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Life Coach Studio 18 profile image

Life Coach Studio 18


‘19 Certificate of Excellence

Using a holistic integrative approach to finding balance in ones life. In this program we find balance in your Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual systems so you may finally Manifest your thoughts and desires. I help people literally daily do this through both life coach and dance. I am doing it also every day myself. So I want to offer this to you; as the things I do in my life not only help me but have proven to help others as well.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Very rewarding to helps others and myself at the same time.

What inspired you to start your own business?

As everyone does in life, I had some things holding me back from where I truly wanted to be. I felt like I was out of balance in my life. Everything was focused on business and my physical well being. I was not good at building healthy relationships, nor was I good at connecting with my spirituality. And quite frankly I don't think I was mentally healthy. With all of these things combined I went through a lot of changes which made me really aware of how my life choices not only affect me, but those around me. This program has put me in balance and helps me maintain that balance.

Why should our clients choose you?

Studio 18 has been a professional service since 2009 and is used to helping people with the intimacy and personal touch of dance. That same intimacy and personal touch is needed in life coaching. Dance Studio 18 focuses on getting people to look good, feel comfortable, and have fun on the dance floor. Dance Studio 18 has not quite their day job to become a life coach and is still extremely active in teaching and performing. Proper encouragement, guidance, support, action planning, vision, accountability, commitment, motivation, advice, and trust all plays a part in getting someone to dance and perform. Studio 18 not only has all of the qualities that make a professional dancer, dance instructor and performer; but also the qualities and abilities to give proper coaching to an individual looking to reach a higher state of self and improve their life.

In Life Coach Studio 18's Holistic Integrative and Non Judgmental approach; all areas of Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual are focused on simultaneously. This is done because if one area is out of balance, it can throw another area out of balance. It is easiest and most likely to manifest your desires when all areas of your life are working together harmoniously.

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