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Can I find online Tutoring on Bark?

Absolutely! It’s easy to connect with online tutors on Bark. All you need to do is tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll put you in touch with thousands of experienced online tutoring services. Whether you’re looking for an English tutor, a piano tutor or Physics and Maths tutors, we’ll help you find the best match for the job.

Should you choose online Tutoring or home Tutoring?

It’s a completely personal choice whether to opt for tutoring online or a home tutor. Some people respond better to in-person tutoring whilst others prefer the remote relationship of online tutoring. Many people find that online tutoring fits into their schedule better and may also be cheaper. However, others prefer the more personal relationship that home tutoring offers. The most important thing is that you have a good relationship with your private tutor. The best tutors will be able to teach just as effectively both online and in person.

What to look for in a private Tutor

It can be hard to know what to look for in a private tutor. You want to find the best tutors but what exactly should you be looking for? First things first, you want someone you can relate to. Someone who understands how challenging it can be to learn something new and can empathise when you struggle. You’ll also want to look for a private tutor who is passionate about their subject, as well as having experience tutoring the age group you require, whether that’s adult tutoring, primary tutoring or GCSE tutoring.
Super Thinkers Ltd profile image

Super Thinkers Ltd

Super Thinkers is a tuition centre that caters for all learners. We believe in the potential of each and every child, and are committed to helping them achieve their fullest potential. Our experienced and qualified teachers use innovative teaching methods tailored to each student's individual needs, ensuring that they not only excel academically but also develop into confident and well-rounded individuals. With our focus on holistic learning, Super Thinkers is the perfect choice for parents who want the best for their children.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Being a tutor is an absolute joy. Every day, I get to celebrate the success of my students as they learn and grow. I am constantly filled with a sense of fulfilment as I see the progress they make. Watching them enjoy their studies is immensely rewarding. It is also hugely enjoyable to work with such a diverse range of people. From young children to older adults, every student brings something unique to the classroom. As a result, my job is both fascinating and endlessly rewarding. I feel incredibly lucky to have found my calling in life.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I started my own business because I wanted to celebrate students who are often not celebrated. I want to fulfil their potential and give them the opportunity to enjoy their work and feel successful. It is so rewarding to see tutees succeed and feel empowered. My business is my way of contributing to that goal. It is also a lot of fun! I love what I do and feel very lucky to be able to do it every day. Seeing the positive impact that my business has on the lives of my pupils is incredibly rewarding.

Why should our clients choose you?

Here at Super Thinkers, we are dedicated to helping our clients fulfil their potential and enjoy rewarding success. We believe that everyone has the ability to succeed, and it is our job to help students reach their goals. We offer a wide range of services, from one-on-one tutoring to group workshops, all designed to help students achieve their academic goals. In addition, we work with students of all ages and abilities, so we are confident that we can find a solution that fits each individual's needs. So if you are looking for a Tutoring Company that can help you Celebrate Success, then please contact us today. We would be more than happy to discuss your needs and tailor a package that is right for you. Thank you.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

On site tuition has constantly proven a better way of supporting our students and is something we recommend, though we do offer online/remote tuition too. On site, there is more potential for engagement and enjoyment from both the student and tutor which leads to more fulfilment and often, success. It's also much more rewarding for all parties when the students can see the progress they are making in person. We believe that online/remote learning can be just as effective in some cases but it's not always possible to recreate the same level of interaction and connection that you can have on site. For this reason, we recommend on site learning where possible for our tutees.

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The average price of Tutors is £27.50 per hour

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based on 93,196 reviews

I started my lessons with Charles when I was in year 10, he is very thorough with the way he teaches, and is clear and precise and gets straight to the point, I was terrible at and English in year 10 but since I joined the lessons I improved massively, there is a clear difference in my mock grades from year 10 and my mock grades in year 11. I would like to take an opportunity to say thank you to Charles for being a fantastic teacher, I would 100% recommend Charles for others doing GCSE English.

31 May 2024

Catherine went over and above for our little girl. I have seen so much progress in a short amount of time

31 May 2024

Amazing tutor! Would highly recommend I’ve seen a lot of progress

31 May 2024

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