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Gravity Design profile image

Gravity Design

Hi, this is Purushothman. K as a proprietor / Architect of the Gravity Design. There are three things you to choose Gravity Design such as, 1. Loyalty - We keep the words that are there in the Agreements. 2. Price - We quote the cost economically based on the requirements. 3. Quality - We choose 1st Quality materials and use Highly skilled workers only for the execution. The Gravity Desing has good professional Architects and Engineers to Design and execute your valuable space. Thank you...

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Hear from
a professional

How long have you been in business?

We have been in the profession for the past more than 15 years.

What guarantee does your work come with?

A Performance Guarantee is a contractor's promise to complete the construction project within the deadlines, while meeting all contractual conditions.

What do you love most about your job?

Collaborating with my team to overcome obstacles and fix problems on the job site is another way you'll put your skills to use. Strong networks are formed on construction projects because everyone on the team depends on everyone else to get the job done - Gravity Design.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Many people are inspired to start their own business for a variety of reasons, such as wanting to be their own boss, having a passion for a particular product or service, or seeing a need in the market that is not being met. Some people also want to create something that will make a positive impact on their community or the world. This company is my Dream - Gravity Design.

Why should our clients choose you?

There are three things you to choose Gravity Design such as,
1. Loyalty - We keep the words that are there in the Agreements.
2. Price - We quote the cost economically based on the requirements.
3. Quality - We choose 1st Quality materials and use Highly skilled workers only for the execution. The Gravity Desing has good professional Architects and Engineers to Design and execute your valuable space.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

The prevention of COVID-19 involves social distancing, wearing masks, and frequent hand washing.

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based on 1,00,761 reviews

Fabulous interior work of my 3bhk . Very reasonable pricing & quick response.

01 Sep 2024

Mojo Homes has done an excellent work for my home interior. Their design team & execution team done a wonderful work

30 Aug 2024

We got our house renovation done through Touchwood. It was a mix of carpentry, electrical, civil and painting works. All was done professionally and as per our requirements. Definitely recommended.

30 Aug 2024

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