increase income, and experience the joy in living the fullest version of yourself. Where needed, I include mentoring, consulting, and reflection to inject high levels of motivation. Plus you will receive a personalized implementation plan to

Beside being trained, certified and practicing as an Agile Coach and Life Coach for more than 15 years, I have helped hundreds of individuals experience breakthroughs and transformations both professionally and personally. Additionally, as an individual with personal life goals and a professional with years of experience working for major corporations including fortune 500, I understand the rut, the toil, and grind of balancing a complex work and home life successfully.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, I currently meet with clients via virtual meeting platforms.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I have provided Consulting and Coaching services across the US and Caribbean for more than 15 years and have always done a combination of virtual work with direct customer interfacing only when onsite work was necessary.

With Covid I have brought all 1:1 and group coaching, workshops and courses online. I continue to develop and launch new programs, augmented with live online coaching and support forums to meet the current needs.

Consulting, project management and digital marketing services also continue to be managed virtually with minimal on-site visits as dictated by the project requirements.

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The average rating for Bark Life Coaches in Miami is 4.93, based on 1,789 reviews.

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