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Fynx Fitness

Bellevue, WA 98008

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Former US Navy Special Forces with a Master's in Education from Harvard University, and over 15 years of experience coaching and training individuals to achieve goals, create healthy habits, and build a life motivated by hope and confidence.

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Reviews (22)

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22 customer reviews

22 December 2023

Nick has helped me manage my arthritis and stay active. His knowledge of functional fitness and his ability to tailor exercises to my condition have made a significant difference in my quality of life.

21 December 2023

As a retiree, I wanted to focus on staying healthy and active. Nick's training program, tailored to my age and fitness level, has been wonderful. I'm enjoying a more active lifestyle and feeling great. More...

20 December 2023

Nick's training has helped me recover from a hip injury and get back to my love for dancing. His focus on strength, balance, and flexibility has been key in my recovery and improved performance.

19 December 2023

After having two kids, getting back into shape seemed daunting. Nick's supportive and tailored fitness program has been perfect for me. His focus on achievable goals has helped me regain my pre-pregnancy fitness level and even surpass it. More...

19 December 2023

I’ve been dealing with a lot of lower back pain and the doc said I should exercise. I was hesitant to start any exercise program because I thought it would just make it worse but Nick's understanding of injury recovery and his approach to how to treat the body have not only alleviated my pain but also improved my overall fitness. His training has been a life-changer for me. More...

18 December 2023

I started struggling with my balance right after the pandemic when I gained some weight. Nick's training has helped me immensely. He combined yoga with lots of high intensity stuff and I've never felt so strong and agile, and it's all thanks to his expert guidance. More...

18 December 2023

As a competitive runner, I was looking for a trainer who could elevate my performance. Nick's background as an endurance athlete and his holistic approach to training have helped me improve my running times without injury.

18 December 2023

Nick's coaching philosophy is unique and effective. He helped me set inspiring goals that motivated me to push way beyond what I thought was possible. With his support, I've achieved things I never imagined and gained a new level of self-respect. More...

17 December 2023

Nick's expertise in working with older clients is outstanding. His workouts were always tailored to my needs, even when I would ask him right before the session to change it. We did all sorts of strange exercises but they improved my balance so much and I feel so grateful I found him. More...

17 December 2023

Struggling with a weight plateau, I turned to Nick for help. His program, blending endurance and strength training, has been transformative. I've broken through my old record and am seeing consistent progress towards my fitness goals. More...

17 December 2023

Recovering from a shoulder injury, I was worried about getting back into weightlifting. Nick's personal experience with recovery from injury, combined with a little yoga, has been invaluable. I'm lifting again and feeling stronger every day. More...

17 December 2023

Nick's training style is perfect for someone like me. As a yoga enthusiast and senior, I appreciate his focus on balance, flexibility, and strength. His program has helped me maintain my health and vitality, and I feel more youthful and energetic. More...

12 December 2023

After a back injury, I was hesitant to return to any form of exercise. Nick's knowledge and focus on safe, functional fitness have been pivotal in my recovery. His program has not only helped me heal but also become stronger and more flexible than I was pre-injury. I was planning to quit after I recovered, but am still working out with Nick every week because of the energy I get. These sessions basically pay for themselves with all the extra work I can get done. More...

12 December 2023

Nick's blend of endurance and strength training has been incredible for my triathlon preparation. His tailored program and motivational coaching have been instrumental in helping me set personal records. I couldn't have done it without his expertise and support. More...

12 December 2023

Nick's training was a game-changer for me. After struggling with some serious physical setbacks, Nick helped me regain my balance and strengthen my legs again. His compassionate approach and focus on setting achievable goals really worked for me. The progress I made has filled me with a newfound sense of confidence in myself. More...

7 December 2023

As a former athlete, I was struggling to find a fitness routine that challenged me without causing injury. Nick's expertise in functional fitness and his background in Yoga provided exactly what I needed. His program has helped me reach new heights in my fitness journey. More...

7 December 2023

At 76, I never thought I could regain the mobility I had lost. Nick's patience and expertise in working with older clients like myself have been life-changing. I've regained independence and can enjoy walks and activities I thought were part of my past. He's a true professional with a heart of gold. More...

7 December 2023

Nick's approach to fitness is a breath of fresh air. After years of yo-yo dieting and inconsistent exercise routines, his holistic and sustainable program has finally helped me develop a healthier lifestyle. His focus on balance, strength, and endurance aligns perfectly with my goal of staying active and fit in my 50s. More...

6 December 2023

Wow, what an incredible journey it’s been! A year ago, I could barely manage basic exercises, let alone think about running a 10k. But here I am, four 10k runs later, each faster than the last, and now prepping for my first half marathon at 62! It’s not just about the physical training; it’s about the emotional support and overcoming my own doubts. The guidance in strength training and yoga, coupled with the freedom and encouragement to explore fitness independently, has truly revolutionized my life. The joy and gratitude I feel are overwhelming. It’s a beautiful feeling to rediscover your strength and break through barriers you once thought impossible! More...

6 December 2023

As someone who's pretty critical, I'm genuinely impressed with the results from these training sessions. Coming in with constant lower back pain and limited flexibility, I wasn't sure what to expect. But now? Daily walks and a regular flexibility routine have almost wiped out my back issues. And if there's a flare-up, I know exactly how to handle it. What's more, we've tweaked my diet, and the fat's starting to come off steadily. It's about getting real value for my time and money, and I can honestly say I'm getting that here. It's logical, effective, and, to put it simply, it just works. More...

5 December 2023

Finding the right personal trainer can be tough, but I hit the jackpot here. Over the last 5 years, I've lost over 100 lbs and now, thanks to the fantastic mix of gym work focusing on balance, strength, and cardio, I'm walking 2 miles daily. This isn't just another training gig for me. The attention to detail, from fitness to nutrition, has been a game-changer. You know, I've started and stopped with trainers before, but this time it's different. The motivation and in-depth knowledge here have given me that extra push. I've never stuck with a trainer this long before, and the results? Way beyond anything I've achieved with other programs or videos. Truly life-changing! More...

29 November 2023

Wow, what an incredible journey it’s been! A year ago, I could barely manage basic exercises, let alone think about running a 10k. But here I am, four 10k runs later, each faster than the last, and now prepping for my first half marathon at 62! It’s not just about the physical training; it’s about the emotional support and overcoming my own doubts. The guidance in strength training and yoga, coupled with the freedom and encouragement to explore fitness independently, has truly revolutionized my life. The joy and gratitude I feel are overwhelming. It’s a beautiful feeling to rediscover your strength and break through barriers you once thought impossible! More...


Most people fail to achieve their goals, not from a lack of desire, but from a lack of consistency. The key to reaching your goals is not one big effort, but lots of small, continuous efforts. There are ways to speed up progress in the short run, but the most valuable thing you can learn when it comes to achieving goals is to stay focused on them even when the rest of the world is trying to get you to look elsewhere. Boss wants that report now! A family member needs help with their car now! Your dishwasher breaks, the store is closed, the dog needs to go to the vet, etc, etc. The reasons are endless, and every day something will try to distract you from those goals. Not only will I help you to stay focused, but I will also teach you how to design a life that is impervious to the chaos attempting to keep you from achieving your dreams.

Getting the body of your dreams is going to take everything you have and you are going to need all the help you can get, including the help of your body. There are over 100 trillion cells in your body, containing millions of years of knowledge and programming. You need to work with that, not against it. You cannot succeed at a goal so difficult while fighting against your body. Only by working with it can you reach the highest version of yourself. So how do you get your body to stop fighting you and join your team on your mission to get in the best shape of your life? Here is the secret: Love. If you can find a way to love and accept your body, exactly as it is right now, it will join you and work with you to remake itself however you want. If, instead, you say "I will love you when you look like XYZ" it will never give you its best. You must first learn to be kind to yourself, encourage yourself, and give yourself a break. Be on your team! Don't let anyone tell you you aren't skinny enough, tall enough, strong enough. You are enough. And you are going to become even more than you ever dreamed by starting from a place of love instead of a place of guilt or shame. Every day, let your body know what a good job its doing for you and watch as it begins to give you more than you ever thought possible.

Physical fitness has profound effects on a person's mental well-being. Exercise boosts our mood, improves our confidence, and makes us kinder and more patient people. Every day I get to help someone create that goodness, that kindness, that inspiring confidence for themselves and everyone they will meet that day. What could be better than that?

If you are looking for a holistic approach to health and wellness that transforms your view of fitness from something that you have to do into something you are genuinely excited to incorporate into your life, I am the coach for you. I will make each and every session fun and interesting while ensuring we stay on the fastest path to your goals.

Yes. I'm happy to provide online training and coaching sessions.
