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How much does it cost to pressure wash a driveway in 2024?

The average cost of pressure washing a driveway is

depending on the size, condition, and material of your driveway.

Want to keep your driveway up to scratch? Our ultimate guide to driveway cleaning prices has you covered.

Your driveway serves as the welcome mat to your home, enduring daily wear and tear from vehicles, foot traffic, and the elements. Over time, dirt, grime, oil stains, and environmental pollutants can mar its appearance and compromise its integrity. Fortunately, regular cleaning can not only restore its aesthetic appeal but also extend its lifespan (and keep the HOA happy). In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the importance of driveway cleaning, the intricacies of the pressure washing process, regional price variations across the US, key factors influencing pricing, DIY versus professional cleaning considerations, and additional tips for maintaining a pristine driveway.

A quick note: these statistics are based on a combination of our data and checked against reputable sources, but all prices are averages. The true cost will depend on your location and the size and condition of your driveway. For the most accurate estimate request free, no-obligation driveway pressure cleaning quotes from Bark, and we'll connect you with experienced local contractors.

Why pressure wash your driveway?

driveway clean

A clean driveway is more than just an attractive feature of your property; it's a fundamental aspect of maintenance and safety. Here's why the cost to pressure wash your driveway is more than worth it:

  1. Enhanced curb appeal: A well-maintained driveway enhances the overall appearance of your home, boosting its curb appeal and leaving a positive first impression on visitors and potential buyers.

  2. Prevention of damage: Regular cleaning helps prevent the buildup of dirt, debris, and organic matter, which can degrade the surface of your driveway over time. By removing contaminants promptly, you can mitigate the risk of cracking, staining, and structural damage.

  3. Safety: A clean driveway reduces the risk of slip-and-fall accidents caused by slippery surfaces, moss, algae, or oil spills. Maintaining a clear and debris-free path ensures the safety of your family, guests, and vehicles.

  4. Longevity: Like any exterior feature of your home, a driveway requires ongoing care to preserve its structural integrity and functionality. Routine cleaning, coupled with proper maintenance, can extend its lifespan and delay the need for costly repairs or replacements.

It's worth paying for a professional to pressure wash your driveway as they'll have access to better equipment which requires more licensing and paperwork, and they can carry out the job quickly and safely.

While we're here, you might want to look at bundling services together to make the most of hiring a pressure washing contractor. Check out this price guides for more information.

How your driveway will be cleaned

Pressure washing, also known as power washing or jet cleaning, is the preferred method for deep-cleaning driveways due to its effectiveness and efficiency. Here's a detailed overview of the pressure washing process:

  1. Preparation: Before commencing pressure washing, it's essential to prepare the area by clearing it of any obstacles, including vehicles, toys, and debris. Large deposits of soil or mud should be manually removed to facilitate an even clean.

  2. Application of cleaning solution (optional): Depending on the extent of staining and soiling, a cleaning solution may be applied to the driveway surface to aid in the removal of tough stains and organic matter. The choice of cleaning solution can vary, ranging from commercial detergents to environmentally friendly formulations.

  3. Pressure washing: With the area prepped and any cleaning solution applied, the pressure washing process begins. Using a high-pressure water stream, the professional systematically cleans the driveway surface, starting from one end and working their way to the other in a consistent pattern to ensure uniform cleaning.

  4. Final rinse and inspection: Once the driveway has been thoroughly pressure washed, a final rinse is typically performed to remove any residual cleaning solution and ensure a pristine finish. During this stage, any areas requiring additional attention or spot treatments are identified for further cleaning or treatment.

How long will it take?

driveway clean

The duration (and cost) of a pressure washing job is primarily determined by the size of your driveway. Statistics show that the average driveway in the US is 600-800 square feet, but there are of course huge variations. Larger driveways naturally require more time and resources to clean thoroughly. While specific timeframes may vary depending on the complexity of the job and the equipment used, a professional pressure washer can typically complete the task efficiently.

The cost of pressure washing your driveway

Understanding the cost implications of pressure washing your driveway is crucial for budgeting and decision-making.

On average homeowners will pay between $150 and $300 to pressure wash their driveway, with the most common price being $200. The full range starts at $100 at the very low end and goes up to $500, or even above, for large driveways and premium services.

Here's a breakdown of the factors influencing pricing and average cost estimates:

  1. National averages: The average cost to power wash a driveway in the US ranges from $0.40 to $0.80 per square foot, with a usual minimum charge of $50. However, this figure may not encompass additional expenses such as preparatory work, cleaning solutions, sealing, or repairs.

  2. Cost components: When calculating the total cost of pressure washing your driveway, consider factors such as the size and condition of the driveway, the type of surface material, regional pricing variations, and any supplementary services requested.

  3. Additional expenses: Beyond the base cleaning cost, homeowners may incur additional expenses for specialized cleaning solutions, sealing treatments, repairs to damaged surfaces, or the removal of stubborn stains or growths. These extras can significantly impact the final bill.

  4. Regional price variations: Pressure washing prices can fluctuate significantly across different regions due to variations in demand, competition, business overheads, and local economic factors. While densely populated urban areas typically command higher prices, rural areas may offer more competitive rates.

Regional pressure washing price variations

pressure wash

The cost of pressure washing a driveway can vary significantly from region to region, reflecting local economic conditions, demand-supply dynamics, and business operating costs. You won't be surprised to hear, for example, that pressure cleaning prices in New York City are generally higher than in rural Illinois. Here's an overview of price differences:

Pressure Washing Costs in the US
LocationAverage pressure washing cost
New York$366

The cost of pressure washing different driveway surfaces

Another factors that will affect the cost of your professional driveway clean is the material your driveway is made with. Here are the most common, and how their prices tend to differ.

The cost of pressure washing your driveway by material
Driveway typeAverage price range


To clean asphalt driveways effectively, a lower pressure setting is necessary to prevent damage. Prior application of cleaning solutions helps break up stains and dirt. This process may increase costs slightly. Expect to pay between $120 and $200 for pressure washing a medium asphalt driveway.


While brick driveways can withstand high-pressure settings, the mortar between bricks tends to accumulate dirt and grime, requiring thorough cleaning. As a result, pressure washing brick driveways may be a bit pricier, ranging from $120 to $250 for a medium-sized area.


Paver driveways present unique challenges due to intricate patterns and cracks. The cost of pressure washing paver driveways ranges from $140 to $225. Sealed pavers allow for higher pressure settings, but unsealed ones require lower pressure to avoid damage, potentially increasing cleaning time and costs.


Concrete driveways are porous, necessitating the use of concrete-safe cleaning solutions and higher pressure settings. Pressure washing a medium concrete driveway typically costs between $135 and $210.


Yes, you really can use a pressure washer on gravel! Pressure washing gravel driveways requires careful handling to avoid displacing all that grit, so a professional is highly recommended. Adjusting pressure settings accordingly, either from a distance on high setting or up close on low setting, is crucial for getting it right. Costs for pressure washing gravel driveways typically range from $140 to $200.

Each driveway material demands specific cleaning techniques and may incur varying costs based on factors such as surface condition and required pressure settings. It's essential to consider these factors when planning driveway maintenance to ensure optimal results without compromising surface integrity.

What else makes driveway cleaning more expensive?

driveway clean

Several factors can influence the pricing of driveway cleaning services, including:

  1. Driveway size: The size of the driveway is a primary determinant of cleaning costs, as larger surfaces require more time, labor, and resources to clean thoroughly.

  2. Current condition: The condition of the driveway, including the presence of stubborn stains, moss, algae, or oil spills, can impact the complexity and duration of the cleaning process, thereby affecting the overall cost.

  3. Additional features: Driveways with intricate designs, multiple levels, or challenging terrain may require specialized equipment or techniques, leading to higher labor costs and, consequently, higher prices.

  4. Location: Regional factors such as local demand, competition, cost of living, and business overheads can influence pricing disparities across different areas. Urban centers and affluent suburbs typically command higher prices than rural or less densely populated regions.

Other materials your pro will need

In addition to the base cleaning cost, homeowners should factor in potential additional expenses, such as:

  1. Cleaning solutions:

    The cost of any cleaning solutions or detergents used during the pressure washing process.

  2. Sealing treatments:

    Optional sealing treatments protect the driveway surface and enhance its longevity. Expect to pay anywhere between $200 and $800 depending on its size, and factor in the time it will take before you can drive on it again (usually at least 24 hours).

  3. Repairs:

    Costs associated with repairing any surface damage, cracks, or deterioration observed during the cleaning process.

  4. Specialized services:

    Additional services such as weed removal, stain removal, or surface leveling, which may incur supplementary charges.

DIY vs professional driveway cleaning

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While some homeowners may consider DIY pressure washing as a cost-saving measure, there are several factors to consider before undertaking the task independently:

  1. Equipment costs:

    Renting a pressure washer and purchasing cleaning solutions can incur upfront expenses, which may outweigh the perceived savings of DIY cleaning. Your professional pressure washing contractor will also have better equipment than anything consumers can buy directly, meaning they'll be able to do a better (and probably faster) job.

  2. Skill and expertise:

    Operating a pressure washer requires skill and knowledge to avoid damaging the driveway surface or causing injury. Professional cleaners are trained to use equipment safely and effectively.

  3. Time and convenience:

    Professional cleaners can complete the job efficiently, saving homeowners time and effort. Additionally, outsourcing the task eliminates the need for storage space for equipment and supplies.

  4. Quality of results:

    Professional cleaning services typically yield superior results, as experienced cleaners have access to commercial-grade equipment, specialized tools, and professional-grade cleaning solutions.

How to find a professional driveway cleaner

To connect with reputable driveway pressure washing services in your area, get quotes from multiple local pressure washing professionals. By comparing services, prices, and customer reviews, homeowners can make informed decisions when selecting a cleaning provider.

FAQs about pressure washing your driveway

driveway wash
  1. Frequency of cleaning:

    While bi-annual cleaning is generally sufficient for most driveways, factors such as weather conditions, usage patterns, and environmental factors may necessitate more frequent cleaning.

  2. Surface safety:

    When performed correctly by trained professionals, pressure washing should not harm the driveway surface. However, excessive pressure or improper technique can cause damage, underscoring the importance of hiring reputable services.

  3. Ideal weather conditions:

    Pressure washing is best conducted under mild, sunny conditions, as extreme temperatures or weather conditions can affect cleaning efficacy and surface safety.

The last word

Maintaining a clean and well-maintained driveway is essential for preserving your home's aesthetic appeal, safety, and structural integrity. By understanding the significance of driveway cleaning, the intricacies of the pressure washing process, regional price differentials, and factors influencing pricing, homeowners can make informed decisions to protect their investment and enhance their property's value. Whether opting for professional cleaning services or DIY approaches, prioritizing driveway maintenance ensures a welcoming and functional entryway to your home for years to come!

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