Top Ten Home Improvement Jobs During Covid19 UK Lockdown 1.0

With so much time suddenly on our hands, the first UK lockdown during March 2020 was a time for many of us to spruce up our homes with creative DIY projects or to finally get around to those long-neglected household tasks.  

If you’re wondering which DIY projects kept Brits busy during lockdown, we’ve teamed up with to rank the top 10 home improvement trades on Bark for the first month of lockdown in the UK. Click the image below to view the top home improvement trends! 

What kept us busy during life in lockdown? 

It looks like most of us discovered our inner gardener, with the demand for outdoor-themed projects soaring. We also got creative with DIY home decorating projects, with requests for things like picture framing and curtain design rising all over the UK. And we finally got our hands dirty with those big projects we’ve been putting off for a while, with lots of requests for big home improvement jobs like bathroom design and roof repair

Looking for someone to help you get those home improvement tasks done and dusted? Search for trusted professionals to help you with all of your home improvement needs, from tree surgery and removal to residential and interior design.

Place a job on Bark today and get free quotes in minutes!


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