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The average price of Lawyers in Chandigarh is ₹5,000

Satyam Tandon Advocate profile image

Satyam Tandon Advocate

I am currently providing litigation services with a focus on matters related to writs, service, education, insurance, property, contracts, matrimonial, land acquisition, arbitration, cheque bouncing, contempt and rent. Also, services that are generally required prior to hardcore litigation matters such as initial advice; sending legal notices, representations and RTIs; research and argumentation can also be provided. I also provide a one-stop-shop for corporate houses to cater to their corporate drafting requirements. In the past, I have drafted service level agreements, software license agreements, employment agreements, consultancy agreements, lease deeds, sale deeds, re-seller agreements, IP/Copyright assignment agreements, legal notices, loan agreements, non-disclosure agreements, privacy policies, disclaimers and terms of service for websites. In short, we aim at providing you the most efficient legal solution possible and suitable to you.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Let me narrate a recent instance to answer this question - very recently I had one of the most fulfilling days as a lawyer, ie. when I got appointed as an Amicus Curiae in a case by the Hon’ble Court. An Amicus is a person who is appointed as a friend of the court and assists the Court impartially in the context of a case. While being appointed an Amicus is an honor in itself, the best part of the day was during my interaction with the respective client - a very poor, unwell, and septuagenarian lady. Upon assisting her, she showered me profusely with blessings and wished the best for me. This reminded me precisely why I became a lawyer - to be instrumental in helping the downtrodden in begetting justice!

What inspired you to start your own business?

I have had the opportunity to intern at various places and even work as a junior with various senior lawyers but it is certainly a different feeling when one works for himself as it begets authority, responsibility and accountability. Also, the very fact that I am able to directly help my clients, whether they are a poor people or a multi-national corporation get justice is what makes me tick and do what I do.

Why should our clients choose you?

Presently, we are providing civil litigation services. Personally, I am also empanelled in a professional capacity at various institutions. We also provide a one-stop-shop for firms to cater to their corporate drafting requirements. We bring to the table a diverse skill set based on a strong moral fiber that works in tandem with our hard work and professionalism to secure the best possible solution for our clients.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, services can be given offline and online, both. You can book an appointment online/offline at https://satyamtandon.com/contact/

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

All staff members are vaccinated and any meetings are conducted with safety protocols.

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