5 signs your dog needs training

Most people glance over at a dog to remark how cute and fluffy they are. However, these aren’t the only signs your dog could be giving off, especially if their behaviour is causing a real headache or even creating a potential safety risk for other dogs or humans. 

Dog training is essential, and if you are yet to train your dog it could be a lot more noticeable than you think. Here are 5 signs your dog needs training to tell you more. 

Poor obedience 

From pulling on the lead to ignoring your commands, a dog with poor obedience skills can become a real handful to manage. Your dog could even be putting you in danger, especially if it causes an accident such as dragging you into oncoming traffic while on a walk. 

That might sound dramatic, but unfortunately, these types of incidents do occur regularly, especially with dogs that are not trained. That’s why it’s imperative to undertake dog training as soon as your dog is ready, or if you notice any such problems crop up in an older dog. 

Your dog won’t stop barking

All dogs bark at some point, but there’s a difference between the occasional yelp and incessant barking. Not only is constant barking frustrating to you, but it can cause tensions with your neighbours too. Given nuisance dog barking can lead to a prosecution, it’s well worth nipping it in the bud for both your eardrum’s sake and any potential fines that could arise if you don’t. 

There are many reasons why a dog may repeatedly bark. This includes fear, boredom, loneliness, separation anxiety as well as territorial issues. Dog training will help to get to the bottom of why your pooch is so vocal. In turn, this will lead to less frustration in the home and a quieter and happier neighbourhood too.

It eats things it’s not supposed to

From socks to Christmas trees, dogs don’t always leave the nibbling to the contents of their food bowl. If your dog has developed a real problem for eating something it’s not supposed to, then this could be down to a lack of training. In some cases, this issue can also be down to leaving your dog alone for too long. 

While there may be adjustments needed from your side, you can’t allow your dog to continue to eat things it shouldn’t. After all, if it’s not food that is intended for a dog, it could be putting your animal’s health at serious risk. Plus, from a practical point of view, it can also get very expensive to replace everything they chew up. Get a trainer who will point you in the right direction and your sofa will hopefully remain intact. 

Aggression towards other dogs

Taking your dog for a walk should be a pleasant experience for all. However, if your dog suddenly becomes very aggressive when it catches sight of another dog, then it’s time to intervene. It can be tricky to verbally tell a dog to calm down, especially when their animal instincts take over.

Learning how to socialise with dogs correctly is something they will pick up during training. This is important for the safety and wellbeing of your dog, other dogs and the owners you will encounter on walks. 

Separation anxiety

Ideally, dogs shouldn’t be left for long periods on their own. Like humans, dogs need interaction as part of their health and wellbeing. Sometimes it is necessary to leave a dog such as to go to work (they should never be left a full day though) or to head out to the shops. 

If your dog gets very distressed when you leave, or if you come back to find the house destroyed your dog could be suffering from separation anxiety. For the sake of your dog’s mental health, you need to get on top of this issue quickly by seeking training or a behavioural therapist. 

To sum up

Dogs are wonderful creatures who bring us so much joy. However, it’s always good to remember that dogs are animals that need to learn how to behave properly. The above are just some of the signs that mean your dog needs training. However, if you are struggling to control your dog for any reason then it’s also worth contacting a professional.

If your dog needs training, then you can find the best local dog trainers near you with Bark. From poodles to labradors, pugs to spaniels, we’ll connect you with the best professionals to help you train your dog.

What is the difference between a Nutritionist and a Dietitian?

What we eat has a huge impact on our overall health. The trouble is, it’s not always easy to know what foods are good for us, especially if you have any preexisting health conditions. After all, food is a science and it’s so easy to eat the wrong foods, even when we think we are being healthy! That’s why it’s always worth seeking professional advice in the form of a nutritionist or a dietitian. 

If you are wondering what is the difference between a nutritionist and a dietitian, here is everything you need to know. 


A nutritionist is someone who is qualified to give advice about your dietary choices. They look at the science of nutrition to help promote health and prevent disease. However, a nutritionist can’t give you a diet plan in relation to any specific medical conditions. Instead, they give you an overall diet plan or suggestions in accordance with your lifestyle. 

Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist meaning you should take care to select the right professional. Though, it is possible to find individuals who are AfN registered, who use the title of ‘Registered Nutritionist’. Often, nutritionists will work alongside other healthcare professionals within a clinical setting. Though it’s also possible to hire a freelance nutritionist too. 


The role of a dietitian is to provide nutritional guidance in relation to any health conditions you are experiencing. For example, eating disorders, malnutrition, diabetes and similar diet related disorders of the body. Dietitians can also work with healthy individuals to enhance their diet to help prevent disease in the future too. 

Unlike nutritionists, dietitians are governed and regulated by law. While this differs around the world, in the UK dietitians must be registered with the HCPC. Also, only qualified professionals can call themselves a dietitian. The practice as a whole looks at biochemistry, physiology and research methods that relate to the science of nutrition. 

Which one is right for me?

If you are looking to improve your health, it could be argued that either a nutritionist or a dietitian is worth consulting. However, it’s good to remember that only a dietitian can give specific medical related advice. If you are trying to manage a particular condition, then a dietitian is the best person to consult and receive a tailored plan from. 

For general nutritional help and guidance, a nutritionist can be of assistance. Many nutritionists have their own books or diet plans in relation to certain food trends which can be interesting to explore. So, they are ideal to consult when you don’t have a particular health worry but are simply looking to learn more about food and how to improve your diet. 

To sum up 

If you are looking to improve your health then it makes sense to address your eating habits. Both nutritions and dietitians can offer valuable advice, but only a dietitian can give specific medical related advice. Both are also great to plug any knowledge gaps you have about food in terms of the nutritional value and portion sizes. 

It couldn’t be easier to find a nutritionist or dietitian with Bark. Whether you just want to learn more about your eating habits or if you’re ready to make a serious change to enhance your health, we’ll connect you with the best local professionals to help you on your journey.

Is it worth hiring a Mortgage Advisor?

Purchasing a home is an exciting yet daunting time. Especially as these days, scraping up a deposit is an achievement in itself! However, there is the small matter of the mortgage that you’ll be tied to for 25 years. While the exact figure will vary depending on your location and your property, the average UK mortgage is £669 a month. 

So before you sign on the dotted line, you need to know you have all the facts and that you’re getting the best deal. But is it worth hiring a mortgage advisor to help you do so? Let’s find out.

It’s a huge commitment

Life is full of commitments from relationships to parenthood. Buying property is no exception, especially as you can’t decide to suddenly skip a payment, even if it’s because you’re ill or you’ve lost your job. It’s going to be your life until you pay it off, or until you decide to move again! While most people only purchase a home once in their lifetime, a mortgage advisor spends every single day dealing with this exact matter. Experience counts for a lot, and when it comes to your mortgage, calling on that knowledge to know what you are letting yourself in for cannot be underestimated.

Getting the best deal

Understandably, the money involved is the biggest concern with any mortgage you wish to take out. There are several ways you can access mortgage advice either through a lender or a mortgage broker. However, a broker is not tied to any particular institutions and they may have special deals that are not available through your building society. Therefore, they are one of the best people to consult when it comes to getting the best deal. They will also tell you before you go ahead whether you’re in a good financial position to take out a mortgage in the first place which will save you time and effort too. 

Mortgages are confusing

Mortgages are expensive but they are pretty confusing too. Especially if you’re a first time buyer! From interest rates to the different ways a mortgage can be calculated, it’s enough to puzzle anyone. Gaining some clarity before you jump in by consulting a mortgage advisor can be very reassuring. You need to know that you can comfortably afford the repayments and be aware of the hidden charges such as exit fees that nobody tells you about. A mortgage advisor will unlock all of the details so that you don’t get any nasty surprises. 

To sum up

Paying your mortgage off will allow you to become a homeowner. But this can be a scary prospect given the average property price in the UK is £231,185. While mortgage advisors do charge a small fee, the money you could save in the long run is well worth it, especially if they can get you a better deal than what your local building society can offer. 

If you are looking for some advice on your mortgage, it couldn’t be easier with Bark. Find the best local experts near you who can help you with everything you need to know. After all, it’s the biggest financial commitment you’ll ever make!

3 benefits of Commercial & Office Cleaning

Approximately 90,000 hours of our life will be spent at work, which equates to about a third of our lives. It’s important to enjoy work given how long we will all spend doing it. Something that can make a huge difference to your job satisfaction is the environment you work in, especially if it is clean and hygienic. 

Commercial cleaners are tasked with making sure your premises are left spotlessly clean. Here are 3 benefits of commercial & office cleaning to tell you more. 

Creates the right first impression

First impressions count for a lot. Depending on the nature of your business, there may be lots of people who spend time on your premises aside from just your employees. When the environment they enter is clean and professional it immediately sets the right tone. Remember that if you are spending 40+ hours a week at work, you could even stop noticing the clutter around you. That won’t be the same for visitors who will spot it straight away! 

By hiring a professional commercial cleaner, you’ll have no such issues. The cleanliness of your business premises will be constantly maintained. That means even if clients pop in on a whim, you’ll never be caught out by untidy workstations or even a filthy kitchen. After all, a lack of cleanliness can be very off-putting to others and it could even cost you business too.

Improves productivity

The stress and chaos of work can take its toll, and often this is reflected in the immediate space around our desks. Just like how a tidy home can make you feel happier, healthier and more productive, the same can also be said for your work environment too. So if you want to improve employee efficiency, innovation and productivity, then a clean work area is a must.  

Whatsmore, a study found that employees lose an average of 9 workdays per year, which directly is attributed to a lack of workplace cleanliness. Viruses, in particular, can live on touchpoints such as keyboards, door handles and light switches. If your employees take time off due to sickness, this can affect the productivity of your whole team. This is just one of the many reasons why hiring a professional cleaner could save you money in the long run. 

Boosts employee morale

Working in a dirty, cluttered environment does little to inspire enthusiasm in the workplace. Such a scenario can create stress and overall dissatisfaction in your job. Whatsmore in some roles employees are required to clean their own work station. However, if the nature of their work is far removed from cleaning (such as an office job) then this can reduce employee morale.

By hiring a professional to take care of the cleaning, it demonstrates to your employees that you value their contribution. Plus, when your employees walk into the office in the morning they will see it’s clean and smells fresh. This puts them in a much better frame of mind to work in which will boost their morale. 

Find out more

Those bins won’t empty themselves! Professional cleaning for your office or business location has a wide range of benefits for all those you use your premises. The cleaner you choose will ensure the environment is left looking and smelling clean and fresh. Whether you need a cleaner to visit one a day or once a week, you can find local commercial cleaners on Bark.

The biggest web design trends of 2021

In the rapidly changing environment of 2021, it’s never been more crucial for businesses to build an online presence. But with so many brands jumping on the digital bandwagon, how can you set your website apart from the rest? Web design is a fast-moving industry and it’s not always easy to keep up with ever-changing trends. Is your website looking a little stuck in the past? Bring it back to life with this year’s hottest web design trends! Or if you need to build a website from scratch, why not hire a web design expert to bring your vision to life? 

Dark mode

It’s safe to say there’s been a lot of buzz around dark mode. Whether it’s on your mobile, laptop, or twitter account, you’ve probably seen dark mode somewhere this year. As a concept, it couldn’t be simpler – an option that lets you change the background colour of your application to black. But don’t let its simplicity fool you – its sleek appearance and modern feel has meant that dark mode has dominated everyone’s screens this year. There’s more to it than visual appeal, too. Dark mode helps to protect your eyes from the glare of computer and telephone screens. Trendy and comfortable – we’ll take that. More web design trends 

Bold Lettering

When it comes to lettering this year, think big, bold, and beautiful. It’s a crowded online marketplace, which makes it difficult for customers to remember your website. One of the easiest ways to be memorable is by simple, oversized lettering. It helps hone in on your core message, drowning out other unnecessary clutter. And guess what – remembering your website makes customers more likely to return to it. A winner all round! If you want to take it up a notch, why not replace images with lettering? Letting the text do the talking is a compelling way to get your message across. 

Lots of whitespace

If you’re wondering what whitespace is, the clue is in the name. It’s the gap between content on a website – so anything filling the space between images, graphics and text. Whitespace might seem simple, but it’s a powerful web design tool. It creates a fresh and tidy looking interface, draws attention to call-to-actions, and highlights the key message of your website. 

Colour blocking 

Solid colour blocking is a classic style that’s made a come-back. Put simply, it uses bright, vibrant colours to separate the page of a website. So if you’ve got lots of messages you wish to convey on one screen, this is a visually appealing and simple way to display it. 

Split-screen layout

Divide and conquer – that’s the idea behind the split-screen layout. It lets your website display multiple bits of information on a single page, meaning that everything is tidied and organised in one place. The result? It’s slick, clear and simple to navigate for users. 


Have you noticed that tech gadgets are getting smaller? With Apple watches and the like soaring in popularity, web designs have had to change to fit the mould of these much smaller interfaces. That’s where minimalist design comes in. It reduces design elements down to the basics to accommodate tiny screens. A minimalist design will typically have very little information on display, making use of the full-width of the screen. For a striking minimalist design, opt for vibrant colours, bold typography and plenty of whitespace. 


Voice User Interface is a handy tool that lets users interact with a website using voice commands. It’s a dream for user experience due to the simplicity of browsing that it offers website users. Think of it as an Alexa device for your website. 

Whichever web design style you choose, always make sure that it represents your brand identity and the key message you want to get across. After all, your website is one of the first things a customer reacts with, and first impressions count.

We’re 6th in the Tech Track 100 awards!

We’re starting the week off with some good news!  

Thanks to your continued support, we’re thrilled to announce that with your help, we’ve ranked 6th in the Tech Track 100 awards.

The annual Tech Track 100 is a prestigious league table, ranking 100 of the fastest-growing tech companies, and we’re so happy to make our debut in the top 10. We’re in great company too, appearing alongside some of the most disruptive and innovative leaders in the tech sector. You can check out the full list of all featured companies here 

To top it off, we’ve also been named in the Startups 100 awards, the renowned annual league table of new businesses to watch in 2020.

We truly appreciate having you as a partner and we’re looking forward to helping you grow your business even further in the future. 

Thanks again,

Team Bark




5 interior design ideas to help you feel calm at home

Mental health isn’t just about what is going on in our heads. Our physical environment has a significant impact on our mood – all it takes is an untidy bedroom or a disorderly office for our stress levels to rise. Although lockdown has lifted for many of us and we are (slowly) getting back to our usual routines, lots of us are still spending most of our time at home. So it’s never been more important to feel calm and relaxed in our living environment. Want to create an oasis of tranquillity in your home but don’t know where to begin? Read our top interior design tips for how to achieve a stress-free living space.

Keep it clean 

Having a clean and tidy home is one of the first steps to achieving your inner zen. Believe it or not, there’s a close link between clutter and stress. We might not realise it, but when we are surrounded by mess, we instantly feel more irritable and on edge. Keeping a tidy home really does help to have a tidy mind. Did you know that cleaning itself can actually alleviate stress? So if you’re feeling on edge, why not pick up a rag and get to work? If you don’t have time to clean your home yourself, why not hire a cleaner to give you a helping hand? 

Say hello to house plants 

Plants have endless benefits. They can increase our mood, reduce our anxiety levels, and even help us to sleep. What’s more, their visual appeal makes them a great addition to any home. Popping a plant in your house will create an instant sense of calm. If you’re worried about keeping your plant alive, aloe vera is a great option as it is calming and requires very little upkeep. 


Pick peaceful colours

Different colours evoke different moods. If you’ve ever entered a room with soft, neutral shades and instantly felt serene, that’s because lighter, pastel hues such as ivory and grey are proven to help lower blood pressure. If you want to give your room a fresh and bright feel, soft, pastel tones of yellow, green, and blue can add a touch of vibrancy. Did you know that some colours bring out different moods? Looking for a room that exudes positive energy? Go for yellow! Want to feel connected to nature? Green is the way forward.

Zone your space 

Covid-19 has caused lots of offices to close for the foreseeable future, leaving many of us to get creative with our own DIY home office attempts. If you are working from home, make sure that you separate your workspace and living space. Mixing the two can confuse our brains, making it hard for us to unwind after a day of work. Try and add a couple of physical markers to help separate your space. Simple things like putting up a notice board, table, and chair in your workspace will help you to feel like you’re in an office. Likewise, make sure there’s a designated space to unwind and relax – keep it cosy with cushions and rugs. 

Keep it flexible with moveable furniture 

Having a healthy mind isn’t just down to the space you inhabit, it’s about what you do to keep yourself busy. A serene living space is perfectly complemented with relaxing exercises like Pilates, Yoga, or Meditation. Flexible furniture means you can easily create space to practice these exercises at home. With online exercise classes on the rise, you should have no problem finding one suited to your fitness levels and interests. 

You won’t know which interior design style works for your home and personality until you give it a go. But a few touches here and there can help you create a home that will alleviate stress and bring calm. That’s worth its weight in gold.

From aromatherapy to alternative healing, click here to connect with a Health and Wellness expert on Bark. If you fancy giving your home a face lift too, click here to be put in touch with a House and Home Professional. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered – let us do the leg work.


6 Cleaning Tips To Keep Your Home Covid-19 Free

Most of us are comfortable with knowing how to protect ourselves from Covid-19 in public – practicing social distancing, regularly applying hand sanitiser, and the golden rule – washing our hands. But now that lockdown is easing, and more of us are venturing outdoors, how can we protect ourselves from Covid-19 sneaking into our homes? After all, we are still spending more time at home than ever, whether for work or leisure, so keeping our houses free from infection should be something we all know how to do. If you’re not sure how to avoid the spread of coronavirus in your house, you’re in the right place. Read our top cleaning tips for how to keep Covid-19 at bay in your home.

1) Tackle high-touch surfaces 

High-touch surfaces are everyday items and surfaces that run a greater risk of germ transmission as they are touched frequently during the day. Think of door handles, light switches, and smartphones. Wiping these surfaces down in your home at least two times a day is an effective way to reduce the spread of coronavirus. You don’t need fancy disinfectant that will break the bank – household cleaners will do the trick! If you don’t have time to clean your home yourself, why not hire a local cleaner to get the job done for you? They will be experts in germ prevention and disinfecting your home. 

2) Shop smartly 

Love it or hate it, shopping is one of those essential tasks that we just can’t avoid. While supermarkets are implementing several measures to keep customers safe, including limiting the number of people in-store and one-way flow systems, there is still a risk of Covid-19 transmission. Luckily, there are lots of ways to prevent coronavirus from entering your home. Make sure you wipe down food packages before putting them away, wash your hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds after unpacking your groceries, and regularly clean your kitchen counters with disinfectant. 

3) Wash your hands as soon as you get home 

Many of us are spending more time out and about now that lockdown is easing, whether that’s going back to work or seeing family or friends. Remember to wash your hands for at least twenty seconds as soon as you get home to prevent any unwanted germs creeping in. Covid-19 is like the unwelcome guest at the party – don’t let it worm its way inside. 

4) Turn up the heat a notch 

Germs can cling onto all sorts of surfaces, including clothes and towels. Washing these at a higher temperature can minimise the risk of germs spreading. Always check the label to find out the warmest washing temperature for each garment. Make sure you wash cleaning products like mop heads and dishcloths regularly, too. 

5) Get your kitchen sparkling clean

Kitchens are hot-beds for spreading germs. From coffee machines to chopping boards, they can hide in the most unexpected of places. If you want to keep your home Covid-19 free, keep your kitchen spick and span. As well as cleaning more obvious areas such as counters and tabletops, remember to tackle additional items such as small appliances and cutlery. 


6) Get rid of pet fur 

There is no better addition to a home than a beloved pet, but its fur can carry unwanted germs, including traces of coronavirus. To reduce germ transmission, regularly remove pet fur from your home and wash your hands after you touch your pet, especially after taking it for a walk. 

Can house cleaning really stop the spread of coronavirus? 

As much as it can be a pain, keeping on top of house cleaning is crucial for reducing the spread of infection in our homes, including Covid-19. Having a clean and tidy house also creates a serene environment for us to live in and keeps us healthier, both physically and mentally. So it’s a win-win. 

Time to get your home in shape? Click here to browse trusted, local cleaning experts on Bark today. Our professionals provide commercial and office cleaning services, too!






Top Ten Home Improvement Jobs During Covid19 UK Lockdown 1.0

With so much time suddenly on our hands, the first UK lockdown during March 2020 was a time for many of us to spruce up our homes with creative DIY projects or to finally get around to those long-neglected household tasks.  

If you’re wondering which DIY projects kept Brits busy during lockdown, we’ve teamed up with tradesmencosts.co.uk to rank the top 10 home improvement trades on Bark for the first month of lockdown in the UK. Click the image below to view the top home improvement trends! 

What kept us busy during life in lockdown? 

It looks like most of us discovered our inner gardener, with the demand for outdoor-themed projects soaring. We also got creative with DIY home decorating projects, with requests for things like picture framing and curtain design rising all over the UK. And we finally got our hands dirty with those big projects we’ve been putting off for a while, with lots of requests for big home improvement jobs like bathroom design and roof repair

Looking for someone to help you get those home improvement tasks done and dusted? Search Bark.com for trusted professionals to help you with all of your home improvement needs, from tree surgery and removal to residential and interior design.

Place a job on Bark today and get free quotes in minutes!


How much does a personal trainer cost in the UK? 2022

Personal trainer with a client

Updated: Read our latest 2022 Personal Trainer price guide.

Average price of a personal trainer in the UK

£30 – £60 per hour

What can I expect to pay for a personal trainer?

Want to hire a personal trainer but not sure of the cost? Don’t sweat it! Read our handy guide to find out how much your fitness expert will charge for 1-2-1 sessions, group classes, Crossfit training, and more.

What is a Personal Trainer?

We all want to be the best versions of ourselves, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin. With so many workout plans and exercise classes out there, finding a fitness routine that works for you can be daunting.

Whether it’s reaching your fitness goals, training for a marathon, or improving your technique, Bark can help you to find a personal trainer to give you the push you need to get there. A PT can support you through the hard days and celebrate the good ones, so what’s not to love?

How much does a personal trainer cost in the UK?

Achieving your fitness goals doesn’t happen overnight, so it’s essential to know how much hiring a personal trainer will cost. To give you an idea of how much people pay for a personal trainer, we’ve put together a handy breakdown of average costs based on the prices of local UK professionals:

Average Cost (per session) £50
Minimum Cost (per session) £30
Maximum Cost (per session) £60

What changes the price of hiring a personal trainer?

The cost of a personal trainer can vary depending on a number of factors. These include:

  • The professional’s education and experience
  • One-to-one vs. group training sessions
  • Price per session – hourly rates or package deals
  • Type of training
  • Location

The personal trainer’s education and experience

When choosing a personal trainer it’s important to consider the level of their education and experience. In the UK, the Level 3 Personal Trainer qualification equips a personal trainer to work one-to-one with clients. Beyond this, their experience can range anywhere from having a degree in human anatomy and wellness to being a professional athlete. In a nutshell, the more experience your pro has, the more you pay.

An experienced or specialised trainer could charge up to £80 per hour – this can increase if you’re in a big city like London, so be prepared to spend big bucks if you’re looking to hire the creme de la creme in the capital.

One-to-one vs. group training sessions

Most professional trainers offer group and one-to-one training sessions. One-to-one classes are tailored to your individual needs, which is why they are more expensive than group sessions. Most group sessions are small, so while you might not get as much one-on-one attention, your personal trainer will still have plenty of time to tend to your needs. Working out with friends also lowers the cost per person, so it’s a win-win.

Price per session (hourly rate or package deals)

Personal trainers usually offer discounts on packages of multiple sessions which reduces the hourly rate. As most people want to hire a personal trainer over a longer period of time instead of for a one-time session, it’s a no brainer that paying for multiple sessions is the better option. Here’s a breakdown of common discounts offered by personal trainers, but don’t be afraid to haggle if you want a better deal.

  • Block of 10 Personal Training Sessions – 10% discount (on average)
  • Block of 20 Personal Training Sessions – 20% discount (on average)

Type of personal training

The cost per session can vary depending on the type of training. If you’re opting for Boxing or Crossfit, expect to pay more as personal trainers need advanced skills to teach these classes. To give you a better idea, we’ve put together a summary of common personal training types and their average costs:

Type of workout (per session) Average cost
Strength training £35
Boxing lessons £50
CrossFit £50
Circuit training £30
High Intensity Interval (HIIT) £50
Body sculpting £30

If you want a tailor-made nutrition plan alongside your workouts, be prepared to pay more.

Location of your personal trainer

It’s no surprise that big cities have big prices. If you live somewhere like London, you could spend nearly double what you would elsewhere for a professional trainer with the same qualifications and experience.

Remember, prices in London can jump to around £80 – £120 if you are looking to hire a super-specialised or experienced instructor.

Here’s a rough breakdown of costs per location:

Location Maximum Cost (per session) Minimum Cost (per session) Average Cost (per session)
Outside London £40 £20 £30
Inside London £120 £30 £50

Find a personal trainer

Is hiring a personal trainer worth the cost?

With a personal trainer, you can set realistic, achievable goals tailored to your fitness ability and training needs. While it comes at a cost, having a healthier body and mind will be well worth the investment. A personal trainer also means you don’t need to fork out for monthly gym membership fees!

Your body is a temple, so give it the love and attention it deserves by hiring a personal trainer with Bark.

Find a Personal Trainer on Bark.com