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Pick the best

If you are the owner of a pet, you can make your life a little bit easier and your little friend’s life a lot better by using a specialized pet care service. This kind of service can take care of all your animal-related needs, including feeding, pet grooming, dog walking, training, and many others. There are specialists trained to take care of all kinds of animals, from puppies to tarantulas, so you can be sure that you will find the perfect caretaker for your pet with the help of Bark.
  • Bark will help you find pet care service providers that can groom, feed, and clean up after your animal. You can choose between a live-in service, pet daycare, and even a full-fledged pet hotel. The most important thing to consider when choosing this kind of service is the atmosphere, as you have to be sure that your precious pet will be kept in a loving environment when you aren’t around to care for it yourself.
  • Pet care services utilize modern technology to provide their clients with a higher quality of care. Today, you can find cat and doggy daycare centers that stream online videos, so you will be able to keep an eye on your pet through your laptop and make sure that it’s being treated with love and care.
  • Bark can put you in touch with a wide range of pet care services, including dog walking, mobile pet grooming, spa for pampered pets, and pet sitting. We can also help you find specialists who will train your pet and teach it different skills as well as provide you with advice on how to care for and feed your furry little friend.



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The average rating for Bark Pet Care professionals is 4.82, based on 1,009 reviews.

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