Meet Quwanie – Owner of Cleaning Go LTD

This week we’re heading to Surrey in the UK to speak with Quwanie – proud owner of Cleaning Go LTD, a 5 star rated domestic and commercial cleaning company. 

Hear Quwanie’s story about growing and scaling his cleaning business with Bark. 

How long has your business been around for? 

I launched Cleaning Go July 2020 on a budget of £405. Due to Covid-19, most commercial premises couldn’t reopen until a professional cleaning company disinfected their property. Businesses had no choice but to remain closed until further notice. 

Cleaning Go was launched with the sole purpose of creating a safe, secure environment for businesses and the public. I understand the cleaning sector because I spent at least 10 years in the industry before launching my cleaning company.

What were you doing before you launched your company? 

Before launching Cleaning Go I joined the retail industry early January 2020 where I was working as a Kitchen Sales Designer for Magnet Kitchens in Sutton, Surrey.  Unfortunately due to the pandemic Magnet Kitchens had no choice but to let me go.

Tell us about your experiences on Bark… has been fantastic so far, I have had a positive experience in such a short time. I had fifteen bookings in one month! Out of those, I was able to secure two commercial cleaning contracts, one in South Kensington and the other in Westminster, worth approximately £24,882 annually. I also secured at least twelve end-of-tenancy domestic cleaning contracts that grossed over £5,000. The leads were coming in like wildfire – at one point I was struggling to manage everything. Most of the inquiries converted into business.

What’s the best thing about Bark? is user friendly and easy to use. I tried a few different platforms like Checkatrade, Bidvine,Tradespeople, and to be honest, there wasn’t any comparison to in my opinion. is in a league of its own – where else do you find a 24/7 customer service team where you can talk to real humans, not just chatbots? The customer service team is helpful and friendly, too. is the Apple of the services marketplace!

What are your top tips for success on Bark?

1. Be coachable and willing to put in the work.
2. Social media is free so use it to your advantage.
3. Read. Every single day I read something from Bloomberg, Financial Times, Market Watch, CNN Money, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Money, Wired, Forbes Business, UK Businesses, and UK Parliament.
4. Be willing to work hard. One of my favourite quotes is from Elon Musk, he said “starting a company is like eating broken glass and staring into the abyss.”

And there you have it – the low down on one man’s mission to make workplaces safer during Covid-19. If that doesn’t inspire you, we don’t know what will!

We loved catching up with Quwanie. If you’re in need of a top-rated cleaning service based in London and the South East, head over to the Cleaning Go Bark profile page – you can check out its reviews, request a quote, and see some great examples of past work.

Cleaning Go is also on social media! Find them on Instagram at @cleaninggouk, search them on Facebook at @cleaningouk, or find them on Twitter at @Cleaninggouk

We’re committed to helping professionals like Quwanie find new opportunities to help grow their business, especially in times of such uncertainty.

Want the next success story to be yours? Sign up as a professional on Bark today.








5 FAQs about training your pup

Ask a stupid question day is an annual holiday, celebrated on the 28th of September. 

It’s purpose? To encourage us to ask more questions, no matter how silly we think they might be. 

If you have a brand new pup, you probably have a lot of questions about how to train them. After all, it’s not easy, especially if it’s your first time being a proud dog owner! 

In the spirit of ask a stupid question day, we’ve answered the five questions you might be dying to ask when it comes to training your pooch. 

How do I toilet train my puppy?

Toilet training your pup isn’t the easiest of tasks. No matter what toilet time routine you set them, they might have something else in mind. One of the easiest ways around it is setting a regular feeding schedule, which helps to avoid any unwanted accidents. Remember to designate a space for them to go to the toilet, too, as this will help your pooch remember where to go next time. 

When should I start training my pup? 

It’s never too early to start training your puppy – did you know dogs start retaining information as early as five weeks of age? There is no harm in encouraging positive behaviour right from the start – in fact, the earlier you start teaching your furry-friend positive habits, the easier it will be for them to absorb what they learn. So why not start training them as soon as they come home?

How do I socialise my pup?

Socialisation is the process where puppies learn how to interact with other animals and humans. It’s important to expose your pup to a wide variety of situations and environments so that they learn how to get along with other dogs early on. It can make the difference between your puppy becoming friendly and well-behaved or aggressive and shy. If you don’t make socialising your dog a priority from the beginning, the issue will only get worse in their later life. 

How do I teach my dog their name? 

This might seem obvious, but if you don’t teach your puppy their name from early on they may never learn it themselves! Make sure you consciously call your dog by their name throughout the day, rewarding them with treats or affection once it gets their attention. Remember not to confuse your dog by calling them another nickname that you have just made up on the spot, as tempting as it is. 

What dog training equipment should I use? 

Always opt for equipment that takes into consideration your dog’s safety. Switching a dog collar for a harness is less damaging to their neck, especially if they are pulling. Always remember your safety, too. If your pup is particularly troublesome, a retractable leash is probably not the best option, as it gives you little control of your dog’s movements. Stick to a shorter, non – retractable leash at the beginning – this will also help to avoid any nasty occurrences of your pup running out into the road, which you want to avoid at all costs. 

To sum up 

Still struggling with taming your pup? Dog trainers are experts in improving behaviour and obedience training in dogs of all shapes and sizes. Find local, trusted dog trainers in just a few clicks with Bark. 

How much does a house cleaner cost in the UK? 2020

Updated: Read our latest 2021 House Cleaner Price Guide.

Average price of a house cleaner in the UK

£10 – £20 per hour

What can I expect to pay for a house cleaner?

Want to hire a house cleaner but not sure of the cost? Read on to find out how much your cleaning expert will charge for regular visits, one-off cleaning services, deep cleans, and more. With the housework out of the way, you’ll have more time to focus on what matters in life.

Benefits of hiring a cleaning service

We all want a pristine home, but let’s be honest, scrubbing the floors or dusting for hours isn’t on the top of our list of priorities – especially when life is already so hectic! Whether you’re looking for a one-off clean or regular visits, hiring a house cleaner is a great way to keep your home in tip-top condition, giving you the time to focus on what’s important to you.

A house cleaner will be armed with the tools and knowledge to get rid of stubborn stains and keep your home germ-free. If you are looking for specialist services like oven or end of tenancy cleaning, Bark can help you find an expert for the job.

How much does a house cleaner cost in the UK?

There is no fixed rate for house cleaning, but to give you a general idea, we’ve put together a breakdown of the average cost based on the prices of local UK professionals:

Average cost (per hour) £15
Minimum cost (per hour) £10
Maximum cost (per hour) £20

What changes the price of hiring a house cleaner?

The cost of domestic cleaning services can vary depending on a number of factors. These include:

  • Type of cleaning service
  • Number and size of rooms
  • Condition of your house – deep cleaning vs. regular cleaning
  • Location

Type of cleaning service

There are lots of different cleaning services available based on the requirements for your home. Some cleaning services need more time, effort, and specialist equipment than others, which makes them more expensive per hour. To get a better idea of how much different types of cleaning services cost on average, see our handy breakdown below: 

Type of cleaning Average price (per hour)
Window cleaning £25
General cleaning £15
Floor cleaning £15
After building work cleaning £14
Fridge cleaning £12
Upholstery cleaning £12

Some cleaning services are normally charged at a set price instead of per hour:

Type of cleaning  Average set price 
Carpet cleaning (per room) £25 – £35 
Oven cleaning (per appliance) £45 – £60

Number and size of rooms

It’s no surprise that the more rooms you have, the higher the price of a house cleaner will be. Some rooms take longer to clean than others. Bathrooms are notorious for being a pain to clean as they get dirty so quickly, so the more bathrooms you have, the more you will pay. 

If you have bigger rooms, the cost per hour or set price will be higher. To give you an understanding of this, here’s how much a carpet cleaning service will cost on average depending on the size of the room: 

Room size  Average cost (in total)
Small  £25
Medium £30 
Large £35

Condition of your house

If you’ve neglected your home for too long, a house cleaner will charge more as they’ll need more time to whip it back into shape. If you feel like your home needs that extra little bit of TLC, you may want to hire someone for a deep clean, which is normally carried out every 3-6 months. A deep clean is more expensive than a regular clean, which is normally carried out every 1-2 weeks. 

A regular clean involves: 

  • Tidying the house
  • Cleaning the bathroom (toilet, shower, sink)
  • Cleaning the kitchen (wiping counters, cleaning hobs, removing rubbish) 

A deep clean involves: 

  • Removing limescale from shower heads
  • Oven cleaning
  • Window cleaning 

Deep cleaning is more expensive as it requires a more thorough job. 

Type of cleaning  Average price (per hour) 
Regular cleaning £10 – 15
Deep cleaning  £15 – £20


Another factor to consider is your location. Like most services, expect to pay more if you live in bigger cities, like London. To give you a better idea, here is the average cost of a house cleaner in the big smoke compared to other parts of the UK. Find a house cleaner in London.  

Location Average price (per hour) 
London £15 – £20
Rest of UK £10 – £15

How can I save money on house cleaning services?

  • Regular cleaning – If you hire a cleaner on a regular basis you will keep costs down as you won’t have to pay a hefty fee for a deep-cleaning service later down the line.
  • Keep labour time at a minimum – If you want to keep costs down, be picky when choosing which rooms need to be cleaned, as this will reduce the labour time needed and total price. Bedrooms are fairly low maintenance, so you could clean these yourself to minimise costs.
  • Price packages – Some cleaners will offer discounts for regular weekly or biweekly visits – so don’t be afraid to haggle!

Need a break from cleaning? Let us do the legwork for you. Find a House Cleaner on 

5 tips for creating great content for your website

Every website should have high-quality content, regardless of its purpose. Whether you’re a small business owner looking to drive conversion rates, or a mummy blogger attempting to boost your online presence, strong content is key to increasing search engine rankings and driving traffic. Yes, a beautifully designed website is important, but it’s no good if the content is lacking in freshness and clarity. Even Google favours content over visuals when it comes to determining search rankings. 

We live in an age of information overload, and we’re more impatient than ever. You have about three seconds to hook visitors with your website content, so it pays to get it right. The good news is that writing quality content isn’t as difficult as it seems – here are 5 tips for getting it right. If you don’t have a way with words, you can always hire a web design expert, who can advise you on how to optimise your content for your intended audience. 

Keep it simple 

If you think the content on your website is simple, it’s probably not simple enough. Remember, your website should be designed so that users understand immediately what they are looking at and where they should click when they land on it. In other words, they shouldn’t have to think at all – it should be intuitive. Yes, the site architecture should take the reins with this, but your content has an important part to play, too.

Ensure the content is free from vague phrases which might cause confusion, and keep the message clear and simple. Another thing to remember is that you never know who may end up on your website, so it’s always best to cut out any fancy jargon and write your content in a way that is clear for everyone to understand. 

Keep it short 

This follows on from the previous point. If your content is too long and wordy, readers will simply get bored and move on. You’re not writing a novel – you’re writing for a website, in an overcrowded marketplace, where you have about three seconds to capture a user’s attention. There’s just no time for waffling.

Some websites may have sections, like blogs, where longer content is required. This isn’t damaging, as these pages are designed for people who want to obtain more detailed information, but keep in mind to make the information as digestible as possible. Make sure longer content is cut into smaller chunks, and add images to break it up. 

Give examples 

It doesn’t matter how beautiful your writing may be, telling visitors how fantastic you are just isn’t going to cut the mustard. For whatever message you are trying to communicate, make sure you back it up with measurable, real-life examples. Don’t be afraid to go into detail about how you’re better than your competitors. But remember, keep the language punchy and simple to avoid bogging users down. 

Make it scannable 

Remember the golden rule – website users scan. Websites are very much a browsing tool, and visitors may have to quickly scan several websites before they get the information they need.

The key thing to remember is to always put the most important content at the top – think of it as a word hierarchy. Break your text up into bullet points, even separating it into tables or boxes if you can. This helps the reader to easily find what they are looking for, which increases the chances of them staying on your website. 

Turn heads with your headline 

Your headline is the first thing to capture a reader’s attention, so it pays to make it catchy. If your headline is boring and bland, it’s likely no one will bother to read the content that follows it. If it’s jazzy and engaging, your reader is far more likely to be intrigued and read on.

To spark interest with your headline, the key is to use simple but powerful language. If you can, make your headline a call-to-action by using words like ‘click here’ or ‘get started’. This makes it super easy to convert visitors into buyers, as it makes it obvious which action they need to take next to access your products or services. 

To sum up 

Capturing a reader’s attention in a crowded digital space is a challenge to say the least. Creating concise, relevant, and high-quality content is absolutely essential to driving and retaining traffic on your website. If you put time, energy, and effort into writing great content, it’ll be well worth the investment. 

5 signs your dog needs training

Most people glance over at a dog to remark how cute and fluffy they are. However, these aren’t the only signs your dog could be giving off, especially if their behaviour is causing a real headache or even creating a potential safety risk for other dogs or humans. 

Dog training is essential, and if you are yet to train your dog it could be a lot more noticeable than you think. Here are 5 signs your dog needs training to tell you more. 

Poor obedience 

From pulling on the lead to ignoring your commands, a dog with poor obedience skills can become a real handful to manage. Your dog could even be putting you in danger, especially if it causes an accident such as dragging you into oncoming traffic while on a walk. 

That might sound dramatic, but unfortunately, these types of incidents do occur regularly, especially with dogs that are not trained. That’s why it’s imperative to undertake dog training as soon as your dog is ready, or if you notice any such problems crop up in an older dog. 

Your dog won’t stop barking

All dogs bark at some point, but there’s a difference between the occasional yelp and incessant barking. Not only is constant barking frustrating to you, but it can cause tensions with your neighbours too. Given nuisance dog barking can lead to a prosecution, it’s well worth nipping it in the bud for both your eardrum’s sake and any potential fines that could arise if you don’t. 

There are many reasons why a dog may repeatedly bark. This includes fear, boredom, loneliness, separation anxiety as well as territorial issues. Dog training will help to get to the bottom of why your pooch is so vocal. In turn, this will lead to less frustration in the home and a quieter and happier neighbourhood too.

It eats things it’s not supposed to

From socks to Christmas trees, dogs don’t always leave the nibbling to the contents of their food bowl. If your dog has developed a real problem for eating something it’s not supposed to, then this could be down to a lack of training. In some cases, this issue can also be down to leaving your dog alone for too long. 

While there may be adjustments needed from your side, you can’t allow your dog to continue to eat things it shouldn’t. After all, if it’s not food that is intended for a dog, it could be putting your animal’s health at serious risk. Plus, from a practical point of view, it can also get very expensive to replace everything they chew up. Get a trainer who will point you in the right direction and your sofa will hopefully remain intact. 

Aggression towards other dogs

Taking your dog for a walk should be a pleasant experience for all. However, if your dog suddenly becomes very aggressive when it catches sight of another dog, then it’s time to intervene. It can be tricky to verbally tell a dog to calm down, especially when their animal instincts take over.

Learning how to socialise with dogs correctly is something they will pick up during training. This is important for the safety and wellbeing of your dog, other dogs and the owners you will encounter on walks. 

Separation anxiety

Ideally, dogs shouldn’t be left for long periods on their own. Like humans, dogs need interaction as part of their health and wellbeing. Sometimes it is necessary to leave a dog such as to go to work (they should never be left a full day though) or to head out to the shops. 

If your dog gets very distressed when you leave, or if you come back to find the house destroyed your dog could be suffering from separation anxiety. For the sake of your dog’s mental health, you need to get on top of this issue quickly by seeking training or a behavioural therapist. 

To sum up

Dogs are wonderful creatures who bring us so much joy. However, it’s always good to remember that dogs are animals that need to learn how to behave properly. The above are just some of the signs that mean your dog needs training. However, if you are struggling to control your dog for any reason then it’s also worth contacting a professional.

If your dog needs training, then you can find the best local dog trainers near you with Bark. From poodles to labradors, pugs to spaniels, we’ll connect you with the best professionals to help you train your dog.

What is the difference between a Nutritionist and a Dietitian?

What we eat has a huge impact on our overall health. The trouble is, it’s not always easy to know what foods are good for us, especially if you have any preexisting health conditions. After all, food is a science and it’s so easy to eat the wrong foods, even when we think we are being healthy! That’s why it’s always worth seeking professional advice in the form of a nutritionist or a dietitian. 

If you are wondering what is the difference between a nutritionist and a dietitian, here is everything you need to know. 


A nutritionist is someone who is qualified to give advice about your dietary choices. They look at the science of nutrition to help promote health and prevent disease. However, a nutritionist can’t give you a diet plan in relation to any specific medical conditions. Instead, they give you an overall diet plan or suggestions in accordance with your lifestyle. 

Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist meaning you should take care to select the right professional. Though, it is possible to find individuals who are AfN registered, who use the title of ‘Registered Nutritionist’. Often, nutritionists will work alongside other healthcare professionals within a clinical setting. Though it’s also possible to hire a freelance nutritionist too. 


The role of a dietitian is to provide nutritional guidance in relation to any health conditions you are experiencing. For example, eating disorders, malnutrition, diabetes and similar diet related disorders of the body. Dietitians can also work with healthy individuals to enhance their diet to help prevent disease in the future too. 

Unlike nutritionists, dietitians are governed and regulated by law. While this differs around the world, in the UK dietitians must be registered with the HCPC. Also, only qualified professionals can call themselves a dietitian. The practice as a whole looks at biochemistry, physiology and research methods that relate to the science of nutrition. 

Which one is right for me?

If you are looking to improve your health, it could be argued that either a nutritionist or a dietitian is worth consulting. However, it’s good to remember that only a dietitian can give specific medical related advice. If you are trying to manage a particular condition, then a dietitian is the best person to consult and receive a tailored plan from. 

For general nutritional help and guidance, a nutritionist can be of assistance. Many nutritionists have their own books or diet plans in relation to certain food trends which can be interesting to explore. So, they are ideal to consult when you don’t have a particular health worry but are simply looking to learn more about food and how to improve your diet. 

To sum up 

If you are looking to improve your health then it makes sense to address your eating habits. Both nutritions and dietitians can offer valuable advice, but only a dietitian can give specific medical related advice. Both are also great to plug any knowledge gaps you have about food in terms of the nutritional value and portion sizes. 

It couldn’t be easier to find a nutritionist or dietitian with Bark. Whether you just want to learn more about your eating habits or if you’re ready to make a serious change to enhance your health, we’ll connect you with the best local professionals to help you on your journey.

Is it worth hiring a Mortgage Advisor?

Purchasing a home is an exciting yet daunting time. Especially as these days, scraping up a deposit is an achievement in itself! However, there is the small matter of the mortgage that you’ll be tied to for 25 years. While the exact figure will vary depending on your location and your property, the average UK mortgage is £669 a month. 

So before you sign on the dotted line, you need to know you have all the facts and that you’re getting the best deal. But is it worth hiring a mortgage advisor to help you do so? Let’s find out.

It’s a huge commitment

Life is full of commitments from relationships to parenthood. Buying property is no exception, especially as you can’t decide to suddenly skip a payment, even if it’s because you’re ill or you’ve lost your job. It’s going to be your life until you pay it off, or until you decide to move again! While most people only purchase a home once in their lifetime, a mortgage advisor spends every single day dealing with this exact matter. Experience counts for a lot, and when it comes to your mortgage, calling on that knowledge to know what you are letting yourself in for cannot be underestimated.

Getting the best deal

Understandably, the money involved is the biggest concern with any mortgage you wish to take out. There are several ways you can access mortgage advice either through a lender or a mortgage broker. However, a broker is not tied to any particular institutions and they may have special deals that are not available through your building society. Therefore, they are one of the best people to consult when it comes to getting the best deal. They will also tell you before you go ahead whether you’re in a good financial position to take out a mortgage in the first place which will save you time and effort too. 

Mortgages are confusing

Mortgages are expensive but they are pretty confusing too. Especially if you’re a first time buyer! From interest rates to the different ways a mortgage can be calculated, it’s enough to puzzle anyone. Gaining some clarity before you jump in by consulting a mortgage advisor can be very reassuring. You need to know that you can comfortably afford the repayments and be aware of the hidden charges such as exit fees that nobody tells you about. A mortgage advisor will unlock all of the details so that you don’t get any nasty surprises. 

To sum up

Paying your mortgage off will allow you to become a homeowner. But this can be a scary prospect given the average property price in the UK is £231,185. While mortgage advisors do charge a small fee, the money you could save in the long run is well worth it, especially if they can get you a better deal than what your local building society can offer. 

If you are looking for some advice on your mortgage, it couldn’t be easier with Bark. Find the best local experts near you who can help you with everything you need to know. After all, it’s the biggest financial commitment you’ll ever make!

3 benefits of Commercial & Office Cleaning

Approximately 90,000 hours of our life will be spent at work, which equates to about a third of our lives. It’s important to enjoy work given how long we will all spend doing it. Something that can make a huge difference to your job satisfaction is the environment you work in, especially if it is clean and hygienic. 

Commercial cleaners are tasked with making sure your premises are left spotlessly clean. Here are 3 benefits of commercial & office cleaning to tell you more. 

Creates the right first impression

First impressions count for a lot. Depending on the nature of your business, there may be lots of people who spend time on your premises aside from just your employees. When the environment they enter is clean and professional it immediately sets the right tone. Remember that if you are spending 40+ hours a week at work, you could even stop noticing the clutter around you. That won’t be the same for visitors who will spot it straight away! 

By hiring a professional commercial cleaner, you’ll have no such issues. The cleanliness of your business premises will be constantly maintained. That means even if clients pop in on a whim, you’ll never be caught out by untidy workstations or even a filthy kitchen. After all, a lack of cleanliness can be very off-putting to others and it could even cost you business too.

Improves productivity

The stress and chaos of work can take its toll, and often this is reflected in the immediate space around our desks. Just like how a tidy home can make you feel happier, healthier and more productive, the same can also be said for your work environment too. So if you want to improve employee efficiency, innovation and productivity, then a clean work area is a must.  

Whatsmore, a study found that employees lose an average of 9 workdays per year, which directly is attributed to a lack of workplace cleanliness. Viruses, in particular, can live on touchpoints such as keyboards, door handles and light switches. If your employees take time off due to sickness, this can affect the productivity of your whole team. This is just one of the many reasons why hiring a professional cleaner could save you money in the long run. 

Boosts employee morale

Working in a dirty, cluttered environment does little to inspire enthusiasm in the workplace. Such a scenario can create stress and overall dissatisfaction in your job. Whatsmore in some roles employees are required to clean their own work station. However, if the nature of their work is far removed from cleaning (such as an office job) then this can reduce employee morale.

By hiring a professional to take care of the cleaning, it demonstrates to your employees that you value their contribution. Plus, when your employees walk into the office in the morning they will see it’s clean and smells fresh. This puts them in a much better frame of mind to work in which will boost their morale. 

Find out more

Those bins won’t empty themselves! Professional cleaning for your office or business location has a wide range of benefits for all those you use your premises. The cleaner you choose will ensure the environment is left looking and smelling clean and fresh. Whether you need a cleaner to visit one a day or once a week, you can find local commercial cleaners on Bark.

We’re 6th in the Tech Track 100 awards!

We’re starting the week off with some good news!  

Thanks to your continued support, we’re thrilled to announce that with your help, we’ve ranked 6th in the Tech Track 100 awards.

The annual Tech Track 100 is a prestigious league table, ranking 100 of the fastest-growing tech companies, and we’re so happy to make our debut in the top 10. We’re in great company too, appearing alongside some of the most disruptive and innovative leaders in the tech sector. You can check out the full list of all featured companies here 

To top it off, we’ve also been named in the Startups 100 awards, the renowned annual league table of new businesses to watch in 2020.

We truly appreciate having you as a partner and we’re looking forward to helping you grow your business even further in the future. 

Thanks again,

Team Bark




Couple looking for ‘doggyguard’ to protect beloved pet from thieves

We’ve had an unusual request come through to the site, and we’re hoping to find a professional with the right mix of skills who can help this desperate couple. 

The couple is on the hunt for a ‘doggyguard’ to protect their expensive and rare breed of Pomeranian, whilst taking him on walks. Aside from being a beloved pet, the dog in question, Figaro, is worth £4,000 due to his rare colouring and outstanding bloodline.

In the request, the couple explains that they were left traumatised and frightened after the attempted kidnap of Figaro earlier this year. 

So what will be required from the ‘doggyguard’? 

Applicants must be trained to preferably black belt level in at least one form of martial arts, be an animal lover, and ideally come from a security and/or bodybuilding background. 

The full request states:

“Good evening, we’re emailing as we added a job to your site recently, and we’re in desperate need of assistance. This year our dog, Figaro, was almost kidnapped. It has left us in such a bad place of anxiety and stress. So we’re looking for a dog walker that can also protect him properly in case it happens again.

Our Figaro is basically like our child, he’s a rare Pom who we have studded often, with an outstanding bloodline, so a likely target for thieves.

We know it seems a little extreme but the fact that someone has already attempted to snatch him once is enough to shake us up and take drastic actions! To us it just seems logical to hire someone to relieve this stress from our lives. They must be trained in martial arts or combat, preferably black belt and have experience in security or similar, bodybuilding too, this person must look the part. 

The hired bodyguard will ensure he is always safe, they will also bond over their walks and the bodyguard will be our way of knowing that Figaro is protected. We want them to walk him twice a day, Monday to Friday, as well as spend time with him so he doesn’t get lonely. 

Friends and family have called us crazy but we don’t care. The police said there was nothing they could do last time, his safety is the most important things to us. As you have both security professionals and dog walkers on site we were hoping you could help us. For the right person we’re willing to pay up to £20,000 a year.”

The hired professional must also follow strict privacy rules set by the couple, as well as sign an NDA.

If you think you can help this couple out, register your services and apply here.

We looked into the case of dog theft and discovered that data reported it had risen by a staggering 27% between 2014 and 2018**, however the number of arrests made in connection to dog theft fell by 10%. On average there were more than five reported dog thefts every day in the UK last year. 

Under the Theft Act 1968*, pets are legally regarded as ‘inanimate’ objects when they are stolen, therefore considered low-risk in the eyes of the law. Dog theft comes under the same offences as burglary or theft from a person, unlike stealing a bicycle, which is recognised as its own offence. co-founder, Kai Feller said,

“As a fellow dog owner, I can empathise with this couple. With the rise of dog-nappers in the UK, and the way the law views dogs that have been stolen, it’s clear why dog owners feel anxious. A bodyguard for the couple’s dog seems like the next step, especially if it is causing unnecessary stress. It may seem over the top to some, but they clearly love Figaro a lot and want to introduce a new person for him to bond with while also protecting him. 

“At Bark, we pride ourselves on being able to help people, and connect customers with the perfect professionals, and we hope to do the same in this case.”

