Covid-19 – FAQ for homeowners

The coronavirus pandemic has been a testing time for us all. Britain has now entered a second lockdown, meaning all attention will once again be on staying indoors. As a homeowner, it can be confusing to know what is and isn’t allowed. 

To make things easier to understand, we’ve answered the top frequently asked questions regarding homeownership and Covid-19 to guide you. 

Can I move house during lockdown? 

Yes, although people from outside your household or support bubble can not help you to move house unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Estate agents, letting firms and removal companies can continue to work. This includes conducting property viewings, though everyone will be required to wear a mask and social distance when doing so. 

Can I still claim for a mortgage holiday?

Yes. The scheme was due to come to an end in October 2020 but has now been extended for up to 6 months. You can claim if you are otherwise up to date on your mortgage, and have concerns about paying it due to being financially affected by Covid-19. 

Buy-to-let landlords are also eligible to claim, with the expectation that they will pass the payment break onto their tenants. The deadline for applying for a mortgage holiday is January 31, 2021, at the time of writing.

Am I eligible for tax relief while working from home?

Yes. If you’re an employee who has worked from home for at least one day since April 6th, you can claim tax relief. The value is up to £125, so is well worth applying for if you qualify. 

Do landlords still need to arrange repairs for tenants during lockdown?

Yes. The landlord is still responsible for maintaining the property, throughout lockdown and Covid-19 in general. Though the government has advised that repairs should only be carried out if they are urgent or if there is a safety risk while in lockdown. If repairs are required and the landlord needs to enter the property, it is advised the tenants stay in another room to avoid any contact. 

I can’t stay at my main residence during lockdown. What should I do?

During lockdown, the government has stated homeowners can stay elsewhere overnight if there is a legitimate reason why they cannot stay at their main residence. 

Otherwise, people are not permitted to stay in second homes, caravans, hotels or with friends or family. 

Outside of lockdown, you should follow the local advice as each area of the UK may have different restrictions. 

Can I have a cleaner in my house during lockdown?

Cleaning counts as a job that cannot be done remotely, and the government has stated that cleaners can continue to work as normal during the second lockdown. 

If you have a cleaner visit your home during the pandemic, it’s advised you social distance and that they wear a mask. 

To sum up

Above is a list of some of the FAQ for homeowners during Covid-19. As always, we suggest consulting the latest government advice on matters relating to homeownership, work and travel as the information is subject to change.

Five steps to living your best life during Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic has left no area of life untouched. From your work life to your family life and your health to your social life, it’s likely you’ve experienced some major life changes over the past year.

Most people have simply been living in survival mode, doing whatever it takes to get through daily life. However, for some people, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused them to take a step back and reassess their lives, making long-term changes which will last long beyond the pandemic.

Whether you’re run off your feet as a key worker or struggling with isolation, here are five ways that you can take control of your life and thrive during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Focus on what you can control 

It’s easy to feel out of control when so many areas of your life are restricted and you’re facing high levels of stress. But try to focus on the things that you can control. Set yourself small goals, whether that be starting to plan the book you’ve always dreamed of writing or taking up running. Focusing on specific goals can help you to take back control of your life.

Connect with nature

Spending time outdoors can help you to feel grounded when things are out of your control. Try going for a walk and really focusing on what you can see, hear and smell. You could also have a go at growing your own fruit or vegetables – there’s nothing more satisfying than eating food that you’ve grown yourself.

Maintain a routine

It’s easy to forget about self-care if you aren’t leaving the house as much as usual, but self-care translates to positive mental wellbeing. Try setting your alarm for the same time every morning to get up, take a shower and brush your teeth. A consistent morning routine helps to set you up for a good day, leaving you ready to achieve your goals.

Keep talking 

It can be easy to feel isolated when you can’t see your friends and family as much as usual. That’s why it’s important to find new ways to stay connected during the coronavirus pandemic. Take the time to contact your friends and family by text, phone call, or even video call as regularly as possible. As well as supporting your own mental health, it could benefit the people you reach out to as well.

Hire a life coach 

If this period of reflection has made you reconsider your priorities or empowered you to make a big change to your life, it’s worth considering hiring a life coach.

You may be wondering “what is a life coach?” A life coach can help you to make the changes you desire, whether that’s in your career, your relationships or your day-to-day life. They’re there to help you to set realistic and achievable goals and to empower and motivate you to achieve those goals.

Best of all – life coaching can be done virtually, so there’s no need to wait until the pandemic is over to get started. Your online life coach can support and empower you through video calls and over the phone, allowing you to make changes towards a positive mental wellbeing and a successful future.  

If you’re thinking of hiring a life coach to help you to improve your life, you can find a life coach on Bark.


Meet Dan – Owner and Founder of dogHEART

This week we’re heading to Richmond California to chat with Dan, owner and founder of dog training company dogHEART.

Let’s hear Dan’s story about building a successful career on Bark.

Can you tell us a little bit about you and your company? 

dogHEART is a behavior training business for Service Dogs and Pet dogs that started in 2017.

We strengthen the human-canine trust by showing humans how to bring out the best value in their dog so their dog will be safe, and owners will have confidence and peace of mind in public.

What were you doing before you launched your business? 

I was in business development, helping failing non-profits become sustainable.

What made you want to start your company?

I enjoyed helping non-profits continue their mission with underserved communities. But it was time for me to follow my dream to help people find comfort and strength in life and trauma through dogs.

Well-behaved dogs are powerful healers just by their presence and unconditional love. My dream is to start an Integrative Wellness Center, utilizing Service Dogs in a holistic approach to heal trauma.

When did you join Bark? What made you join? 

I decided to join Bark in November 2020 because I had to rethink how to continue business due to the Covid-19 pandemic locking everything down. I posted ads on Google Search and YouTube, which yielded minimal results. Bark was my only viable option.

Can you tell us about your experiences on Bark? 

I began to receive more results in two weeks than I did in two months with my other ads! By my third week, I had three clients. I cancelled my other ads, and I am staying with Bark.

What’s the best thing about Bark? 

There are so many great things I have found with Bark. Probably the best for me is their business model. I am no longer sending out ads, supposedly focused on my demographic, and waiting for clicks.

Bark reversed the current marketing model by allowing my business a space to be visible to the people seeking out my specific service, and I find that this model yields high returns on investment.

Any top tips for success on Bark?

Show your passion. Follow the profile template the Bark professional marketers set up. Contact your leads as soon as possible. Utilize the professional help that Bark provides.

What do you think of the Customer Success team at Bark? 

I have reached out to Bark’s Customer Success Team several times as I was getting started. I am continually impressed at how quickly I can get a real person who is courteous, professional, and who expedites solutions. 

How has Bark helped you during Covid-19?

I am thankful that I found and joined Bark. We all have to get through life during this difficult time. I find Bark to be the link between me and clients who need my services.

Anything else you’d like us to include? 

I am amazed at how much Bark wants business people like me to succeed by offering to reapply credits if you do not receive any clients from your first credit pack. I love that credits do not expire!

We’ve loved chatting with Dan today – it’s great to hear how he’s used Bark to follow his passion (and we didn’t mind the adorably cute pics of the dogs either!). If you’re looking for a dog trainer, then head over to Dan’s Bark profile. You can find more information about dogHEART, check out his reviews and make an enquiry – all from one place! Stuck at home? Dan also offers puppy training online (for puppies 2 months to 5 months of age).

How to protect your business during Covid-19

With a global pandemic sweeping the world, national lockdowns, and businesses big and small having to close their doors for extended periods, it’s been a turbulent year, to say the least. But despite the extreme uncertainty and challenges the coronavirus pandemic has caused, small businesses have shown incredible resilience and strength in the face of adversity. 

As we continue to adapt to the reality of living with Covid-19, we’ve put some tips together to help you protect your business during these uncertain times. 

Government funding 

It’s important to know what financial support you’re entitled to as this could make a real difference to the stability of your business during a rocky period. 

Here’s where you can find out more information about the government funding schemes for individuals and small businesses affected by the pandemic: 

Make the move online 

Having an online presence is crucial for connecting with customers remotely. After all, the internet is the number one tool for people searching for what they need, especially when they’re confined to their homes. 

Providing your services online is key to retaining existing customers and attracting new ones. From dog training to personal training and everything in between, you’d be surprised at how many services can be provided remotely. 


Refresh your website 

Following on from the above, if you want to build a successful online presence, then you need to have a great website – it will help you to connect with customers far and wide but it won’t attract and retain new clients if it isn’t attractive, user-friendly, or relevant to their requirements. 

If your website is in need of a revamp, now’s the perfect time to do it – and if you don’t know the first thing about web design, why not hire a web designer to take the pain out of the process? Many web designers provide this service remotely too! 


With changes happening daily, it’s critical to maintain strong communication with your clients, to keep them up to date with any last-minute changes in your business operations as a result of new government restrictions. A great way to do this is via social media, regular email communications, or updates on your Bark profile and/or company website. 

Manage your cash flow  

During such uncertain and volatile times, it’s vital to monitor your cash flow closely, as this could be impacted significantly by the changes in work circumstances as a result of the pandemic. 

If you haven’t already done so, create a short term cash-flow forecast for the next few months, taking into account various scenarios that could affect it, such as late payments from customers. 

Employing an accountant is an efficient way to get to grips with the figures so that you can effectively prepare your business for the uncertainty of the next few months. Many accountants also provide their services online. 

Expand your social media presence 

Social media is an effective (and free!) tool that all businesses can harness to expand their customer base during a pandemic.

By expanding your social media presence, you can engage with more customers, remind them that you’re there, and come up with creative solutions to serving them remotely. 

We’ve put together a handy beginners guide for creating a social media strategy for small businesses, which you can read here.

Address your budget 

It’s a fact of coronavirus life that many small businesses will have to rethink and adapt their budget as a result of the pandemic. 

If like many businesses, you’re experiencing a decrease in cash-flow, it’s vital that you adapt your budget accordingly. Here are a few considerations: 

  • Monitor your cash-flow – It’s likely your cash-flow has changed a lot throughout the last few months, and it will probably continue to do so. Make sure you monitor this closely to be aware of any changes that need to be made in your budget i.e. in terms of cutting unnecessary expenses. 
  • Be proactive with payments – Managing your payments during a pandemic is a balancing act between ensuring you receive your payments on time and being mindful of issues your client may be facing in managing their own finances. It’s always a good idea to touch base with your client before the payment is due so that you can identify any issues early on and come to an agreement. 
  • Manage your personal finance – Many personal finance providers are offering flexibility to their clients during times of crisis, so it’s worth having a discussion with your mortgage lender, energy supplier, etc. to see whether they can provide you with any financial support. Having more personal income means that you could invest this into your business at a time when it needs it most. 

Promote workplace safety  

It’s vital that your workplace practices and environments are Covid-19 secure so that you can continue to serve your customers safely. To put your customers’ minds at ease, make sure you clearly state which measures you’ve taken to protect your staff and customers from Covid-19 infection.

Small steps such as displaying health and safety checklists on your office, website, etc. (which are often free to download) and sharing the steps you’ve taken on your social media channels is a great way to reassure customers. 


We hope this guide has been useful. If there’s anything else we can help you with or anything that we didn’t cover in this article that you think is important to share within the professional community, please do get in touch via telephone or email – find our telephone numbers on our website or email 

We’re always looking for ways to support you during these difficult times.

How to create a social media strategy for your business

This year, it’s never been more vital to grow awareness of your business online, and having a social media presence is a great way to do that. If you provide engaging content to your customers through social media, they’ll be more likely to feel connected to your business.

If you’re stuck indoors and wondering what you can do to grow your business during a pandemic, then it’s a great time to get started on your social media strategy. For the social media newbies reading this, we know it can be daunting, so we’ve created a step-by-step guide to setting yourself up online.

1. Create a social media marketing plan 

Like most things, you need to be clear on your goals and objectives before rushing into anything with social media – this also makes it easier to measure results. Ask yourself what you want to achieve through your social media marketing so you can tailor your approach to these goals. While it can be tempting to fire off post after post with no consistency, planning ahead is much more effective for long-term goals. Here are some sample templates to help you get going.

2. Scope out the competition 

A good way to determine what works and what doesn’t is by checking out your competitors’ social media channels. By analysing the success of your competitors’ posts, you’ll get a clearer picture of what customers want to see. It also gives you an opportunity to create something entirely new, helping you to stand out from the crowd.

3. Choose the right platform for your business. 

While social media is a powerful tool to connect with your audience, it’s vital that you know who your audience is and which platform they use. Different platforms are better catered to different age groups, so it’s essential to understand the demographics of your audience to gauge the best platform to reach them on. If you’re trying to reach a younger audience, then Instagram is your best bet, whereas Facebook is popular with the over 35s.

4. Value quality over quantity 

When it comes to content, it should be quality over quantity every time. If you’re wondering what quality content is, the easiest way to measure it is how your audience engages with it, i.e. how many times it is shared and commented on. There’s no use uploading three posts a day if no one interacts with them. By creating quality content, your users are much more likely to remember your brand. The key to quality content is strong formatting – making sure text is broken up into readable chunks with images and bullet points to help readers digest it, talking about relevant topics that people care about, and using humour to engage audiences.

And there we have it, a step-by-step guide to kick-starting your social media journey! If there’s anything else we can support you with, feel free to call our friendly Customer Success team – we’re open 24/7! You can find our telephone numbers on our website, or alternatively, email

Why SEO is important for your online success

This year, Covid-19 forced businesses big and small to close their doors, some for a few months, others for the foreseeable future. As brick and mortar stores are adapting to this strange new world of remote working, it’s never been more important to build a strong digital presence to attract new customers. 

If you’re wondering how to make your business successful online, one tactic that can’t be ignored is SEO. Let’s have a look into what SEO is, how it works, and how it can help your business. 

What does SEO stand for? 

If you’re wondering what on earth SEO is, then you’re not alone. Short for ‘Search Engine Optimisation’, it’s basically the art of increasing traffic to your website through organic search results. 

Still confused? Let’s dive into it a bit more and see what we mean by ‘traffic’ and ‘organic search’. 

Key terms: 

  • Traffic – refers to the visitors coming to your site. 
  • Organic search – refers to the search results of a search engine (like Google) that don’t appear as a result of paid advertising. They are ranked according to their relevance to a search term. So, if someone types into Google ‘what is SEO?’ The top results that will appear will be websites with information that most closely matches that search query. 

So, why is organic traffic important? 

Organic traffic is important because it is relevant. Visitors that land on your site from a search engine’s organic results are looking for specific products and services you offer. This means that they are more likely to convert. 

SEO uses a number of tactics to influence the position of your website in the search engine results pages to drive more conversions. And SEO works because lots and lots of people search for things on the internet.

How does SEO work? 

Google’s algorithm determines which websites are the most relevant and should appear at the top of search results. It looks for high-quality information that is relevant to the searcher’s query. 

Google looks at your website’s content to evaluate how useful it is in answering what the searcher is looking for. 

The simple basis is that Google provides the most relevant and useful information based on the search query. 


How can SEO help your business? 

SEO is one of the most popular digital marketing tools out there, and for good reason. Here’s how SEO can help your business succeed online: 

  • Relevant traffic – SEO puts your business in front of people who are looking for the services you provide, which means they are more likely to convert. 
  • Increases profit  – With organic search traffic driving conversions, your profit will increase and you won’t need to pay as much on paid advertising – win, win! 
  • Long-term gain Organic traffic doesn’t just come all at once and then stop – if done properly, SEO will bring you a steady stream of traffic for months (and even years!) to come.
  • Bypasses competitors – If you’ve ever searched for something on Google yourself (which you probably have), then you’ll know first-hand that most of us only click on the first search result. If there are two businesses in the same industry, selling similar products or services, then which one are you likely to go for, the first search result or the second? We know what our answer would be…
  • Brand awareness – Last but not least, increasing your search rankings is a great way to build your brand awareness amongst consumers. If your website appears at the top of Google or Bing, then customers will be more likely to trust your business – simple.

All this talk of SEO getting you in a wobble? You can hire an SEO specialist on Bark – they’ll be highly skilled in building your brand awareness and driving the quantity and quality of traffic to your site.

Meet Simon – Graphic Designer at Media Monkey

This week we’re off to Devon in the UK to chat with Simon, Graphic Designer and Animator (or as he calls it ‘Designamator’) at Media Monkey, a creative design agency.

Let’s hear how Simon has grown a successful business over the years with Bark.

Tell us a bit about your background

I’ve lived and breathed design for over 20 years, working at various creative agencies in my twenties and finally setting up my first company in 2011, called ‘Ramsey’s Design.’ 

Over time, the marketplace I was working in demanded a lot more attention in motion graphics. Video was becoming more popular and engagement was through the roof on social platforms. 

I only had a small understanding of animation, but I learnt on the fly by watching as much training as I could. In 2018 I rebranded Ramsey’s Design Lab to Media Monkey – really to focus more on video and animation. 

When did you join Bark? 

VERY VERY early days – 2015/2016!

Tell us about your experiences on Bark…

From day one it always looked and felt like a great site. Huge attention to user journey and packed full of leads for all sorts of different service areas. Bark was a huge change for me to now ‘close’ my own customers. Yikes! 

Since the early days, Bark has continually listened and updated the system and it has progressed beautifully over the years. Any issues I had have been ironed out and we are always very excited to see new updates that make things easier for us to use Bark and importantly, make money from it. We now have verified phone numbers!! and each lead shows how many people have responded to it.

These may sound like small changes. But they have made a HUGE impact and created more trust in the whole system. 

Over time Bark has become the sole source of my work. It accounts for over 95% of my revenue yearly, in both new projects and repeat business from those valuable relationships I have made.

If it wasn’t for Bark I wouldn’t have a business. 

How has Bark helped you fight the coronavirus pandemic? 

When the pandemic hit in March 2020 I lost over £250,000 in estimates, proposals and retained business which happened pretty much overnight. I had two weeks of pacing up and down the garden wondering how on earth we are going to manage. 

I spent my last £60 on Bark credits which landed me with a handful of incredible clients. I was so happy to be back doing what I know best. Business is very much booming thanks to this wonderful system, with June and July 2020 being the busiest months on record.

What’s the best thing about Bark?

There are lots of GREAT things about Bark. 

Active development team – It feels like we are being listened to. Updates and new features are rolling out all the time. 

The ease of use – The whole platform is just great to use. And from a design point of view, looks great. Can’t wait to finally see the new portfolio rollout. 

But the BEST thing about Bark? Always knowing you have a place to go and find work if there is nothing coming in. There are hundreds of new leads posted every day. You can always seem to get something – that hopefully leads to more. 

What are your top tips for success on Bark?

Reviews, get reviews. I know I read them. Especially if I’m about to spend some serious money or I’m looking to form a working relationship. 

ALWAYS respond immediately to anyone that has sent you a personal message. Clients won’t do that unless they are very very keen. 

ALWAYS where possible respond to emailed leads (Elite Pro only) again if they have reached out to you. That is already your foot in the door. The likelihood of closing a deal with someone who has reached out to you is much much higher. At that point is just a price negotiation issue. 

Remember that most of the people you’ll deal with – WILL COME BACK! it will all be repeat business if you deliver what you promise – and a little extra.

How helpful have you found our Customer Success team?

Great customer service team. If you ever ring them it’s a pleasure to speak with them. Every single team member I’ve spoken to in 5 years has been wonderful.

And that’s Simon, Media Monkey’s very own ‘Designamator’, disrupting the design world one motion reel at a time. If you’re looking to bring a new lease of life to your next digital project, head over to Media Monkey’s Bark profile to make an enquiry – check out its stunning 3D animation, read reviews and request a quote, all on Bark today!

You can find Media Monkey on social media too! Search mediamonkeybusiness on Facebook for more examples of its brilliant work.








How to make your UK tax return less stressful

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of filling out a tax return, you’ll know how laborious the process is. Sitting there with documents in hand, your mission is to report every penny that’s made its way into your business since last April. In the end, you’ll be given a bill for your trouble. If you don’t submit your return on time or correctly, it could lead to serious fines. Hence, tax returns can be very stressful. 

The fact is your tax return still needs doing whether you enjoy completing it or not. Here’s how to make your tax return less stressful to lighten the load. 

Don’t put it off 

In the toss-up between dentist vs tax return, most people would prefer to have that root canal rather than work out how much they owe HMRC. Those who earn at least £1,000 from their self-employment are given until January 31st to complete their tax return, along with paying any amount that’s owed. Given that the tax year ends in April, that’s a lot of time to get it done and dusted.

While nobody enjoys filling out their tax return – let alone paying tax and other contributions – it’s something you simply can’t ignore. Like with any difficult task you face in your business, avoiding procrastination is the best way to go. Even if you are facing a large bill, if you have several months to figure out a plan, this is far less stressful than finding out the day before you are supposed to pay it! 

Work as you go along 

Spending hours trawling through your accounts, trying to work out how much money you’ve earned this year is very time-consuming. Given all the software that’s available these days, it’s unnecessary too. Filling out your books as you go is far better in the long run, as you won’t have to sift through mountains of receipts or bank statements. 

Remember that HMRC can ask to see your books at any time. The last thing any business owner needs is a mad scramble to throw your accounts together when just a few minutes a week could take care of the hassle for you. It will also help you to track your profits better too, which can vary from month to month, especially if you’re a freelancer. 

Create a separate savings account 

One of the main reasons that a tax return is so stressful is because when you’ve completed it, you then have to hand over a large wad of cash. Anything up to £12,500 is part of your personal allowance, but above that figure, your income will be taxed at between 20% and 45%. 

Understandably, paying tax is daunting for most people. But one of the ways you can lessen the sting is to siphon the money out into a separate savings account automatically. That way, when it comes to paying your tax bill you’ll always have the means to pay it. 

Consult an accountant

Accountants are undoubtedly the best people to help you with your tax return because this is their area of expertise. Plus, most people find they actually save money by using an accountant, especially when it comes to things such as the deductions you are entitled to claim.

They will also make sure your tax return is submitted correctly and on time, which will be a huge weight lifted off your mind. Compared to going it alone when you aren’t sure what you are doing, asking an expert is always the better option. 

Take the pain out of the process with trusted tax return accountants on Bark.

To Sum Up

As with all aspects of running a business, forward planning can save you a lot of aggravation. Completing a tax return is no different. By not putting it off and saving as you go, you can make the process much smoother. 

If in doubt, an accountant can help you make sense of everything. They can even show you where you can make savings, as well as ensure everything is submitted correctly and on time.


How much does a web designer cost in the UK? 2020

Updated: Read our latest 2021 Web Design Price Guide.

Average price of a web designer in the UK

£400 – £1,000

What can I expect to pay for a web designer?

Need your website revamped or built from scratch, but not sure of the cost? Find out how much your web design expert will charge depending on your location, website size, design complexity and more.

What is a web designer?

There’s far more to web design than meets the eye. Designing a professional website with clear, user friendly navigation is a work of art. On top of that, you need to factor in additional features like web compatibility, quality content, and search engine optimisation. If you’re trying to grow your business, getting your website off the ground is the last thing you need to worry about! 

A web designer has the expert knowledge to ensure your website is search engine friendly and customised to your needs. They’ll remove the faff from the process and even save you money, as getting the job done right the first time around means you won’t have to worry about unexpected repair costs later down the line. 

How much does a web designer cost in the UK?

It’s tricky to determine the price of web design as no two websites are the same. To make life easier, we’ve put together a rough breakdown of average web design costs based on local UK professionals: 

Average Cost (in total) £500 – £600
Minimum Cost (in total) £250
Maximum Cost (in total) £1,500 – £2,000+

However, web designers can charge anything up to £5,000 for larger and more complex projects. It’s always worth discussing your budget with your web designer up front so that you’re both on the same page. 

What changes the price of hiring a web designer?

  • Location 
  • Size
  • Design complexity


Web designers set their prices to reflect the cost of living in their area. If you decide to hire a web designer in London, expect to pay more as the cost of living is higher than the rest of the UK. 

If you live in the big smoke but you’re on a budget, don’t despair! Web design is a remote service, so it’s possible to hire someone based in another part of the country, or even the world to you. This gives you more flexibility when it comes to pricing.

If you do choose someone from the other size of the world, remember that time differences could make communication tricky, and could even slow your project down. 



When it comes to determining the cost of web design, size can’t be ignored. The larger the website, the more sophisticated capabilities it will require, increasing the time (and money!)  it takes to design, build, and launch it. 

Here’s a breakdown of average web design total costs based on website size: 

Size of website Type of website Average Cost (in total)
Small Basic £200 – £500 
Medium  Small business  £500 – £1,100
Large  Ecommerce Site  £1,000 – £2,500 

When choosing the size of your website, it really depends on what you need the website to do. If you need a simple platform for posting blog content, a smaller sized website will do the trick. However, you might need a large website if you’re launching an e-commerce store, for example.

Design complexity

The complexity of design can also impact project costs. If you want to build a website for an e-commerce store, it will require far more pages, responsiveness, and animations than a simple blogger’s website. 

The more complex the design, the more time it’ll take to complete, and time is money! 

Is hiring a web designer worth the cost?

If the thought of web design costs is getting you in a wobble, read on for our top money saving tips: 

  • Keep web pages to a minimum – The more pages you want your website to have, the more time it will take your designer to complete, which means higher costs! Keep charges to a minimum by cutting out any pages that aren’t absolutely necessary. 
  • Get creative with your own photos – When choosing images for your website, avoid using costly stock photography. Why not tap into your creative side and take your own photos? This minimises costs as well as giving your website a personal touch. 
  • Keep it simple – When it comes to website design, simple is often much more effective. Don’t go overboard with reams of content, images or videos. This will keep costs down, and users often prefer a simple interface anyway – so it’s a win win!

If you’re looking to update your blog, or take your business online, find a Web Designer on Bark.

Wix vs. WordPress – which is the better option?

Thinking about creating a website? If you’ve already done your research, you’ve probably come across Wix and WordPress. Two of the most popular website providers, they’re both great options, but which one to choose? Depending on the type of website you need and your technical skills, one may be a better option than another. If choosing between Wix and WordPress is getting you into a wobble, let’s find out the best choice for you. 


Building a website on Wix couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is pick a theme and edit it to your needs by moving different elements around on the page – but pick wisely, as you won’t be able to change the theme once you’ve chosen it. However, for the web design rookies out there (and let’s face it, that’s most of us) the process is a breeze. If you’re looking for simplicity and functionality, then Wix is the web design tool for you. The best thing about Wix is that it’s free, although you can access advanced features by upgrading to premium packages. 

Wix Benefits:

  • Drag and drop style editor gives you complete freedom to move elements around on the page 
  • Basic package is free to access 
  • A variety of add-ons for all website types 

Wix Drawbacks: 

  • You can’t change the template of your site once it’s been created, so the only alternative would be to start again from scratch 
  • Dragging around different elements on the site editor can be time consuming 
  • Lacks a variety of features on the blog section, making it more difficult to customise or implement SEO


A whopping 50% of the internet is powered by WordPress, making it easier for onboarding new colleagues to work onto your site in comparison to other, less widely used web builders. 

Whether it’s developers, designers or content creators, most people know how to use WordPress. Bloggers are the biggest users of WordPress, though tools such as WooCommerce make it easy to use for those with eCommerce websites too. 

When it comes to building your WordPress site, there are thousands of themes available. And even better, if you want to change it, you can do so immediately without having to start your website again from scratch. However, as the only drag and drop feature is in Gutenberg (a blog text editor), you’ll need to have some technical know-how, or may need to hire someone who does.

WordPress Benefits 

  • The most popular CMS on the internet with thousands of themes available
  • Regularly updated
  • Sophisticated blog tool that gives more content displaying options 
  • Access to tools such as Yoast SEO and Google Analytics (unavailable on Wix) 

WordPress Drawbacks 

  • If you use the free version ( you’ll need to purchase hosting
  • Premium themes can be pricey 
  • Some technical knowledge is needed to manage plugins
  • Not at easy to access customer support

To sum up 

And there you have it, a short but sweet comparison of Wix and WordPress. In a nutshell, Wix lets you hit the ground running with easy visual editing. You can drag, drop and move elements without needing to know a single line of code. 

However, you can’t change your template later down the line, so it’s important to choose something you’re happy with. If you also decide to move providers, you may also need to rebuild your website from scratch. But for anyone who lacks technical knowledge, Wix is an ideal option. 

WordPress is the go-to for everyone, from bloggers to business owners. Its huge market share means you’ll find way more plugins and features than any other provider, though these aren’t always cheap. With WordPress, you have the freedom of choosing any theme and changing it at any time – providing complete flexibility as your website grows and evolves. 

A web designer can change or custom build you an entirely new theme on WordPress. While WordPress is more tricky to navigate than Wix, it provides businesses more freedom and flexibility. It has far more tools for SEO and bloggers too.