Meet Sina – Life Coach at BeBetter Coaching!

Today we had the pleasure of chatting with Sina to find out how she used Bark to grow her business as a full-time life coach!

Tell us a bit about you

I’ve been a coach for nearly two years now. My coaching journey started back in 2014 when I attended a Tony Robbins seminar – you might have seen the Netflix documentary “I’m Not Your Guru”? That’s the seminar I attended! I personally learned so much at that seminar and it sparked something in me, from then on I’ve had an enormous passion for self-development and constantly bettering myself.

I believe all the work, learning and research I’ve done since 2014 really shines through in my coaching practice and there’s nothing better than when a client calls me up and tells me about their success and how happy they are!

Wow, that sounds like such a rewarding career! So what were you doing before you started life coaching? 

Most recently I managed operations and HR for a startup real estate company in Los Angeles, before that, I had a long career in Hollywood being the executive assistant to multiple A-list celebrities and movie producers. While working in Hollywood I learned so much about business, creativity, and hard work, it was a great time.

Sounds like a really varied career! What made you want to try a career change and start your own company? 

I wanted a different lifestyle. I used to work really long hours and enjoyed it for a long time, but it was time for a change. Plus, I wanted to help individual people more than just helping the corporation and I found that I could do that through coaching. I knew the impact coaching had brought to my own life and I wanted to bring that experience to other people too, help them explore and realise how powerful they are when they really step up for themselves.

What a rewarding move! And what brought you to Bark? 

I came across Bark in an online search and found it to be a great platform, easy to navigate and use plus they have an endless amount of leads – which is fantastic! I think I joined over a year ago now and I’ve met some of the most amazing clients through Bark.

Tell us about your experiences on Bark 

I love using Bark because of the number of leads they attract and how easy the platform is to use. Their customer service is also amazing!

We love to hear it! And what’s the best thing about Bark?

That they connect me with the most amazing people that become great clients!

What are your top tips for success on Bark? 

When I buy a lead I always call them right away, text and email so they have my information at the top of their inbox or phone.

How helpful have you found our Customer Success Team? 

Super helpful, they’re very responsive and professional. I’m excited to keep using Bark to connect with new people. Thank you so much!

It was so refreshing to hear about Sina’s move from the corporate world to a career focused on helping others. Know anyone in need of a little mood boost? Share this blog post with them.

If you’re based in the US and looking to kick-start your future with a life coach you can find Sina on Bark! Check out her profile here.

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