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Commercial and Office Cleaning Price Guide 2024

The average cost of commercial cleaning is
£12- £70 per hour

in the UK, depending on the type of business you own and the service you need.

What is the price of a commercial or office cleaner? Find the right contractor for your business with our handy commercial cleaning price guide.

How much does it cost to keep your office or commercial space sparkling? Whether you're an office manager overseeing the cleanliness of a bustling building, a business owner wanting to maintain your shop front, or a restauranteur interested in commercial kitchen cleaning prices, the cost of choosing a cleaning professional can vary significantly. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the UK's average commercial and office cleaning rates for 2024, providing valuable insights to help keep your space not only clean - but also budget-friendly!

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What is a Commercial Cleaner?

Cleaner with products

While cleaning might seem like a universal service, there’s a vast difference between residential and commercial cleaning. Commercial cleaners work in environments such as offices, factories, airports, cinemas, stadiums, restaurants and shops. They use heavier-duty tools and equipment to remove dust, dirt and grime from floors, walls, windows and all other surfaces. They aim to make the area hygienically clean and safe to work in for your employees. And of course, choosing the right cleaning company for your needs (within your budget) will give you the best results. 

How much does a Commercial Cleaner cost? 

The cost of commercial cleaning ranges between £12 and £70 per hour depending on the type of cleaning involved (regular or deep cleaning). On a basic level, commercial cleaning involves vacuuming, dusting, removing rubbish, emptying bins, cleaning toilets, and wiping down all surfaces.

Average cost (per hour) £15 - £20
Minimum cost (per hour) £12
Maximum cost (per hour) £70

A fixed fee may also be given, especially for larger teams. The true figure depends on the size of the building and the level of cleaning required. Having clean business premises is important for your employee’s health and wellbeing. It also gives a great first impression to clients who visit your business. 

Hourly Rates for Commercial Cleaning

Hourly rates for commercial or office cleaning can fluctuate significantly but a general notion is that hourly rates can start from £12 for less skill-intensive tasks such as regular dusting and vacuuming, to £25 for more intensive services like carpet cleaning and floor waxing. Specialist services that require specific equipment or expertise may cost upwards of £40 per hour.

Daily Rates for Commercial Cleaning

For those looking to hire cleaners on a daily basis, the average daily rate for commercial cleaning usually equates to around 4-8 hours of service. Businesses can expect to pay a daily rate of between £70 to £350, depending on the services rendered and the duration of cleaning required.

A List of Average Prices by Location

Location plays a significant role in determining the price of commercial cleaning services. As a rule of thumb, businesses in urban and metropolitan areas, particularly in the Southeast, can expect to pay higher rates compared to those in more rural areas. Here's a regional breakdown:

  • London and the Southeast

    Londoners should budget for higher rates, with the average hourly cost ranging from £15 to £70.

  • Midlands and North of England

    The average pricing in these regions is comparatively lower, between £12 to £30 per hour.

  • Scotland and Wales

    In Scotland and Wales, the cost is around the same as the Midlands and the North at £12 to £30 per hour.

Specific Types of Commercial Cleaning and Their Prices

Woman cleaning an office

Different types of businesses and different types of spaces within them require various cleaning services. Let's break down the pricing for a few types of commercial cleaning commonly required.

The average cost of commercial cleaning
Office cleaning£12-£25
Shop cleaning£15-£35
Other specialist cleaning£20-£50
Commercial Kitchen cleaning£18-£48

There's also commercial window cleaning, which is vital for keeping the exterior of your building on good shape. Read about commercial window cleaning prices here.

Office Cleaning

A standard office cleaning typically includes dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and sanitizing surfaces. For a regular-sized office, the cost can range from £12 to £25 per hour. Weekly and bi-weekly services tend to have lower per-visit costs due to the establishment of routine cleaning schedules.

Shop Cleaning

Retail spaces often require more frequent and detailed cleaning to maintain a presentable and customer-friendly environment. The cost for shop cleaning can vary between £15 to £35 per hour, depending on the size and complexity of the space.

Specialist Cleaning Services

Specialist services such as window cleaning, industrial kitchen cleaning, and deep carpet cleaning can command higher prices due to the specialized equipment and expertise required. Businesses can expect to pay between £20 and £50 for services that fall under this category.

Commercial Kitchen Cleaning Prices

Commercial kitchen cleaning demands adherence to strict hygiene standards and often involves the use of specialized cleaning agents and equipment. For a standard commercial kitchen, prices range from £18 to £45 per hour. Factors influencing these costs include the size of the kitchen, the extent of cleaning needed, and compliance with food safety regulations. Regular maintenance cleaning is generally less costly than one-off deep cleaning sessions, which can run higher due to the intensity and detail of the work required. Additional services such as grease trap cleaning, equipment degreasing, or vent hood servicing may be billed separately or as part of an all-inclusive package.

So What Changes the Price of Commercial Cleaning? 

Office cleaning team

The cost of commercial cleaning varies depending on several factors, including: 

  • Type of cleaning 

  • The property type

  • Frequency of cleaning required

  • Size of the area that needs cleaning

  • Number of windows

  • Time

  • Experience

  • Location

Type of cleaning 

Not all commercial cleaning jobs are created equal! Light dusting and vacuuming is a lot easier and therefore cheaper than deep cleaning, and will cost £15 per hour on average. Jobs such as upholstery cleaning, kitchen cleaning or external window cleaning will typically cost more money. The most expensive cleaning jobs could be as much as £75 per hour, especially if industrial equipment needs to be hired. 

As well as regular cleaning, It’s also necessary to undertake periodic deep cleaning. For example, steam cleaning of carpets or upholstery. If your business has any areas used by the public, then regular deep cleaning is also advisable. 

Type of cleaningHighest average priceLowest average price
Regular cleaning£20£10
Deep cleaning£70£30

The property type

All commercial properties will benefit from specialist cleaning. Even if your employees regularly help out with the cleaning, this cannot replace professional or deep cleaning. 

Factoring in your property type is hugely beneficial to determine the level of cleaning you need. Over time, dirt and grime can build up even in office spaces. Within an industrial setting, the level of cleanliness can slip even quicker. 

Frequency of cleaning required

Some offices have a cleaner that comes in at the end of every day and others only have a clean done once a week. The usage of your building will determine the frequency. If the area is subject to high foot traffic or lots of debris, then a daily clean is advised. Likewise, if your business is food-related, then a daily clean will be needed. 

Size of the area that needs cleaning

Your cleaners will need to assess the square footage of the room, which may include both floor and wall space depending on the nature of the job. The larger the room, the more time it will take. Regardless of your building size, it’s cost-effective to undertake regular cleaning to reduce the bill for deep cleaning over time.

Number of windows

Windows make up approximately 25% of an average building’s wall space. If you have a lot of windows and they are quite large or high up, then this will be factored into your quote. Some general cleaners will not include window cleaning in their quote, so it’s worth checking this if you don’t have a designated window cleaner. 


It goes without saying that the more time a cleaner needs to complete the job, the more it will cost you. While it may be tempting to go for the team who can get the job completed in the quickest time, you equally want to make sure everything has been cleaned thoroughly. In the case of deep cleaning, it’s a good idea to listen to the experts as they will be able to tell you how long it will take to clean the item or room properly.

Commercial cleaners either work on an hourly or fixed fee. If working on a fixed fee, this will be determined once the scope of the job has been assessed. Usually, fixed fee jobs are for deep cleaning tasks that will take a team all day to complete. 


Highly experienced cleaning teams that can take on the most difficult jobs will likely be more expensive. If your premises are particularly dirty (especially if you’ve only just moved in) then it’s worth paying more for someone who is highly experienced. Likewise, if your commercial building has luxury fixtures and fittings, then it’s advisable to hire a more experienced cleaning team. After all, harsh cleaning agents cannot be used on certain materials so specialist cleaning techniques may be required. 


Where you are based will impact the price of the service you need. If you are hiring a commercial cleaning company from outside your local area, then their travel costs will also need to be factored in. Sometimes it is necessary to do this because of the specialism they provide may not be available in your area. 

General commercial cleaning (light duties) is fairly reasonable across the board. As you might expect, there’s a large gap between what you’d be charged in the North East versus what you would pay a cleaner in London due to operational costs, not to mention the differing living costs. If you undertake regular cleaning, the overall costs may be cheaper as less work will be involved. 

LocationAverage cleaner cost
North East£12
North West£15
South West£18

How to Save Money on Business Cleaning

Woman cleaning hairdresser salon

Though professional cleaning is an expense, there are several ways to effectively manage and save on these costs:

  • Consolidate Your Services

    Engage with a cleaning company that offers a broad range of services to capitalize on bundled discounts.

  • Establish a Consistent Cleaning Schedule

    Regular, scheduled cleaning is often more cost-effective than sporadic services, and it prevents the accumulation of tough-to-clean messes.

  • Invest in Time-Effective Cleaning Tools

    In some cases, investing in time-saving equipment can help you reduce cleaning hours and, consequently, your cleaning bill.

  • Consider Outsourced Over In-House Cleaning

    Outsourcing your cleaning needs can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house cleaning team, as you won't have to worry about recruitment, salaries, or purchasing cleaning supplies.

Choosing a Commercial Cleaner Based on Your Budget

Budget is a significant consideration when selecting a commercial cleaning service. Here are the steps to choose a cleaner that fits your financial plan:

  • Get Multiple Quotes

    Always seek quotes from multiple cleaning services to get a good idea of the competitive market rates.

  • Evaluate the Services Offered

    Always ensure that the quoted price aligns with the services you require. A detailed service list helps in comparing 'apples to apples'.

  • Review Customer Testimonials

    The cheapest option might not provide the best service. Quality and reliability are also crucial factors. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to ensure the company meets your standards.

  • Customize Your Cleaning Package

    Discuss with the cleaning company to tailor a package that suits your budget and service requirements. Maybe there are services you can reduce or do less frequently without impacting the overall cleanliness of your

Are You Ready to Choose a Commercial Cleaner?

Woman cleaning table

When planning your commercial cleaning budget, it's essential to consider the factors that influence pricing and the strategies you can employ to save money. Whether you're a start-up looking to make a good impression or a well-established corporation maintaining a pristine workspace, understanding the intricacies of commercial cleaning pricing is the first step to a cost-effective and efficient approach to your cleaning needs.

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